     the Gospel
       always, and
    when necessary
    use words"
-St Francis of Assisi-
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See the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops pro-life web pages at:

Also, Read the
Respect Life Articles 
from USCCB
which are edited 
to a shorter version for our parish bulletin FORUM

The St. Francis Parish Pro-Life Committee is a group of loving persons that are concerned about the sacredness of life decisions people make at all stages of life.  Yet, we choose the abortion issue as our priority. 

Our Bishops' have said in the 1998 statement, Living the Gospel of Life, "Abortion and euthanasia have become preeminent threats to human life and dignity because they directly attack life itself, the most fundamental good and the condition for all others." (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Living the Gospel of Life #5)  In other words we must first guarantee a persons right to live.  Then we can also help that person get the necessary food, clothes, education, etc. 

Since we have compassion for the mother and her unborn baby,  this Pro-LIFE Committee is focussed preeminently on ending abortion. 

The New Web Page for St. Francis Parish Pro-LIFE Committee is at:  www.francisa2.com/pro-life/

St. Francis Parish "Pro-Life Committee"
We are focused on: developing ways to end the practice of abortion/contraception, and to increase the use of natural family planning methods.  We are part of the parish outreach effort for Peace & Justice/Respect LIFE issues & we are especially focused on Pro-Life issues for the Unborn!
So What Does “Choose Life” Mean Anyway? (Reflection by Marie-Therese Hocott 1/16/2006)

Pro-LIFE Photos

Hello lovers of Life!  Come join us! 

Normally we meet once each month.
(See the Parish weekly newsletter 
"FORUM" for current event dates and times.)

Questions, contact the committee chairperson: Marilyn Geyer (973-2422); Sandie Weathers (434-8447)     or, the Parish Social Ministry Office,  .


“Rescue those unjustly sentenced to death, 
don’t stand back and let them die.” Proverbs 24:11

Pray for an End to Abortion:
This week please pray for a respect for all life from conception to natural death.    “The fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful.” (James 5:16) There is no more powerful weapon to combat evil, than to call upon the Lord who is our strength. Let us shower the heavens with our prayers, for the Lord will not deny the loving requests of his children. May God's will be done and God's love reach those in need.
Prayer at Planned Parenthood:  Members of the St Francis ProLife Committee and Knights of Columbus will lead prayer at Planned Parenthood at 3100 Professional Dr in Ann Arbor on Saturday, March 20th from 9:30 am to 10:30 am.  Call Don at 997-6561 for info. 


For engaged and married couples wanting to learn
aspects of living a chaste and holy life within their
marriage covenant, The Couple to Couple League (CCL) offers Natural Family Planning classes.
(CCL - NFP in Michigan)
From a series of classes, a couple can learn a method of natural family planning, which can be used to help infertile couples as well as those needing to delay pregnancy. Natural family planning is also in keeping with the Catholic Church’s teaching.
 (CCL - NFP in Michigan)


Exploiting Women & Children?
The St Francis Pro-LIFE Committee in partnership with other area Catholic Churches and organizations, sponsored a booth at the Women's Expo in September 2006 at the Eastern Michigan University Convocation Center hosted by The Ann Arbor News.  With presentations on: Pornography, Human Trafficking and Abortion, our booth will continue (even after this event) to expose some of the ways that women and children are exploited.  If you would be interested in helping with this project, especially in the area of Human Trafficking, please contact Sandie Weathers at  or 734-434-8447.    You can see some of the resource material we used for the expo.  Look at these two PDF files:


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Abortion Linked to Higher Rates of Child Abuse
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  • Pregnant?Help for Women in Crises Pregnancies
  • Pro-life Events List
  • www.prolifepartners.org

  • Movie Nights - Fridays, Nov 19, Dec 17, Jan 28th in the PAC at 7:00 pm. (Flier in PDF)

  • Pro-life EVENTS-JANUARY.

  • March for Life with Pinckney Pro-LIFE Pilgrimage in January.


  • Pray for an End to Abortion:


  • Pro-life 
  • Services  List
  • Pregnancy Help Center
  • Women Deserve Better
  • Project Rachel.
  • ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------

    In Shadow for 30 years

    "...Roe v. Wade has deformed a great nation."  – Mother Teresa
    "The 1973 Supreme Court decision on Roe vs. Wade has been disastrous for our nation. Based on a complete disregard for human rights and enshrined for almost 30 years in false logic and rhetoric.  That decision, more than any other in our recent history, has been responsible for blinding our national conscience to the truth about our God-given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."  – Bishop Wilton Gregory
    Thirty years ago, all laws against abortion throughout the country collapsed when the Supreme Court changed the Constitution without our consent. Abortion was declared the supreme law of the land, and what followed was a social experiment using the lives of women and children as its primary subjects. 

    For thirty years the abortion experiment has been dominated by a public debate that embraces an utterly false dichotomy: women versus children. Pro-lifers are seen as those who fight for unborn children, pro-choicers as those who fight for women. Women and children are of course natural allies, not enemies, and pro-lifers fight for women every day, but the terms of the debate have been set, and they have held.

    The fight for children has made some gains. Thanks to the sustained efforts of the pro-life movement -- and some marvelous developments in science and technology -- fewer people now question the humanity of the unborn child. People generally accept the fact that abortion is bad for unborn children.

    Still, abortion is accepted in our culture. Why? Because the other side of the abortion debate has offered up the false assumption that abortion is good for women, and the culture has swallowed it.

    "Abortion is advanced in the name of freedom, but it undermines freedom by demeaning life itself. No society can be truly free if its most vulnerable members can lose their very lives at the hands of others. And far from giving greater freedom to women, abortion leaves many women feeling trapped in a deep well of sorrow and remorse."  – Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua
    It is time to challenge this assumption head-on. Only a tiny fraction of abortions today are for health reasons or rape, the pro-choice movement's favorite justifications for abortion. The reality is that women turn to abortion because they feel alone and helpless, or abandoned, or pressured by boyfriends or family members. Abortion is not the act of empowerment it was promised to be. Women choose abortion as a last resort, not a free choice. Even the Alan Guttmacher Institute, Planned Parenthood's research affiliate, reports that the primary reasons women have abortions are a lack of financial resources and emotional support.
    The website www.afterabortion.com -- very clearly not a pro-life site -- is a forum for women who are suffering from the effects of their abortions. On this site women share their pain, their remorse, their anger, and their profound loneliness. The Do's and Don'ts section of this site says: "Don't say you know how she feels, unless you have been in the same situation", but, "Do say you are sorry she had to be in a position to make that choice".

    Women deserve better than this. This month marks the first major public education effort of the Women Deserve Better campaign, a campaign supported by a number of pro-woman and pro-life groups, including Priests for Life. It will try to refocus the nation on the reasons why women feel pressured into abortion and to promote women-centered solutions to these problems. 

    "Abortion is a reflection that we have not met the needs of women. Every woman deserves better than abortion"  – Campaign for Women Deserve Better, mission statement  (for more information on the campaign, visit: www.womendeservebetter.com)
    No teenage girl should have to drop out of school because she became pregnant. No young woman should have to face the prospect of a life of poverty. No one should feel abandoned by her family and friends. And no person should ever have to suffer the pain and anguish of abortion. Pope John Paul II in Evangelium Vitae said that we are called to "a radical solidarity with the woman in need." Each and every woman deserves better than abortion -- the problems she faces are ours to help solve. 
    "The changing of laws must be preceded and accompanied by the changing of mentalities and morals on a vast scale, in an extensive and visible way. In this area the Church will spare no effort nor can she accept negligence or guilty silence.  May every person of good will feel called to play an active part in this great cause. May he be sustained by the conviction that every step taken in defending the right to life and, in its concrete advancement, is a step towards peace and civilization."  – Pope John Paul II
    The majority of the above content was provided by Cathleen A. Cleaver, USCCB Office for Pro-Life Activities, quotes compiled and edited by Gintautas Gaska.

    Stand Up for What is Right!
    In Fr. Jim’s New Year’s Day homily he recommended the 7-Up theme for our New Year’s resolutions: Wake Up and turn to God, Dress Up with a smile for others, Shut Up when it comes to gossiping and complaining, Stand Up for what is right, Look Up to God throughout the day, Reach Up for the Lord’s help, and Lift Up those in need.

    I was immediately impressed with how his message applied to the difficult issue of what to do about abortion.  Fr. Jim urged us to stand up for what is right.   Rather than standing up, this is an issue where we prefer to stay sitting inconspicuously in the crowd.  But if God’s people don’t stand up for the truth, who will?  Many people that we meet everyday have no idea that abortion on demand is currently legal throughout all nine months of pregnancy for any reason whatsoever.  Many of our friends don’t realize that a “fetus” is not part of a woman’s body.  This young one has its own 46 chromosomes, its own unique DNA pattern, its own blood type.  This new individual is not a blob.  His/her heart has been beating since day 24.  He/she has had detectable brain waves by day 40.  He/she will respond to touch by 7 weeks.

    Fr. Jim also urged us to lift up those in need.  Many woman in crisis pregnancy don’t know they have alternatives to Planned Parenthood (the # 1 abortion provider ) such as Pregnancy Help Center (975-4357) and the Pregnancy Counseling Center (434-3088)  These organizations are eager to do whatever it takes to help the mother and the baby.

    I think it would be a fitting way to honor Fr. Jim as he leaves for his sabbatical by following his advice and Standing Up for the 4,400 babies who are killed each day through abortion. 

    Fr. Jim is really only encouraging us to do what the Bible tells us to do:

    "Rescue those unjustly sentenced to death, don’t stand back and let them die.   Don’t try to avoid responsibility by saying you didn’t know about it.  For God knows your heart and He sees you.  He keeps watch over your soul and He knows you knew.  He will judge all people according to what they have done."  (  Prov. 24:11-12, NLT)
    Written by: Marilyn Geyer
    St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Parish Social Ministry Office, 
    2150 Frieze Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48104


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