     the Gospel
       always, and
    when necessary
    use words"
-St Francis of Assisi-
St. Francis HOME
Weekly Forum
 Social Ministry
Peace and Justice
In mid January 
is also the 
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


Celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr.

One great way to celebrate the life of a “hero” is to incorporate their values into our life today.  Today you are invited to pursue new habits that will help you to develop further your own Personal Power of Purpose.  Your own “P;” as our St. Francis Parish Career Network Leaders would call it. 

Martin Luther King, Jr. had a clear Personal Power of Purpose, which he eloquently shared with his audiences.  He advocated the liberation of all people, and the elimination of the injustices that plague our society, like racism, poverty, and war. 

While he was not a Catholic himself, we celebrate the life and work of Martin Luther King Jr. because his goals are completely aligned with the themes of Catholic Social Teaching:  the life and dignity of all people; the call to community participation and inclusion of all Americans, regardless of their skin color, in our democracy; the duty to advocate for those who are downtrodden, putting the needs of the poor and vulnerable first; and solidarity in our one human family, regardless of racial, ethnic, economic, and ideological differences. 

Imagine what we could accomplish if we all found such a sense of purpose, and the courage to live it!"



For the 4th year in a row (2008 - 2011):  At the weekend Masses on 
January 15-16, 2011,
join us at St. Francis Parish as we
Celebrate and Honor the Life of the
Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,
through scripture and song,
to recognize his good efforts and advancement of our Human Rights & Civil Rights as certainly in keeping with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

(MLK Day is a National Holiday observed on the third Monday of January each year, 
around the time of King's birthday, January 15.)
See & hear the music videos of the 2010 MLK celebration here.

At all masses on Saturday and Sunday, January 15 & 16, 2011, St. Francis of Assisi Parish will commemorate the memory of the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. 

The 5PM Mass on Sunday, January 16th, 2011will feature the Contemporary Choir under the direction of Carol Fedewa and the Corpus Christi Choir under the direction of Michelle Baines. Corpus Christi Parish is our sister parish in Detroit, MI. 

Supper following the mass 5-7PM  will be a spaghetti dinner fundraiser served by the St. Francis Knights of Columbus.     Come see the Dr. King Display in the PAC.
All are welcome. . . 

It is only right and proper that we do this, since Dr. King’s life and the cause for which he died were in full accord with the teachings embedded in the Church’s social doctrine.  Over the centuries, the Church has shown her concern for human life in society, for the relationships of justice and love that form the fabric of society.  The Church has protected and promoted the dignity and rights of the person, and peace in the relationships between persons and between communities of persons. Dr. King, through his life, his work and his death, championed the dignity and rights of his people—and of all people.  Join with us in commemorating him at our Masses on by praying for the coming of peace and justice throughout the world.                         ----- Written by: Phil Kearney

2008 & 2009:

This special effort to honor Dr. King, as well as, our relationship with the choir at Corpus Christi Parish (our sister parish in Detroit), started at St . Francis Parish on January 19-20, 2008, thaks to our St. Francis Peace & Justice Committee.

Thanks to those of you who went out of your way to make this happen:  Michelle Baines, the Corpus Christi’s music minister; Carol Fedewa, the St. Francis’ music minister; and members of St. Francis Peace & Justice committee, especially, Phil Kearney, Patti Yonka & Mary Wakefield.


St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Parish Social Ministry Office, 
2150 Frieze Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48104

St. Francis Parish Home