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Migrant Ministry
sponsored by St. Francis of Assisi Parish 
& in collaboration with Catholics in Washtenaw County, Michigan, at the 
"Durusell Potato Farm - Camps/Neighborhoods 
in Manchester, Michigan".

See the Diocese of Lansing: Hispanic Ministry/Migrant Office


-------------------------------- 2010 --------------------------------

On Sunday, June 13th, 2010, we delivered 36 laundry baskets filled with your donations to the migrant workers’ families working on the DuRussel Potato Farm near Manchester. The families were very grateful for your generous donations and want to thank you very much. Especially thank you to those who helped sort and deliver the welcome baskets to the farm. They were Meg Falahee, Susanna Brown, Catherine Murau, Robin Gruber, Josephine Gonzalez, Joe Martinez, Rebecca Cornell, Colette and John Hamil, Sandy and Dave Harrison, Wanita and Celia Forgacs, and David Kieras. Thank you so much for everyone’s donations and help with the drive. 

There are other opportunities to volunteer with this ministry, which are listed on the St. Francis web page,  http://stfrancisa2.com/socialministry/migrant.htm. One example is to show our support by helping provide a meal for the families after one or more of their Sunday evening Spanish Masses, thereby giving them time to attend the Mass.
Another example of an opportunity is to help with a field day for the children, happening near the end of July, date not known yet.
And there are more opportunities to work with the children.

Please go to our website http://stfrancisa2.com/socialministry/migrant.htm or contact Rita Kieras to volunteer.

This is the section of the sign-up form used only at the beginning of the summer.

The Migrant Ministry 2010:
Get involved, pray for & help with this ministry:

Sign-Up Here!
(To volunteer submit this sign-up form.)


     Telephone:(Home# Work# Day# Evening#)

     E-mail Address:

This is the section of the sign-up form used only at the beginning of the summer.

__4. Help with Donation Drive --sort and/or take baskets out to the farm near Manchester
    Sunday June 6

  • Sort items at St. Francis
  • Take baskets out to the farm- indicate size of vehicle
    • - indicate size of vehicle 
 Sunday June 13
  • Sort items at St. Francis
  • Take baskets out to the farm- indicate size of vehicle
    • - indicate size of vehicle 
This is the section of the sign-up form used only at the beginning of the summer.

List any other comments Here:
Before you click the 'submit' button please be sure that you have entered your Name & Telephone in the spaces above so that we can contact you.  Thanks.
Questions, contact: Rita Kieras, 734-761-7796 or 
or, the Parish Social Ministry Office, (734-821-2121) 


-------------------------------- 2008 --------------------------------

The Migrant Ministry 2008:

Migrants will begin harvesting around May 15, 2008,
so will start to arrive around May 10th, 2008, at the 
"DuRussel Potato Farm - Camps/Neighborhoods 
in Manchester, Michigan".

I made a video last year (Summer of 2008) of Father Paul’s work with the Hispanics in Jackson and at the Manchester Camp.  It is about 30 minutes long and the first half is the Holy Week Celebration with the Hispanic Community in Jackson, while the second half is dedicated to the ministry at the DuRussel’s farm Manchester.  So if you want to skip the Jackson part, after the introduction you can go to  minute 16:00 and watch from there.   Here is the link. Enjoy. Paco 

Join us on Tuesday, June 3, 2008) for the "Blessing of Homes & Fields at a Mass & Potluck" with the migrant workers and their families at the DuRussel farm in Manchester, Michigan.  Our carpool will depart at 4:30pm from St. Francis Parish, Ann Arbor (front parking lot) & return back by 8:30pm.    (Schedule: 6:00PM Mass;  6:45-8:00PM Potluck)  All interested are invited. RSVP Contact: Rita Kieras (761-7796) 

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-------------------------------- 2007 --------------------------------

The Migrant Ministry 2007:
Get involved, pray for & help with this ministry:

Thanks for the household item donation drive we had in June 2007. No more items are needed this year.  (Questions, contact Barb Pomey at 213-7798).

· Help organize a youth soccer program with the children (contact Ramona at 481-1610).

· Help form a mothers' group to meet the migrant moms. (contact Kate Wolbert at 678-6931).

· Read a book to migrant children on a Saturday afternoon at 3:30PM. (contact Hilary Connors/Givens 316-2633)
 On 8/2/2007, Hilary  Connors (Givens) wrote:  Wow, what news!  The story hour has been going well.   I found that setting a time and holding it at the trailer was not working.  So when I go (Sat. at 2pm) I stop at the trailer (I still borrow a key), load up my van with a new variety of books and travel to the different camps letting the kids swap the books from the week before for new ones.  I've gotten to know the reading levels and interests of some of the kids so I make recommendations as well.  The kids love it!  Sometimes I read a couple books that are long-time favorites like Dr. Seuss or chapters from a Michigan Chillers book.  That is my report for now.  I will be in Mexico from Aug. 5th through the 13th with my students and my children.  God Bless,  Hilary


Migrant Ministry 2008 Planning Begins

On Fri, 8 Feb 2008, Hilary  Connors (Givens) wrote: 
Currently I ... want to continue the story hour at DuRussels.  The plan is to work in Manch in conjunction with Cheryl Call, of the public schools to form a complimentary program that helps build literacy skills in migrant kids. 
       I would like perhaps if 1 or 2 people from St. Francis could help- 1 for snacks and 1 for a craft. 
        Could you put that request in the church bulletin? 

· Sunday Masses are held in Spanish for migrant families and anyone else who would like to attend, at the DuRussel farm.

The Migrant Ministry in 2007:  involving St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Ann Arbor:

  • Join us on Friday June 1, 2007, for the “Blessing of Homes & Fields at a Mass & Potluck” with the migrant workers and their families at the DuRussel farm in Manchester, Michigan.  On Friday June 1 our carpool will meet at St. Francis Parish, Ann Arbor (front parking lot) at 5pm & return back by 8:30pm.    (Schedule: 6:00PM Mass;  6:45-8:00PM Potluck)  All interested are invited.
  • ----------------------
    · Join us on Sat. May 19th, 2007, for an "orientation" of the migrant camps at the DuRussel farm. On Sat. May 19th our carpool will meet at St. Francis (front parking lot) departing at 3pm & returning back by 6pm. (Schedule: 4:00PM Orientation.)  All interested are invited.
    An article in The Saline Reporter
    Working the Farm:
    Agriculture remains a way of life for many local residents as they make a living off the land
    By Terry Jacoby, Heritage Newspapers
    PUBLISHED: April 5, 2007
    DuRussel's Potato Farms, Manchester     -- Written by Alana West....

    Contacts Involved In This Migrant Ministry:

    St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Ann Arbor - During the past two years 2005 + 2007 St. Francis of Assisi Parish has come up with consistently generous donations.  St. Francis Parish is now the main source of household goods and a children's library/story hour for the migrant ministry. Teri Young  and/or Hilary Givens, Barb Pomey, & Ramona, & Kate Wolbert.;

  • St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, Ann Arbor, has undertaken the religious education & sacramental preparation for the migrant families. Paco & Millie & Cathy Martinez.;

  • St. Andrew Catholic Church, Saline donates welcome baskets in the spring and backpacks/school supplies in the fall.   Esther Ayers.;

  • St. Mary Catholic Church, Manchester.   A teacher from Manchester Public Schools helps with a summer camp program during June and July.  Janet.;



    -------------------------------- 2006 --------------------------------

    The Migrant Ministry in 2006:  by St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Ann Arbor

    Here are three pictures.   The kids are enjoying a snack and story outside the trailer.  Two of them are in the tree. 

    This summer 2006 has taken the Migrant Ministry into a new direction. In addition to the blankets, sheets, towels and laundry donations, we've added a children's lending library/story hour, thanks to the VBS donations.  The migrant kids benefit from hearing and reading the stories they enjoy to encourage literacy, as well as developing an information and experience base that middle class children from St. Francis have in classic children's stories.  We take for granted the privileges our children have from our bedtime stories of "Little Bear", or "The Very Hungry Caterpillar", or even well-known fairy tales.  These stories make up a very important deposit of knowledge that contributes to success in school.  The migrant children normally would not have such a knowledge base and would not necessarily know references to basic fairy tales or classics that our children often know well.  The donations are blessing the migrant children by helping to level their "playing field" in the academic arena.  Meanwhile, the migrant kids are enjoying the process of sharing stories, playing games, practicing their reading skills, and having fun. 

    Our Parish volunteers, lead by the good work of Hilary Givens, have enjoyed showing hospitality to and learning about life as migrant workers from the migrant families who come to work late May through late October at the DuRussel Potato Farm in Manchester, Michigan.  During this summer we collected during St. Francis Parish Masses & Vacation Bible School, lots & lots of laundry & bedding items & children’s books (nearly 1000 books), we are organizing a lending library at the camp & we continue to have a book reading time with the children on every Saturday afternoon.   Thanks for the donations, the migrant families really appreciate your generosity.



    Children's Book Collection for Migrant Families: 
    July 15/16, 2006,
    Please help the children of Vacation Bible School 2006 (VBS) share the gift of reading with the children of the Migrant community in Washtenaw County.  On the weekend of July 15/16, 2006,  please bring new or like-new children's storybooks into Mass.  The books will be donated to the children of the Migrant community.  Books can be brought forward and placed in the baskets by the altar when Father calls for the collection. 
    Storybooks can be religious or secular in nature and may be in English or Spanish.  The books will be displayed during VBS week and then donated to the migrant community children.  For more information, please contact Hilary Givens    or Ellen Ward  821-2132.


    There is an on-going need for sheets, towels, and coverlets for the migrant families.  We are also collecting any children's books in Spanish or English for a story hour out at the camp. 

    Please place donations neatly by the stained-glass of St. Francis inside the church. 


    To volunteer or for more details about Spanish Masses or story-times 
    contact: Hilary.   Thank you for your support!!!


    Thanks for the donations for the migrant families.  We collected lots & lots of items during June 2006.  Thank you to all of you that helped.


    We are collecting donations of: first-aid kits, any items to make up first aid kits,  bar soap, laundry soap, dishwashing soap, laundry baskets clothespins and clotheslines, sheets, towels, and coverlets... for the migrant families who come to Manchester to work each year (late May through late October) at the Durusell Potato Farm in Manchester, Michigan.
    Drop off all donations in the Migrant Ministry BASKET located near the front main entrance to the church on the weekends of June 4 & 11, 2006.


    Learn about Migrant Ministry Meeting -Thursday Feb. 23, 2006, at 7pm in St. Francis Parish Office Meeting Room.  ... ... Hilary Givens .

    -------------------------------- 2005 --------------------------------

    The Migrant Ministry in 2005:  by St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Ann Arbor.

    Hilary Givens and Cathy Martinez are each leading a team of volunteers who are taking responsibility for the unmet needs of 2 camps/neighborhoods each. (Yes, that's a total of 4.) The camps/neighborhoods are groups of small mobile homes separated by fields.  They share outdoor laundry.  Each camp has roughly 10-15 families, with 6-10 people in each family. 

    The Migrant Ministry Needs...
    Donations of gently used or new bedding (twin, full and queen sheets, coverlets, bedspreads), towels, and bar soap, laundry soap, shampoo, and fans for the migrant families that come to Manchester each year. 

    Good News Report...

    • The bulletin request for a washing machine resulted in 3 machines offered, 2 of which were brand-new!!!   Receipts for tax deductions are given for donaitons.
      Our first story hour to be held at the Peckins Rd. camp Friday 8/26/2005, at 7pm.
    For information about donating please contact:  Teri Young    and/or  Hilary Givens       .
    Migrant Ministry at St. Francis Summer 2005     Written by Hilary Givens 
     This is my first year leading the Migrant Ministry at St. Francis after accompanying Cathy Martinez  on her journeys to the camps last summer.   Our ministry includes supplying some basic needs like towels, linens, soap, washing machines and other donations for two of the four camps at the DuRussel farm in Manchester.  These camps house approximately 80 ppl. including children of all ages.  The children attend Manchester Public Schools during the school year and a day camp in the summer.  The adults work Mon.-Sat. with Saturday being a shortened day.  M-F hours are 8-5pm.  I usually visit the camps on Friday evenings, two or three times a month from June through August.
               This year our Vacation Bible School helped by gathering bed linens, towels and soaps for the migrant families. Thank you St. Francis Parish families and especially Ellen Ward!! We received an enormous amt. of items which filled my van 3 times.  A wonderful catholic family from Manchester, (the DeVooghts), helped me sort, label, and store all the donations in their barn which is located near the migrant farm.
                   Then, in the Forum we asked for any working washing machines for one particular camp which had no machine at all.  The news quickly spread and we had at least 8 people who wanted to donate a washer.  With the help of Mr. DeVooght, we were able to deliver 3 washers to the camp that previously had none, two of them brand new!!!  Also a generous amount was given to the Migrant Ministry for the purpose of purchasing some school outfits for the children of the camps.  This was a plea from some of the migrant mothers who knew their children would be ashamed because they could not afford new clothes. 
                    Finally, we will begin our Story Hour at the camps, led by Trish Garay, Aug. 25th at 7pm at the Peckins Rd. camp.   Trish is a high school student and parish member, who called me seeking a way to serve others.  This will be a wonderful influence in the children’s lives both in providing entertainment and encouraging literacy.  The new/used clothing will be brought this day as well.
                  This summer has brought many opportunities for me to connect not only with migrant families but with the good people at St. Francis.  I was encouraged by the number of calls I received showing interest in this ministry, not only from people of our parish but also from Christ the King Parish, and St. Mary’s Parish in Manchester.  I know that two other people have already been involved in serving the migrant community at the DuRussel farm, one from St. Thomas in Ann Arbor, and one from St. Andrew’s in Saline.  With this foundation of support I look forward to coordinating our efforts to serve the migrant families with those of the neighboring parishes.  I can see clearly how our work is inspired and how it shows the migrant families that God loves them very much.  Sometimes they respond with timid thanks, other times with hearty hospitality, however I will never forget the look of bewilderment and awe the adults had as we pulled up with a horse trailer carrying the new washers inside!!! 

    -------------------------------- LINKS --------------------------------
    Also, visit these other related links:
    Go back to Migrant Ministry Web Page

    St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Parish Social Ministry Office, 
    2150 Frieze Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48104