     the Gospel
       always, and
    when necessary
    use words"
-St Francis of Assisi-
St. Francis HOME
Social Ministry
Twin (sister) Parishes of 
St. Francis of Assisi, 
Ann Arbor, also include...

St. Benedict Parish:  From Ann Arbor, Take M 14 to I 96 to the Davidson, which is a local street for a couple of
miles then goes into an express way.  Immediately after you enter the express way prepare to exit Woodward Ave.  Take Woodward North to Candler... (one street past the light at Ferris) ... Candler is the second street after you go under the Train crossing.  (Also you might see "Church Street".)  Turn right, we are just before you get to John R.


St. Francis Parish Home
Our Sister Parish, St. Benedict.
Twin Sister Parish

Our parish is nurturing a mutual exchange of ideas and hopes, 
and sharing our Catholic faith with members of 
St. Benedict Catholic Church
60 Church St., Highland Park MI 48203
(web site)

 Contact: the St. Francis Parish Social Ministry Office,  Scott Wright (734-821-2121)  .
Or, contact: St. Benedict Parish,        (313-868-3876)   .

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On 1/7/2009:
Today, Scott Wright made a visit and delivered gift items to Mr. Paul Moore & St. Benedict community.
  •  6 shawls/ lap blankets;
  • 35 hats for babies (4) children (7) and for adults(23);
  • 17 scarves for children (7) and for adults (10);
  •  2 pair of mittens for children (1) and adults (1);
For the people served by your ministry who might derive some comfort, warmth, and spiritual sustenance from them, we have knit or crocheted these items while praying for the recipients who will one day wear them, especially for your persons who are shut-in homebound, and, for the babies in your infant mortality program.      

Our St. Francis Parish ministry group is called "Knitting Into the Mystery: A Shawl Ministry".


At 02:44 PM 12/14/2006, Tom McGuire wrote:
North Pointe Academy (a charter school) operates where St Benedict School once did. 

The current Pastor Fr. Bob McGrath will become Pastor of St. Alexander's in Farmington Hills as of January 5th.  The new Pastor will be Msgr Mike LeFevre.  Msgr Mike is Rector of the Cathedral, has two other parishes besides St. Benedict, puls other Archdiocesan responsibilities.

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       St. Benedict Parish was founded in 1915, and the school was opened for business on September 15, 1919.  It was both a grade and high school until 1967, when the population shifts of the 50's and 60's had so decreased the parish family (from 10 masses every Sunday to just one today), that they closed the high school. 
        After 1967, the parents kept the school going, and we average about 200+ students a year in grades Pre-8th.  On September 22, 2004, St. Beniedict School has a total school population of 160 kids  (Pre-school - 5th. Grades = 120 kids) (6th. - 8th. Grades = 40 more kids).
       There are no longer any Sisiters of St. Joseph on the staff; there is only one priest in a rectory that used to house 10; the convent is rented out as a residential treatment facilty; 3 rooms in the school are leased to the Michigan Infant Mortality Project; the gym is rented out to various organizations throughout the community.  Our families, most of whom are non-Catholic, work very hard to keep us open to provide a Catholic education to the children in all the surrounding area, including Highland Park, Detroit, and many other communities.

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Philosophy and Goals for the Relationship:

We seek to foster a cooperative relationship between the parishes that focuses on sharing our gifts with one another. 
  • St. Benedict’s has generous and talented parishioners, and, a beautiful church that embodies the historical traditions of our faith.  Also a rich African-American culture especially within the school community. 
  • St. Francis has financial resources, generous and talented parishioners, and multiple educational opportunities. 

  •  a.  Long Term Goals: 
    -- Build meaningful relationships between people of both St. Francis Parish & St. Benedict Parish leading us all to a better understanding and appreciation of one another as Children of God.
     b.  Short Term Goals: 
    --Continue to support and encourage the camp sponsored by Holy Family Ministry
    -- Continue the St. Francis food drives to support St. Benedict Parish, School and their ministry called, Wellness House of Michigan (313-993-1336) Robert J. Fetzer, Executive Director <rjfwhom@aol.com> 1419 W. Warren (at Trumbull and Warren), Detroit  MI  48208.

    -- Explore a camp experience for middle school students from both parishes in August, right before school begins.

    * Past Accomplishments:  The St. Benedict 8th Graders came to St. Francis for a retreat experience in Spring 2002, the St. Francis 8th Graders went to St. Benedict for a retreat experience in April 2003, food drives, the family camp, visits of people from both parishes and schools with each other, Holy Thursday Easter Basket Delivery, Student fund raiser for text books; Sports Equipment Drive 2004.
    St. Francis School Leadership Council, and the 
    School PTG Service Committee, plan to offer the service project,
    "Holloween Party in a Bag".
    Today, September 22, 2004, I spoke with Sharon at St. Benedict School.  She/They are willing and able to accept your generous kindness.   Sharon said that it would be wonderful if you wanted to do this project with them...   Learn more about current & past School PTG Service Committee Projects.

    This page contains drawings of 

    the school and church buildings at St. Benedict.

    St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Parish Social Ministry Office, 
    2150 Frieze Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48104

    St. Francis Parish Home