St. Francis Parish Pro-LIFE
Committee invites you to participate in the:
Chain Flyer 1 & 2)
Sunday, October 3, 2010,
from 2-3:30 PM
Line the sidewalks on Huron
Parkway from Washtenaw Ave. to Professional Drive.
Stand and be counted in a visual statement against abortion. For one
and a half hours family friendly signs will be available to hold with statements
such as,
"Adoption the Loving Option",
"Jesus Forgives and Heals",
"Abortion Kills Children",
and other pro-life messages. Of course you can create your own family
friendly signs. The Life Chain is a powerful testimony to all who drive
by, that many local residents believe that abortion is wrong. Seniors should
feel free to bring folding chairs. The route is handicap accessible. We
will be there rain or shine. This is a legal activity. Suggested donation
of $1 to cover costs.
For more information contact the Pro-LIFE Action Network 734-973-2422.
“Rescue those unjustly sentenced to death,
don’t stand back and let them die.” Proverbs 24:11
Respect Life
Articles from USCCB that are edited to a shorter version for our parish
bulletin FORUM
Are you pro-life?
Make your Sunday afternoon count - stand for Life!
The St. Francis Parish
Pro-LIFE Committee,
one of many Co-Sponsors of this event, says:
"Come! and be counted."
Did you know that, " two thirds of American Catholics support keeping
abortion legal " ? - together, let's stand for what's right.