     the Gospel
       always, and
    when necessary
    use words"
-St Francis of Assisi-
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Pro-LIFE Committee


Our Lady of Guadalupe
Prayer for Life
Sunday, December 
(each year, date nearest feast day of Guadalupe)
You are invited to join Pro-Lifers across the nation asking Our Lady of Guadalupe to intercede for unborn children.   Here in Ann Arbor several hundred persons usually attend and kids love to come along too. 

Most abortion sites will be closed that day, and as in the past this peaceful gathering will respect the limitations established by law.  Thank you for your help in spreading devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe for an end to abortion.

For the DATE additional information go to: www.guad.org

 or contact Lorrie Anderberg at        or 904-5988.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Inc.

Sunday, December 14, 2003.

The Pictures here were taken from video footage of Our Lady of Guadalupe Prayer for Life on December 14, 2003, at the Planned Parenthood in Ann Arbor, where over 400 knelt in the snow to adore the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. 

Our Lady of Guadalupe
Prayer for Life

Last year during adoration a banner of Our Lady of Guadalupe set up next to the altar.  During the short time we were in the church, the sun came in through the Holy Spirit window and shone directly on the banner.   It was so bright  that it absolutely glowed.  People called it a miracle. 

In 1999, we had 1000 banners of Our Lady of Guadalupe made for the 1000 abortion sites in the U.S.  They were taken to more than 2/3 of the sites on December 12, while thousands peacefully petitioned Our Lady to intercede for unborn children.  The Holy Father invokes God's blessings upon the associates of this Mission, and Bishops across the country have given  their support.  Life Foundation Canada joined us and have people at sites all across Canada.  In the Jubilee, we wrote to the Bishop of each
of the 2500 dioceses around the world, asking them to inform and invite their people to join the Prayer for Life.  We heard back from many of them, and EWTN helped to publicize the event. We were encouraged to hear the Supreme Court rule in favor of Mr. Bush on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, 2000.

St. Francis Parish
Pro-LIFE Committee
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Parish Social Ministry Office, 
2150 Frieze Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48104