the Gospel
always, and
when necessary
use words"
-St Francis of Assisi-
Francis HOME
Budgeting $trategies
Financial Management Programs
at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church,
Ann Arbor
The Washtenaw County MSU Extension offers budget
Call: Terry Jones at Washtenaw County MSU
734-997-1678 or 734-222-3943.
Budgeting 101: Money Goals,
Savings, Credit & Debt - Meet with instructor: Terry Jones
of the MSU Extension by calling (734-222-3943).
Poor management of household finances can lead
to stress and strained relationships, while directing your expenditures
to the things you value can bring peace.
Creat a realistic family budget.
Basic household finance ieas to help those with
limited resources make the most of what they have.
Simple accounting methods for keeping track of
expenditures. |
Questions about information on this page should be directed to
, Parish Social Ministry Director, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church. |