     the Gospel
       always, and
    when necessary
    use words"
-St Francis of Assisi-
St. Francis HOME
Weekly Forum
Social Ministry
Social Concerns
Social Teachings
St. Vincent Service
 United States Conference of 
Catholic Bishops'
Web site
 United States Conference of 
Catholic Bishops' 
Respect Life Program
We Gladly Collaborate with these other organizations:
ICPJ in Ann Arbor, The Interfaith Council of Peace & Justice
Pax Christi Michigan
Michigan Peace Team
"Jubilee USA Network", is a continuation of the Forgive the Debt Campaign which was begun by the
Diocese of Lansing Jubilee 2000 committee in October 1998.  St. Francis Parish collected over 700 signatures on the petition.
Melkite Archbishop 
Elias Chacour
“Don’t just talk peace.   Live  it.” at St Francis 
November 2008


Peace & Justice Committee
to address respect for life Issues at
St. Francis of Assisi, Ann Arbor

The Peace & Justice Committee serves as the link between the parish and the larger community- educating, advocating, and promoting peace, justice and social concerns relevant to/and related to Catholic Social Teaching. This committee is concerned with the sacredness of life decisions people make at all stages of life, respect life issues, and, with advocacy on issues that effect human dignity here in the local county and beyond, reaching out as a mission to peoples all over the world.

The Peace and Justice Committee
meets once each month at 
7PM on the first Monday. 
(See the Parish weekly newsletter
"FORUM" for dates and times.)

  • Contact the committee chairperson:
  • Kelly Gauthier (769-0807) 
  • or, the Parish Social Ministry Office,  .
  • Our Parish Peace & Justice Yahoo Group
  • The following Articles Apply
    Catholic Social Teaching during specific times and seasons.


    Weekly Bulletin Forum
    Peace & Justice
    PROJECT List
    & Task Force Groups 
    Acting on these life issues:
    Peacemakers Forum 


    Go Deeper With God
    Energy Fast to Sack Hunger!

    Justice Prayer Partners
    Catholic Social Teaching

    Advocates for Justice
    Legislative Acts
    CROP Walk
    Pro-Life Committee
    Advocating for the Unborn
    Catholic Teaching on Health Care is at: www.usccb.org/healthcare/
    Climate Change
    & Global Warming
    Environmental Concerns &-Garden Project
    Affordable Housing
    Justice for Immigrants
    KING, Martin Luther
    Join us in commemorating the
    Reverend Dr. 
    Martin Luther King, Jr.
    in January each year
    Special Collections 
    & Disaster Relief
    Opposition to 
    Indiscriminate Warfare 
    &  Disarmament Efforts 

    Just War Theory Guidelines
    AIDS Survivors get Help
    Darfur, Sudan - 
    STOP the Genocide
    Fair Trade
    Jubilee USA Network & International Debt
    End the Death Penalty
    Disabilities Liaison
    Create a New Task Force to Act on -other respect life issues such as: Assisted Suicide; Capital Punishment;  Stem Cell Research; &  Euthanasia.

    St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Parish Social Ministry Office, 
    2150 Frieze Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48104

    St. Francis Parish Home