The St. Vincent de Paul Society here at our
In both Scripture and tradition, all Christians are called
to look beyond themselves and do good works in their communities.
At the parish level, ministries serving others are often grouped together
under the heading of Social Ministry. St. Francis of Assisi has several
active Social Ministry
groups, including a chapter of the St. Vincent de Paul
Society (SVDP).
Many factors put people in need, and many organizations
work hard to lessen the general impact of those factors in our society.
While that valuable work goes on, the immediate needs of the poor must
be addressed, and that is the mission of the St. Vincent de Paul Society.
"Person-to-person service", helping the individual, is the defining component
of Society works. We work directly with the poor in our community
to alleviate financial hardship.
Through our programs, SVDP provides worthy outlets for
all three of the resources Christians are called to share time, talent,
and treasure.
Please consider getting involved in our projects,
or joining SVdP to help our Society select and develop future programs.
SVDP at St. Francis continues to grow in membership and
prayer and most importantly in our ability to serve those in need. |
St. Francis of Assisi Parish,
Ann Arbor,
St. Vincent dePaul /
Christian Service Committee
Come Serve the Poor with
The joint Committee of Christian Service & St. Vincent de Paul Society
establishes and nurtures ministries at St. Francis that provide direct
Inspired by the innovative spirit of its patron, our parish St. Vincent
de Paul Society (SVDP) & Christian Service joint Committee is a group
of women and men that "seeks in a spirit of justice and charity and by
person-to-person involvement of its members, to help those who are suffering."
The SVDP Christian Service Group provides direct service, to address Social
Concerns, & human dignity needs relevant to/and
related to Catholic
Social Teaching.
We collaborate with other people & agencies of good will in relieving
"de-humanizing needs" of all people, (both within and outside of the parish)
and working to spread Gospel values. Come and join us.
We promote projects such as: Serving Meals for
the Hungry; TRANSPORTATION - Car Donations & Vehicle Transfers; Budgeting
Strategies & Informaiton; Support Holy Family Ministries Summer Camp;
Shelters for the homeless, Food/Grocery Bags for the hungry, Tax Assistance
for the poor, the Giving Tree & Christmas Dinner Parties for local
charities such as Safe House.
The Christian Service & St. Vincent de
Paul Society joint Committee
meets ~once each month at
7PM (dates to be determined)
(Normally on the
first Thursday)
the Parish weekly newsletter
for dates and times.)
Contact the St. Vincent de
Paul / Christian Service committee chairperson,
2009-2011: Chris Kempton (623-9845)
or, the Parish Social Ministry Office,
Weekly Bulletin
Christian Service /
St. Vincent de Paul
Christian Service Facebook group
Budgeting Strategies & Financial
Management Programs
Food/Grocery Drives
Giving Tree for Christmas
Re-gift Box
Charity Christmas Dinner Party for
Perry Nursery School of Ann Arbor
Serve a Meal for the Hungry
Shelter Association for Men at St. Francis
Shelter for families at IHN - Alpha House
Service Projects (Lent)
in Detroit with Corpus Christi Parish
Support Holy Family Ministries
St. Francis Parish & our St. Vincent de Paul Society
supports Holy Family Ministries Summer Camp every year with both, money
for camp and with volunteers.
Fresh Water -
Drill a Well in Nigeria
Justice for Immigrants
Ways we Spend Money from the St. Vincent de Paul
Help at
Home St. Francis
responds to Needs During the Economic Crisis.
"What to Do" if in need of "Emergency
are grateful for the good work of Friends-In-Deed our social service network
for local congregations.
Francis: ideas to cut costs a list of ways to live frugally and
faithfully during the challenges which the current economy posses.
SVdP Store in Ann Arbor- We
are grateful for the good work of this store, and we want to promote its
Recruiting for other projects such as:
Jail Ministry,
Crop Walk,
other charitiy Walks,
Christmas in ACTION,
Habitat for Humanity,
Pregnancy Help Center,
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Parish Social
Ministry Office,
2150 Frieze Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48104