     the Gospel
       always, and
    when necessary
    use words"
      - St Francis of Assisi -
Social Ministry
IHN-Alpha House
Family Shelter 
(June & October)

Family Shelter
Volunteer Coordinators Task List

Family Shelter at IHN Alpha House
Sign-up to help. Click here!


If you are looking for a short-term one-time commitment to serve our community, we need you.  Join St. Francis Parish in coordinating hospitality for homeless families for one week at the IHN-Alpha House Shelter Facility in Ann Arbor on Jackson Road. (For the actual shelter dates for St. Francis Parish, Click Here.)  Our St. Vincent Service Committee & the Chairperson offers support to the volunteer coordinators.  Contact the Parish Social Ministry Office,  .

Family Shelter at Alpha House for Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN).  The Alpha House day & night shelter facility is for about 25 people. IHN is a network of local congregations in Washtenaw County who provide volunteers to help with this shelter program at Alpha House.  St. Francis Parish is a member of the network that provides volunteers for a couple of weeks each year.   See the Volunteer Coordinators Task List below here on this page

Directions: Drive west on Jackson Rd., beteween Wagner Rd. & Zeeb Rd. ---it's on the right side, just West of the Ann Arbor Motor Mall, across from Jonathan Resturant.  Street Address:  4290 Jackson Road, Ann Arbor  MI  48103.
Alpha House for Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN); Phone 734-822-0220;    Website: www.alphahouse-ihn.org

Thanks to Our Past Coordinators:
2012 June: ______(your name here?)
2011 October______(your name here?) 

2011 June: Chris Kempton & Mary Hayden;
2010 October: Chris Kempton & Mary Hayden;
2010 June: Chris Kempton & Mary Hayden;
2009 October: Al Zangrilli & Kate Miller & Mary Hayden;
2009 June:  Chris Kempton & Kate Miller & Al Zangrilli;
2008 October:  Chris Kempton,  Kate Miller & Al Zangrilli;
2008 June: Chris Kempton,  Kate Miller & Al Zangrilli; 
2007 October: Mary Ellen White;
2007 June 4- 10, Mary Ellen White;
2006 October: Mary Ellen White, 
2006 April: Mary Ellen White;
2005 October: Mary Ellen White, Linda Matton, & Sara Uytingco;
2004 October: Linda Matton, Chris Kempton, & Allen Sherzer;
2003 October: ... Linda Matton, & Sara Uytingco, & Yvette Atkinson, ... ;
2002 October: ... Yvette Atkinson, & Linda Matton, ...;
2001 October: ... Yvette Atkinson, & Linda Matton, ...;


Volunteer Coordinators Task List

Before and during the shelter we have at least three volunteer shelter coordinators take responsibility for coordinating each one of these three areas: overnight hosts; weekend hosts; & meals.   (For the actual shelter dates for St. Francis Parish, Click Here.)

NOTES kept by the past coordinators are also found here.   Coordinators should begin one month prior to the shelter date with communications to persons who played a role in the past year at our shelter.    Essentially the coordinator role boils down to making lots of phone calls & emails to folks on our list of past volunteers, as well as, the most recent Time & Talent survey.   And then marking them down for scheduled slots during the week of the shelter.   If we are unable to fill all the slots from those lists we can ask the parish office for other leads.

Two weeks before the shelter, parish members will sign-up to volunteer for short simple tasks, like: spend a night, just be present at an early evening to socialize with our guests, or provide/prepare some food for supper.  To Sign-up Click Here

The coordinator keeps the volunteer list, (for their particular task area) up-to-date and communicates any special needs with the persons that signed-up. (The coordinator does not have to be present during the entire week.) 

During our Alpha House week, a coordinator or experienced volunteer will serve as the "Evening Host" each night. 

Divide the Alpha House volunteer call list into color-coded thirds.  (It would help to categorize the list by volunteer type: supper time, evening, overnighters).

The 3 shifts for each evening are described on page 6 of the Volunteer Handbook: 

Weekend shifts are also available for Saturday & Sunday.  Weekend requirements are described on page 5 of the handbook.

Keeping the master calendar on paper isn't very sharable, so, we enter it into a Google Calendar.  For our volunteer shift calendar for IHN Alpha House only confirmed people are on this calendar.   This is a permanent link to the Alpha House Volunteers data on Google Calendar.
This is where the callers enter the shift information.  The volunteer call list is a spreadsheet linked at:  http://spreadsheets.google.com/... ... ...  By invitation you may have access to this Google document. 

See Chris K. for the template documents used to build the invitation and thank you e-mails that go our before and after the host week.

(Volunteers are encouraged to prepare an activity if they desire - they should discuss their plan with the shelter aide when they arrive.  The staff normally plans activites for certain nights of the week:  Monday - Game Night; Wednesday - Art Night;  Friday - Group Activity Night (group games, races, etc.);  All other days are "free play".)

Food & Meal Coordinator:

(There is a Menu format which is used to avoid having the same meal over and over.  It is a guideline which can be followed loosely as long as we make sure we have a variety of different meals.  If volunteers are willing to come in and prepare a "hot breakfast" on the weekend mornings, it is very much appreciated by the families.)

When you shop at any stores (like: Gordon Food Service (GFS) and/or any other stores in preparation for this shelter,  submit the receipts to Scott Wright, Parish Social Ministry Office (734-821-2121), and you'll be reimbursed.  Also, you may charge to the parish account at GFS if you communicate first with the Social Ministry Office.     Especially at GFS PLEASE sign the charge with your name and "SHELTER" so that our business department knows what budget to pay the bill from.  GFS emails the bill to St. Francis office on the same day that you charge so it is very important that you sign the charge clearly that it is for the "SHELTER".

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Parish Social Ministry Office, 
2150 Frieze Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Thank you for Shelter!
Thank you for hosting the family shelter October 18 - 24, 2010, at IHN Alpha House. Between shopping, meal preparation, meal serving, childcare, custodial work, and general supervision, St. Francis volunteers provided vital assistance that helps keep IHN's funds focused on helping clients.

St. Francis volunteers came together to supply 8 home-cooked meals, a week's worth of groceries and supplies, and over 120 hours of service and companionship for 15 neighbors without homes.   Thanks again for a great week!  Chris Kempton

 We thank our coordinators, as well as, all of our ALPHA HOUSE VOLUNTEERS (more than 28) who helped:  Catherine Anderson, Bob Conlin, Julie Allison-Conlin, Bill Dirksen, Ehren Dirksen, Isabelle Dirksen, Nicole Dirksen, Samuel Dirksen, Patricia Douglass, Robert Ferris, Barbara Kelly-Ferris, Collette Hamel, Mary Hayden, Sara Huige-Uytingco, Marty Javornisky, Chris Kempton, Rosaleen Kirk, Steve Lavender, Marty Lucas, Jane Levy, Jamie Martin and kids from Ann Arbor Open School, Christopher Mollo, Giovani Ortiz, Anne Schott, John Stando, Matthew Stando, Linda Wiseman, Kate Zajac.


Thank you for Shelter!

Thank you for serving June 7- 13, 2010,  at IHN Alpha House Family Shelter. 

Between shopping, meal preparation, meal serving, childcare, custodial work, and general supervision, St. Francis volunteers provided vital assistance that helps keep IHN's funds focused on helping clients.

St. Francis volunteers came together to supply 6 home-cooked meals, a week's worth of groceries and supplies, and over 100 hours of companionship for 18 neighbors without homes.  I received several comments from Alpha House staff during the week about how the St. Francis volunteers had been serving very well. 

Thanks again for a great week!
-- Chris Kempton

We thank our coordinators, as well as, all of our ALPHA HOUSE VOLUNTEERS who helped…    Catherine Anderson, Torrey Baumstark, Herbert Black, Elizabeth Collins, Bob Conlin, Julie Conlin, Barbara Ferris, Robert Ferris, Mary Hayden, Crystal Heft, Sara Huige-Uytingco, Marty Javornisky, Chris Kempton, Rosaleen Kirk, Steve Lavender, Christopher Mollo, Arjun Nagpal, Magaly Nagpal, Beth Russell, Robert Samy, & Kimm Sarosi.

See our photos!
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Thank you for Shelter!
Thank you for serving October 19 - 25, 2009, at IHN Alpha House Family Shelter. 

We thank our coordinators: Al Zangrilli & Kate Miller & Mary Hayden, as well as, all of our ALPHA HOUSE VOLUNTEERS who helped…

Julie Allison-Conlin, Jane Antosiak, Avery Bennett, Herbert Black, Karen Cole, Bob Conlin, Paul Crossley, Ann Denoyer, Cletus Denoyer, Bill Dirksen, Ehren Dirksen, Isabelle Dirksen, Nicole Dirksen, Samuel Dirksen, John Douglass, Patricia Douglass, Georgette Giordano, Mary Hayden, Crystal Heft, Marty Javornisky, Dawn Keene, Natalie Keene, Barbara Kelly-Ferris, Chris Kempton, Erin Lane, Julie Leonard, Jane Levy, Kate Miller, Christopher Mollo, Dan Paulus, Barbara Pomey, Anna Riegger, James Riegger, Lori Riegger, Carol Rigg, Cynthia Smigielski, John Wagner, John Walsh, Mary Ellen White, Linda Wiseman, Mary Wissman, Al Zangrilli, plus all of you non-St. Francis helpers (Tag Alongs): Julie Ankenbrand, Ann Arbor Open School: teachers, parents, students:  Julie Roth, Janie Martin, Edie Linton, Mark Albercook, Karen, Meke, Vince, Gabe, Noah, Eva, Zoe, Cecilia, and Eliaz & UM/EMU students.

See our photos!
at: http://


Thank you for Shelter!
June 8-14, 2009,

Thank you for serving last week at IHN Alpha House. 

Between shopping, meal preparation, meal serving, childcare, custodial work, and general supervision, St. Francis volunteers provided vital assistance that helps keep IHN's funds focused on helping clients.

St. Francis volunteers came together to supply 5 home-cooked meals, a week's worth of groceries and supplies, and over 80 hours of companionship for 19 neighbors without homes.

Thoughts to share about the experience at Alpha House: __ __ __ __ __ ...

Thanks again for a great week!

- Chris Kempton

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Thanks for the Shelter! 

Thank you for serving October 13-19, 2008, at IHN Alpha House Family Shelter.  It was a great week!   Between shopping, meal preparation, meal serving, childcare, custodial work, and general supervision, St. Francis volunteers provided vital assistance that helps keep IHN's funds focused on helping clients.    St. Francis volunteers came together to supply 10 meals and over 100 hours of companionship last week for 19 neighbors without homes.

Special thanks to our coordinators: Al Zangrilli, Chris Kempton, &  Kate Miller.     And, thanks to the more than   35   volunteers who made this week possible:  Catherine Anderson, Jane Antosiak, Herb Black, Owen & Elaine Brady, Susanna Brown, Samuel & Nicole & Isabelle & Bill & Ehren Dirkson, Mary Beth Eagle, Michael Gatti, Marty Javornisky, Chris Kempton, Rosaleen Kirk, Jane Levy, Lizza Magbanua, Kate Miller, Chris Mollo, Rick Pense, Sarah Powers, Jill Ross, Nancy S. Fulcher, Cynthia Smigielski, Mark Ten Brink, Julie White, Mary Ellen White, Linda Wiseman, Chris Wyzlic, Charles & Patti Yonka, Al Zangrilli, & Rita Zyber.