Food Drive checklist - to DETROIT
Before you begin, please read over the online sign-up form
for the June Food/Grocery Drive.
Please help the Parish Social Ministry Director, Scott Wright, with proof
it & keeping it up-to-date. Public information posted includes:
the store(s) that donate the empty bags, names of organizations whose clients
get the groceries, the grocery lists, volunteer times, etc.
Publicize the need for coordinator. One coordinator person
must keep track of the details of who & what is already committed or
"Sign-ups" are e-mailed through the web page. Decide who
is responsible to pay attention to the sign-ups & any questions that
may arise from participants. Unless the participant has a question
and requests a response, we need NOT respond to the sign-ups. The
volunteers that sign-up are told, "We look forward to seeing you at your
committed sign-up time. We will not contact you before the event
unless there is some change in our needs." All sign-up sheets
that are returned to the office by fax and/or in the collection basket
at St. Francis are given to an evening receptionist to be typed into the
Web form sign-up, which is automatically submitted to the e-mail address
of the person responsible.
Four weeks before:
1. Contact : Corpus Christi Catholic
Parish, Detroit, MI:
Fr. Donald (Don) Archambault, Pastor
: (St. Gerard Center 313-537-5770); (The Social Ministry Director, Nalani
is at Immaculate Heart of Mary Center IHM 313-272-0990); ;
Mailing Address: 19800 Pembroke Ave., Detroit,
MI 48219-2145.
--- New
Hope Community Development - Non-Profit Housing Corporation
- Also
--- North
West Detroit Youth Coalition - Also
--- & SAYA
Summer Camp
A. Find out what sort of food they need.
B. Make sure they can be open the Sunday of the drive to accept the bags.
C. Communicate that our St. Francis brigade wants
to meet others, people that live in the neighborhood as well as staff.
We hope to have at least 10-20 hungry volunteers from St. Francis Parish
& we hope to eat lunch with some of your folks for conversation.
3. Prepare 4-6 shopping lists of items needed. These
lists will go on the bag and should have no more than ~$10-~$15 worth of
items in each. See the template lists from
last year: (From
Roger in Nov 2008 FoodLists1-6Nov.doc) (on
the food drive page, or) print them from PDF
Format or, edit & print from PUBLISHER
Format. Scott at the parish office can print the Grocery Lists.
Arrange to have the shopping lists printed & copied. Copy
each type of shopping list on a different color paper, cut the page in
half & suffle the the different color lists. (You are free
to make colored paper copies at St. Francis Office if you tell the person
at the front desk that it is for the Food Drive. Questions:
See the Social Ministry Director about colored paper & copying at St.
Francis Parish Office.)
4. Get 1000 Grocery Bags: Contact grocery stores (see list
of suggested stores below) to get bags. Get the bags from the grocery
store and place them in the Social Ministry Office, or, in the Parish Office
Meeting Room Kitchen.
Print a letter for the Grocery Store with a TAX deductible note.
5. Staple Bags: arrange to have volunteers staple food lists
to bags. (Perhaps deliver printed lists & the grocery bags
to volunteers to get them stapled together. Not more than one week before
the drive: The labled Grocery Bags should be placed in the church ushers'
room. Make sure the volunteer distributors know that the bags are
in the church ushers' room. If the bags are ready sooner than one
week befor the drive then they should be stored in the Social Ministry
Office.) Perhaps contact: Middle School Youth Director (821-2133)
or School (821-2282) at St. Francis.
6. Confirm the Car Pool Drivers for the Sunday of the
drive Departure from St. Francis. On Sunday,
at 12:00 Noon- 4PM. (Extra drivers enables
persons with disabilities & those not able to drive to participate
in the event.) (In the past: 2005,
we had a car pool. 2004, & 2003, we
used the Father Gabriel Richard High School Bus.
And, 2002, & 2001, we used the:
school bus from the Ann Arbor Public Schools.
7. Get a U-haul truck - the bigest, 26 foot long
(their largest). - for Saturday by the end of 5PM Mass &
to be returned by about 5PM on Sunday.
(In the past:2005,
we used the U-HAUL TRUCK from ... and had to return it to a station in
Detroit. In 2004, &
2003, & 2002, we
used the: U-HAUL TRUCK on Washtenaw Ave., Ypsilanti. AND, in 2001,
we used the: U-HAUL TRUCK CENTER, 3655 S. STATE St., Ann Arbor.
8. Prepare announcements for the Forum and to be given
by the priest at Mass. (Scott Wright prepares all announcements.)
The announcements should both, give parishioners information about the
drive, and, ask for volunteers. The Forum should have a form, and
a Web address for accepting volunteers.
9. Distribute the empty bags: arrange to have volunteers
distribute the empty bags. The empty bags are distributed by volunteeers
one week before the delivery date at every door of the church & at
the end of every Mass.
10. Prepare maps to delivery location & several extra
copies for the U-haul truck & car pool drivers/Bus.
"For the day of the drive our contact person is _________________."
One week before:
The labled Grocery Bags should be placed in the church ushers' room.
Make sure the volunteer distributors know that the bags are in the church
ushers' room.
we actually ran out of bags at the Sunday 5:00 mass on 2/4/2007.
There were a few people who asked for bags but didn't receive them.
Next time around, it might be helpful to have an extra stack of the grocery
lists that could be handed to people if the bags run out. That way
they could take a list, fill a bag they already have at home, staple the
list on the bag and bring it back the following week. Just a thought.
The Saturday and Sunday of the delivery:
Signs must be posted on the church doors stating, "Take the food to your
seat." (These signs are already made and laminated in the Parish
Social Minstry Office file cabinet under "Food Drive".
For the 12:15 Mass only the backside of the signs should state, "Take the
food to the Big Truck in front of the PAC."
Make sure an announcement is made after each mass for volunteers to "Take
the food to your seat" except at the 12:15 the announcement is at
the beginning of Mass & it states "Take the food to the delivery truck."
As food is moved to the truck, make sure there are people to help load
Have a padlock to lock the cargo area of the truck.
Tables can be used in the truck as shelving for the grocery bags.
(They can be put in the truck on Saturday or Sunday morning.) Remember
that you will need some lightweight rope & scissors to tie the tables
to the wall of the truck.
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Schedule for the weekend of the June Food Drive for delivery to
Loading the U-haul Truck
5PM Saturday -
7AM Sunday -
8:45AM Sunday -
10:30AM Sunday -
12:15PM Sunday -
Delivery Truck Schedule
(Driver) _______________
(Rider) _______________
What Food will Driver eat for lunch???
We will load food on truck before 12:15 Mass begins!
So, the signs on the church doors need to be turned around, to say
take the food to the U-haul Truck!
12:15PM - Car Pool of volunteers depart from St. Francis for Detroit.
12:45PM - Truck depart from St. Francis for Detroit
1:00PM - Car Pool of volunteers arrive at Corpus Christi
Parish, Detroit.
1:05PM - eat lunch.
1:30PM - Truck arrive at Corpus Christi Parish, Detroit.
1:30PM - unload bags of groceries.
2:30PM - the Truck will depart for St. Francis, Ann Arbor.
3:30PM - the Truck will arrive at St. Francis, Ann Arbor.
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Grocery Stores that have donated grocery bags in the past:
- Buschs Valu Land, 2020 Green Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105,
- Buschs Valu Land, 2240 S. Main St.,
Pittsfield Township, Ann Arbor, MI 48103, (Phone: 734-998-2666)
- Hiller's Market, 3615 Washtenaw Avenue (Arborland Mall), Ann
Arbor MI 48104, (677-2370).
- Kroger Store, On Industrial (near Stadium), Ann Arbor
MI 48105.
- Whole Foods Market, 3135 Washtenaw Ave., at Huron Parkway
Ann Arbor MI 48104; (769-0900).
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After it's all done:
1. Pat yourself on the back, good job and thanks for your help.
2. Relax
3. Review & let us know: A. Was it helpful?
B. Was there a major task, which you needed to do which should be on this
checklist? C. Did any of the contact information change? Did you
find new contacts?
More Information on the Bus & Truck History at:
C:\My Documents\Scott Wright\AA Activities at St. Francis\Transportation\Bus
& Truck.txt
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the Parish Social Ministry Office,
Read more about the next food drive program on the Internet at:
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church,
2150 Frieze Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48104