    the Gospel
      always, and
    when necessary
    use words"
-St Francis of Assisi-
St.Francis HOME


Donations of ...
Any Items


"Suits 4 Success" 
aims to collect donations of new and lightly used professional clothing attire for men and women parolees who are job-ready, so they may "dress the part" during their job search. This professional attire is hoped to eliminate one of the many barriers this stigmatized group faces in securing employment.

Items needed:  Blazers; Shirts/Blouses; Slacks/Skirts; Ties; Shoes; Belts.

Michigan Prisoner ReEntry Initiative (MPRI) in Washtenaw County is accepting donations year-round for the clothes closet.  Clothing donations will be accepted at Catholic Social Services every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 4-6 p.m..      Mail checks to: MPRI, C/O Catholic Social Services, 4925 Packard Rd., Ann Arbor MI 48108.

Contact: MPRI Outreach Coordinator at 734-327-9717.

Nearly 300 parolees return to Washtenaw County from prison each year.  MPRI of Washtenaw County assists these parolees with their transformation to becoming productive citizens. After intensive job-readiness training, parolees are expected to maintain consistent job application logs and be out in the community daily networking and looking for employment. Suits 4 Success was created to clothe these compliant and job-ready MPRI participants. 

Suits 4 Success is a partnership between Michigan Prisoner ReEntry Initiative (MPRI) in Washtenaw County and the Washtenaw County Bar Association in collaboration with the Washtenaw County Public Defender’s Office, other local defense attorneys, and Community Support and Treatment Services.

(The original "kick-off" of Suits 4 Success was in March 2010 surrounding the anniversary of Gideon vs. Wainwright and progeny on March 18th.  Publicity for the events was in the Legal News and in the annarbor.com....dress-parolees-for-interviews....) 

Contact: MPRI Outreach Coordinator at 734-327-9717 .

St. Vincent de Paul Store (734-761-1400) 
Visit the store web site at:  www.svdpaa.org/
Contact the store (734-761-1400) .
(The store is operated by the SVdP conference membership at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church.)
Gently used clothing, shoes, linens, and household goods.  We accept a limit of three bags.  What Does 'gently used' mean?  If an item is stained, missing buttons, or has a defective zipper, and/or chipped or cracked, we do not want it, we cannot resell it.  (We will gladly help you decide what's appropreate for donation in a simple phone call to the store before bringing in your donations.)   We are a non profit store. For your donations, we will give you a receipt for tax purposes. 
Learn more at:  www.stfrancisa2.com/socialministry/svdpstore.htm

HERO (Homeless Empowerment Relationship Organization) (The HERO black donation boxes with thered heart are located at stores in the Ann Arbor & Ypsilanti area.) 
(734-975-6849) At: 3810 Packard, Suite 200, Ann Arbor MI 48108; 
St. Francis of Assisi Parish will soon host a HERO reusable clothing and shoe donation box for HERO of Washtenaw County. The box will be located on parish grounds near Stadium Blvd. (in front of the PAC) at the entrance to the parking lot .
Learn More.  Click Here!
Learn more at: www.hero-usa.org

Homeless - Shelter Association of Washtenaw County is facing a serious shortage of blankets, as well as hats, gloves and backpacks (or duffel bags).  Also, we can use: sleeping bags, towels, washcloths, socks, foot powder (both medicated and non-medicated).

If you can contribute any of those items (in new or gently used condition) please bring them to 312 W. Huron, block west of downtown Ann Arbor.  Staff is available to accept your contribution every day from 7am to 10pm. 
If you have any questions please contact Jessie Ulsoy (734-662-2829 ext. 227). Thank you!  Homelessness: it can happen to anyone. www.annarborshelter.org

Thrift Shop (734-662-6771)
3530 Washtenaw, Ann Arbor MI 48104

Thrift Shop (734-483-1226)
14 South Washington, Ypsilanti,  MI 48197

House by the Side of the Road,
10AM - 2PM Monday - Friday - Clothing Donations(734-971-2550)
824 Phoenix Drive, Ann Arbor  MI 48108 (Near Ellsworth Rd. & Varsity Dr.)

St. Francis Parish Rummage Sale:  (For current dates call 769-2550.)
This sale supports the services of the Parish Altar Society. 

Hey we have moved!
Pregnancy Help Center (3150 Packard Rd.) closed its doors on January 11, 2011.     Since 1972, Pregnancy Help Center has provided free baby care supplies & equipment to thousands of Washtenaw County’s mothers, infants and young children. 

Now we’re pleased to announce new partnerships with Friends In Deed, Hope Clinic and ArborVitae Women’s Center, which will enable us to distribute items more efficiently and bring them closer to those who need them.  As a part of this transition, we will close our 3150 Packard Rd location. 

After a short period of transition, material services will continue in the following ways:

ArborVitae Women’s Center (625 E. Liberty St., lower level) (734-994-8863) will provide free pregnancy testing, free ultrasounds & pregnancy options counseling.  And, additionally, after January 12, by referral only, from your case worker or pastor get free sleeping equipment: used cribs & bassinets.

Hope Clinic in Ypsilanti (734-484-2989), beginning March 1 will partner with us to continue providing basic necessities like infant formula, baby food and diapers on a monthly basis to needy families.

For children’s clothing or miscellaneous equipment please call House by the Side of the Road (734-971-2550) or Willow Run Clothes Closets (734-961-6403) (in Ford School).

As every parent knows, providing for the astonishing development of a newborn from infant, to baby, to toddler can be a financial challenge!  Donations of unexpired, unopened & unrecalled diapers, wipes, formula, and baby food are accepted at Hope Clinic: (734) 484-2989, www.thehopeclinic.org. 

In Washtenaw County alone, 6 infant deaths in 2010 were related to unsafe sleeping practices. Donating your gently used, unrecalled crib could actually save a life! Anyone with a crib or bassinet to donate should call (734-994-8863) or see www.AnnArborVitae.com.

We are grateful to Friends in Deed for assisting us with the storage of  our cribs.  If you have other household furniture including adult beds to donate to those in need, you are encouraged to contact Friends In Deed at (734) 484-7607 or see www.friendsindeed.info. 

Furniture & Household items & Building Supplies & Appliances & Tools:

Friends-In-Deed (FID)
(Furniture line 734-484-7607)
Visit:  www.friendsindeed.info/
(Furniture Warehouse is in Ypsilanti.)

Habitat ReStore - Habitat for Humanity of Huron Valley
Tel: (734) 822-1530    www.h4h.org/restore.html
ReStore Hours: Mon-Fri 10:00am-6:00pm, Sat-Sun 10:00am-4:00pm 
170 Aprill Drive, Suite A, Ann Arbor, MI 48103.

St. Vincent de Paul Store (734-761-1400) 
1001 Broadway,  Ann Arbor  MI 48104.
Store Hours:  Monday - Saturday 10AM-5PM; & Thursday 10AM-7PM. 
Donation Hours:  Tuesday-Saturday 10AM-3PM.  (NO Mondays)  Gently used clothing, shoes, linens, and household goods.  We accept a limit of three bags.  What Does 'gently used' mean?  If an item is stained, missing buttons, or has a defective zipper, and/or chipped or cracked, we do not want it, we cannot resell it.  (We will gladly help you decide what's appropreate for donation in a simple phone call to the store before bringing in your donations.)   We are a non profit store. For your donations, we will give you a receipt for tax purposes. 
Learn more at:  www.stfrancisa2.com/socialministry/svdpstore.htm

The Salvation Army, Ann Arbor
(furniture pick up service734-729-3939)
http://comnet.org/local/orgs/sa/index.html  or   http://www.redshield.org/ 

Thrift Shop (734-662-6771)
3530 Washtenaw, Ann Arbor MI 48104

ArborVitae Women’s Center (625 E. Liberty St., lower level) (734-994-8863) will provide free pregnancy testing, free ultrasounds & pregnancy options counseling.  And, additionally, by referral only, from your case worker or pastor get free sleeping equipment: used cribs & bassinets.    Donating your gently used, unrecalled crib could actually save a life! Anyone with a crib or bassinet to donate should call (734-994-8863) or see www.AnnArborVitae.com.    We are grateful to Friends in Deed for assisting us with the storage of  our cribs.  If you have other household furniture including adult beds to donate to those in need, you are encouraged to contact Friends In Deed at (734) 484-7607 or see www.friendsindeed.info. 

Medical Equipment:

Center for Independent Living (CIL) (734-971-0277)
(Also, Partners in Personal Assistance PPA; &Small Business Development Center);
2568 Packard Rd., Ann Arbor  MI  48104-6852

Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Medical Equipment &Medical Loan Closet
201 N. River,  Ypsilanti  MI 48197

Neighborhood Senior Services  (734-712-7775)

Memorial Christian Church (Ann Arbor 734-662-4245)

World Medical Relief (Detroit 313-866-5333) 

Faith in Action (Chelsea 734-475-3305)

Bethlehem United Church of Christ  (Ann Arbor 734-665-6149)

Friends In Deed  (734-484-4357) (Help Line Answered Monday-Friday from 9:30-12:00 Noon.)  puts together a Medical Loan Closet Resource list.

Groceries & Food Pantries:

Food Gatherers  (734-761-2796)
1731 Dhu Varren Road, Ann Arbor MI 48105 

Northside Community Center of Catholic SocialServices (734-662-4462)
815 Taylor Rd., Ann Arbor  MI  48105
Directions to the Northside Community Center of CSS:  1:  Start out going West on E STADIUM BLVD.;  2:  Turn RIGHT onto PACKARD ST.;  3:  Turn SLIGHT RIGHT onto  N DIVISION ST.;  4:  Turn a SLIGHT RIGHT it becomes BEAKES ST.;  5:  BEAKES ST becomes BROADWAY ST.;  6:  Turn LEFT onto MOORE ST.;  7:  Turn RIGHT onto PONTIAC TRL.;  8:  Turn RIGHT onto TAYLOR ST.

Hope Clinic, Inc. (734-484-2989)
P. O. Box 980311,  Ypsilanti  MI 48197
Directions to HOPE Center in Ypsilanti - Take Michigan Ave. (or Washtenaw Ave.) turn right (South) on Hamilton turn right (West) on Harriet St. to 518 Harriet, Ypsilanti MI; or take I-94 to Ypsilanti's Huron St. Exit turn left (North) on Huron St. turn left (West) on Harriet St. to 518 Harriet. 

The Salvation Army, Ann Arbor
734-668-8353 (furniture pick up service734-729-3939)
100 Arbana Drive, Ann Arbor  MI  48103
http://comnet.org/local/orgs/sa/index.html  or   http://www.redshield.org/ 
Directions: to The Salvation Army, Ann Arbor -take Stadium past the UofM Stadium to Seventh Street.  Make a right on Seventh and then a left on West Huron.  The first street to the right is Arbana - turn left.  The Salvation Army is on the corner of Arbana and W. Huron.

Ann Arbor Community Center (734-662-3128)
625 N. Main St., Ann Arbor  MI  48104

Car Donations:
Visit: www.stfrancisa2.com/socialministry/cardonations.htm

Cell Phones - Needed to Prevent Domestic Violence
Visit: www.stfrancisa2.com/socialministry/cellphones.htm

Books - Needed

Visit: "Books for Africa"  http://www.booksforafrica.org/

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St. Francis Parish Rummage Sale  supports the services of the Parish Altar Society.  There is one Rummage Sale each year at St. Francis:
Call 734-769-2550 for current dates (normally in June).

Clean and in good repair items,  including clothing, housewares, toys, sporting goods, books and tools.  Anything that still has some life in it.  (Please, no computers.) 

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Parish SocialMinistry Office, 
2150 Frieze Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48104

St.Francis Parish Home