St. Francis Parish Home
In Search of A
Twin Sister Parish International

Twin Sister Parish Survey
As a part of our commitment as a parish community to work for justice we are striving to become a Sister Parish with a second Catholic community. We already have one successful, ongoing, sister parish relationship with St. Benedict in Highland Park, Michigan, which has proven to be mutually beneficial. 

Perhaps it is time to "spread our wings" to give another parish outside of the U.S.A. what they may need to continue to grow and to receive from them what we are lacking to grow also in Christ. There are many parishes throughout the world, which would welcome the friendship and assistance of a parish in the U.S.

We at Saint Francis have shared our prayers, gifts and talents generously over the years, and this new venture would require a team effort to participate in formulating and implementing the criteria to be used in selecting a parish, and setting the goals toward which we will work to achieve those goals. The next "Twin Sister Parish Outside the USA" meeting is at 7:00PM - 8:30PM Monday, January 15, 2001 in the St. Francis School Music Room.

We invite you to express your views by filling out the following survey so that your wishes can be reflected in our activities. (Questions call Scott Wright 734-821-2121).

Contact: Questions about information on this page should be directed to Scott Wright (734-821-2121) <> Parish Social Ministry Director, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church.

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Your opinions are important. Please, complete this "Twin Sister Parish Survey" form. (If you need extra space, use additional paper.) Return it in the collection basket or Fax (734-821-2102) it to the parish office by Monday, January 10, 2001.

Name: ________________________________ 
Phone: ________________________________
E-mail: _________________________________

Would you like to see St. Francis develop a sister parish relationship with a church in a foreign country? oYES oNO

If yes, the parish should be: oUrban oRural oSmall oLarge

Number from 1 to 6 to indicate the order of importance to you. (#1 being most important, #6 least important.) ___Africa; ___Asia; ___Europe; ___Central America; ___South America; __________________Other.

If you can suggest a parish, please write down its name and location. ________________________ _________________________

Are you willing to become involved in implementing such a relationship?
If yes, please write your name and telephone number on the line below.   ________________________ ________________________
What should be the main focus in terms of how we can help a sister parish? ________________________ ________________________

What would you expect to gain from such a relationship? _______________________ _______________________
We hope to see you participating in the opportunities of such a sister parish relationship and benefit from those fruits of grace soon. Thank you.

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Questions about information on this page should be directed to Scott Wright (734-821-2121) <> Parish Social Ministry Director, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church.

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