     the Gospel
       always, and
    when necessary
    use words"
      - St Francis of Assisi -
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Shelter for Homeless 
at St. Francis Gym

Thank you!!!   Thank you!!!   Thank you!!!
for the 2011 Shelter Week at St. Francis Gym

Our St. Francis community hosted the Shelter Association's Rotating Homeless Shelter from March 14th to March 21st. About 25 homeless men stayed in our gymnasium each evening. Almost 85 adults and students supported the shelter. Their service included driving the men to and from the Delonis Center each day, providing snacks and beverages as well as serving food and drinks to the men each evening. Our volunteers also served as members of host teams staying overnight in the gym.

St. Francis School participated in the shelter program through a focused service project, initiated by our 7th graders and led by Ms. Cindy Foster. The students assembled bags of snacks and personal care items for each overnight guest. The bags were distributed to the men on behalf of the 7th grade class by Alexa Deutschmann. Additional bags were donated to the Delonis Center in support of their ongoing work for the homeless. Thank you to all the students and volunteers who made this week possible!  

Jane Antosiak, Joe Arozarena, Monika Barera, Bob Berarducci, Andrea Best, Michael Best, Herb Black, Steve Black, Ann Bogits, Mary Lynn Bridge-Fosdick, Joe Burgess, Rock Collins, Bob Conlin, Ed Conlin, Julie Conlin, Lorraine Cordeiro, Paul Crossley, Barbara Dankert, Emily Deschenes, Alexa Deutschmann, Kurt Deutschmann, Roy Deutschmann, Kelly Dishman, Ruthann Distler, Patti Dobbs, Karen Dunlap, Jessica Eisma, Bob Ferris, Brian Fitzgerald, Michael Fleisher, John Fleszar, Jeff Fosdick, Dick Galant, Jill Granger, Diane Green, Jane Heibel, Michael Heibel, Bob Hoffman, Dane Hoffman, Emma Hoffman, Patty Hoffman, Steve Holodnick, Julie Hurley, Marty Javornisky, Karen Jenks, Gigi Jetton, Tommy Jetton, Bill Johnston, Phil Kearney, Chris Kempton, Rosaleen Kirk, Judy Kovac, Florence Kruzas, Julie Lavender, Steve Lavender, Marty Lucas, Terry Maclean, Bernie Mathews, Mark McCulloch, Melissa Moenter, Chris Mollo, Lisa Morris, Amanda Murau, Catherine Murau, Bob Patulski, Kevin Pitcher, Barbara Pomey, Andrea Ratigan, Christopher Raveendra, Ravi Raveendra, Tess Raveendra, Frank Reed, Evan Reger, David Robb, Kimm Sarosi, Ed Scott, John Shaheen, Michael Spath, Custodians/Maintenance Staff St. Francis, Room 7A St. Francis School, Room 7B St. Francis School, John Stando, Matthew Stando, Tricia Suttmann, Chrissa Swanson, Mark Ten Brink, Mina Twork, Kimberly Verhines, John Wagner, Tom Wakefield, Marissa Walsh, Mike Williams, Scott Wright, Sharon Wright, Andy Zamora, & Dave Ziemba.    

(Written by Steve Lavender, our prized & appreciated shelter week coordinator.)

Sign-up to help! Click Here!

Or, Contact:  Stephen Lavender    (734-973-2564) 
See the (winter rotating shelter) volunteer coordinators' position description.
Questions? Contact the Parish Social Ministry Office, (734-821-2121)  .
Or, contact the shelter (734-662-2829ext.226 or ext 224).
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Parish Social Ministry Office, 
2150 Frieze Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48104

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