     the Gospel
       always, and
    when necessary
    use words"
-St Francis of Assisi-

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Pro-LIFE Committee

St. Francis Parish
Pro-LIFE Committee
Stop Injustice With Your Signature, That They Might HAVE LIFE:
Coordinator: Gint Gaska

(Petitions being signed after 12:15 mass in front of the PAC.)

We Encourage You to SIGN The Petition 
to End Partial-birth Abortion. 
If you’re a registered voter in Michigan you can sign the petition.  Please, sign it in the Parish Office.  Contact: the Parish Social Ministry Office (821-2121).

This Petition will Enact the law which will Define the moment of legal birth when a baby is born & when that new human being is legally a human being with full rights.
Thus, it will End Partial-birth Abortion.

Learn more at:  www.micatholicconference.org/
Or at: www.thepeoplesoverride.com/

Dear fellow parishioners,
    On behalf of the entire Respect Life Task Force, I would like to thank the over 75 volunteers who assisted in the petition-gathering work last weekend, March 6-7, 2004.  Even with the intermittent wind, rain and snow the petition drive at St. Francis was a great success with 1048 signatures collected.  Other good news is that the needed 254,000 signatures has just recently been collected statewide (an additional 75,000 signatures are still wanted to provide a good surplus buffer).  Thank you, and God bless you all for helping to defend the most innocent of life - the unborn.               - Gint Gaska

Volunteer Sign-Up
We Need Your Help Collecting Signatures after all the Masses on March 6/ 7th.  Please, Call & Volunteer to Help Now! 

Or, Sign-up Below to Help enact the law which will define the moment of legal birth and, thus, put an end to partial-birth abortion.   The help of every individual matters.More Information Here Below!

Return the SIGN-UP in the collection basket (or Fax 734-821-2102) it to the parish office.  Contact: the Parish Social Ministry Office  .

-----------------------------  -----------------------------
Volunteer SIGN-UP – That They Might HAVE LIFE: 2004

     Telephone:(Home# Work# Day# Evening#)

     E-mail Address:

__  Collect signatures via clipboard (Registered Voters).
__  Staff a table in the PAC.

Check the Mass time(s) for which you can volunteer:
__  Sat 5pm - __  Sun 7am - __  Sun 8:45am - 
__  Sun 10:30am - __  Sun 12:15pm - __ Sun 5pm

__  Make signs/posters.
__  Call members of my group/ministry/etc. encouraging them to sign the petition.
__  Sign the Petition.

List any other comments Here:

We look forward to seeing you at your committed sign-up time. We will contact you before the event.
-----------------------------  -----------------------------
This law will NOT stop all abortions, but it will stop one type which is performed by killing a child at the moment of birth.
Learn more at: www.micatholicconference.org/
Or at: www.thepeoplesoverride.com/

Stop Injustice With Your Signature,  That They Might HAVE LIFE:

One of the ways that the Diocese of Lansing does legislative work is through the Michigan Catholic Conference- the public policy voice of the Church in this state.  The Michigan Catholic Conference is currently focused on The Legal Birth Definition Act (LBDA).  This law will define the moment of legal birth, so that when the child is delivered outside the mother's body, he/she is then a person, legally born and afforded all of the rights of legal person-hood.   Therefore, the legal definition would put an end to partial-birth abortion.

What is a partial-birth abortion? A partial-birth abortion is an abortion technique used in which the person performing the abortion partially vaginally delivers a living fetus before killing the fetus and completing the delivery.
Learn more at: www.micatholicconference.org/
Or at: www.thepeoplesoverride.com/

The Signature Petition Drive is called  "The People's Override - Standing Together To Oppose Partial-Birth Abortion" "STTOP".  Signing your name to the statewide, citizen-initiated petition assists the Church in its ongoing mission to protect the sacredness of human life and human dignity.  The help of every individual matters.

Your Signature will help to enact the law that will define legal birth & all rights of legal person-hood at least 254,206 valid signatures of registered Michigan voters are needed.  This will define legal person-hood at the time when a child is in the process of being born.  This law will NOT stop all abortions, but it will stop this one type of abortion also know as the medical procedure of dilation and extraction, more commonly referred to as partial-birth abortion 

We need your help collecting signatures.  Registered voters can sign the petition which will be available after all Masses on March 6/ 7th.  Please Call & Volunteer to help Now!

Volunteers for, and questions regarding the petition drive at St. Francis can be directed to  St. Francis  Stop Abortion Task Force Chair. Or, the Parish Social Ministry Office 

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church,
2150 Frieze Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Parish Social Ministry Office,  .


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