4 Success" MPRI
more about donating clothes to "Suits 4 Success" Michigan Prisoner
ReEntry Initiative in Washtenaw County (MPRI) in Washtenaw County
HERO Clothes
& Shoes
Give Clothes & Shoes: A reusable clothing
and shoe donation box is located on the St. Francis Parish grounds near
Stadium Blvd. (in front of the PAC) at the entrance to the parking lot
. The black donation box has the red
heart over the word HERO.
If you have business attire, formal wear, maternity
clothing, or infant wear, please call HERO at (734-975-6849) to
make special arrangements. All other clothing may be dropped into
the HERO box.
HERO (Homeless Empowerment Relationship Organization)
of Washtenaw County is truly focused on long-term solutions for our area’s
homeless & our neediest citizens.
Learn more at: www.hero-usa.org
HERO is a local grassroots organization
that, in the words of its mission statement, “helps people who are homeless
or at risk of homelessness to recognize and claim the power within, in
order to obtain their goals for personal growth and success.”
HERO provides a variety of workshops for clients
(referred by other social work agencies or judicial officials) to accept
responsibility for their life circumstances and recognize the ability to
make change.
HERO works closely with other area agencies, the
University of Michigan and local high schools to educate students about
doing more to combat homelessness.
The HERO clothing collection program helps people
in our community who are either homeless or at risk of becoming so.
Reusable clothes and shoes are handed out for free, traded with other agencies
to meet local needs, or sold for funds to support programs for these clients.
We are happy to join this partnership with HERO
in the effort to help our area’s homeless. This organization is truly
focused on long-term solutions for our neediest citizens.
HERO (Homeless Empowerment Relationship Organization)
(734-975-6849) At: 3810 Packard, Suite 200, Ann Arbor MI 48108;
Learn more at: www.hero-usa.org
Places that need clothing...