     the Gospel
       always, and
    when necessary
    use words"
-St Francis of Assisi-
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 Social Ministry
Peace and Justice

Click Here to See the list of signatures & endorse the statement on line. 
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Catholic Campaign to
Ban Landmines

Support Ban on Landmines!


 PAST disarmament project


Scott Wright
of Ypsilanti;

James Varani
of Ann Arbor;

Mary Ellen White
of Ann Arbor;

Susan Jacobson
of Ann Arbor;

Mary Wakefield
of Ann Arbor;

Kelly Gauthier
of Ann Arbor;

Grace Potts
of Ann Arbor;

Kathi Hudson Tobey
of Ypsilanti;

Debbie Burns Melican
of Ann Arbor;

Mary Bittner
of Ypsilanti;

Sam M. DeNicolo
of Ann Arbor;

Philip Kearney
of Ann Arbor;

Patricia J. Yonka
of Willis;

Chuck Yonka
of Willis;

Raymond Eric Zbacnik
of Ann Arbor;

Mary Kalu
of Ypsilanti;

Florence A. Kruzas
of Ann Arbor;

Ann Denoyer
of Ann Arbor;

Margaret Dunbar
of Ann Arbor;

Ann Hungerman
of Ann Arbor;

Ronald Kramer
of Ann Arbor;

Timothy Hogan
of Ann Arbor;

Shirley Hogan
of Ann Arbor;

Barbara Varani
of Ann Arbor;

Paul J. Ramsey
of Ypsilanti;

Richard Brown
of Ann Arbor;

of ____________;

of ____________;

of ____________;

of ____________;

of ____________;

of ____________;

of ____________;

of ____________;

of ____________;

Opposition to   Indiscriminate Warfare
"Give the Gift of Peace"  SEEK Christ!
You can learn more about both Senate bills on-line here
Go to: stfrancisa2.com/warfare/
Sample letters are also available online here:
Contact our Michigan senators... Sample-Letter.doc.

ICPJ's Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

Endorse the statement & see the list of signatures.

Look at this demonstration photo:

-- Each BB represents the explosive power of 15 Hiroshima-sized bombs.

-- Six BBs are enough to destroy all of Russia.

-- The U.S. nuclear arsenal has 10,000 BBs, the explosive power of 150,000 Hiroshima-sized bombs. That's enough to destroy the world ten times over. 

Photo from the Nuclear Disarmament meeting
on June 15, 2006,
at St. Francis Parish.
With Chuck Warpehoski, Director of ICPJ demonstrationg.

See a flash film clip of the BB demonstration.

Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice (ICPJ) is a local organization working on behalf of peace and justice in our area and throughout the world. ICPJ’s Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament is an effort to demonstrate support for nuclear disarmament among local religious communities and their individual members.  Please consider joining this effort. 

If you would like to learn more about ICPJ’s Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, please contact Jim Varani (member of the parish Peace and Justice Committee:  ), or contact the ICPJ Office.

Endorse the statement on line, 
Or, Go to the Bottom of This Page.

Nuclear weapons have been with us since the end of World War II.  Nuclear disarmament will not be achieved in some miraculous, instantaneous manner. It will only come about when individuals and groups throughout the world join together in demonstrating their opposition to the continued maintenance of nuclear weapons and working jointly to this end.  As members of a faith community dedicated to following the teachings of Jesus, your joining our effort is important to its ultimate success. 

If you would like to support the ICPJ Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, we invite you to endorse the accompanying statement on People of Faith and Nuclear Disarmament.  Your support is needed to demonstrate to our elected officials that we, as people of faith, support nuclear disarmament as being consistent with our spiritual values and of sound public policy.

Faith Communities and Nuclear Disarmament

Nuclear Disarmament Statement

As people of faith we support nuclear disarmament as being consistent with our most sacred spiritual values. 

We recognize the importance of the religious community in fostering a responsible and achievable approach to nuclear disarmament.

We are pleased to endorse this statement and pledge to work toward achieving the goal of nuclear disarmament.

Religious communities should lead the way to nuclear disarmament.  All of our religious traditions have, at their core, an understanding that we are one human family.  Opposition to nuclear weapons reflects this fact and the fundamental belief that mass murder of civilians is always immoral.

The danger that nuclear weapons pose to humanity is vast, and far outweighs any military value that may have.  Among these dangers are:

  • · The possibility that nuclear weapons could fall into the hands of terrorists;
  • · The danger of accidental nuclear detonation;
  • · The possibility that a conventional conflict could escalate into a nuclear war; 
  • · The environmental damage that can be directly attributed to the development and maintenance of nuclear arsenals; and
  • · The financial burden that nuclear weapons development and maintenance places on government spending and social services.
A world without nuclear weapons is a safer world, and we will work to stop the nuclear danger.
  I want my signature to appear on the web page (within a few days).   I do NOT want my signature to appear on the web page.

E-mail Address:

Congregation:  If you are NOT a member of St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Ann Arbor, then please also provide us with your phone, mailing address & enter the name of your Community or Congregation  if you have one.

Mailing Address: (including: Street, City & Zip) Please Include your Zip Code.


Invitation to the People of St. Francis Parish to Join 
ICPJ’s Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

You are invited to join with members of other Washtenaw area congregations in ICPJ’s Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.  Why would you want to?  Here are a few reasons.   (See this list in a word document.

The danger that nuclear weapons pose to humanity is vast, and far outweighs any military value thay may have.  Among these dangers are:

   · The possibility that nuclear weapons could fall into the hands of terrorists.
   · The danger of accidental nuclear detonation.
   · The possibility that a conventional conflict could escalate into a nuclear war.
   · The environmental damage that can be directly attributed to the development and maintenance of nuclear arsenals.
   · The financial burden that nuclear weapons development and maintenance places on government spending and social services.
Religious communities should lead the way to nuclear disarmament
- All of our religious traditions have, at their core, an understanding that we are one human family. Opposition to nuclear weapons reflects this fact and the fundamental belief that mass murder of innocent lives is always immoral. 
- Religious support for nuclear disarmament also has a practical side.  As mainstream organizations, religious communities represent a large cross section of the population.  Therefore, when religious groups endorse an idea, it gets the attention of politicians.  Furthermore, religious communities can link their voices to magnify the effect.  This can be within a faith community or as an inter-faith movement.  Finally, most faith groups are world-wide organizations.  Any successful nuclear disarmament effort must be international in scope. 
Nuclear disarmament is an achievable goal. 
- The world faces many problems and nuclear disarmament may be among the more easily addressed.  If nuclear weapons disappeared, how many of us would be directly impacted in a negative way? 
- If we could successfully address this issue, it might provide a measure of optimism that could be a stepping stone for working together on other problems. 
There is value in different religious communities working together to address common problems.
- All too often, our religions get co-opted for the spread of disharmony.  Wouldn’t it be great to find that we can work together as members of different faith communities in the effort of solving a common problem?
If you would like to learn more about ICPJ’s Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, the Peace and Justice Committee at St. Francis will hold a one-hour forum to discuss this campaign and to explain the many ways that you can become involved in the nuclear disarmament effort.  Nuclear weapons have been with us since the end of World War II.  Nuclear disarmament will not be achieved in some miraculous, instantaneous manner.  It will only come about when individuals and groups throughout the world join together in demonstrating their opposition to the continued maintenance of nuclear weapons and working jointly to this end.  As members of a faith community dedicated to following the teachings of Jesus, your joining our effort is important to its ultimate success. 
*ICPJ’s Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament is Supported by the Peace and Justice Committee of St. Francis parish.
"Give the Gift of Peace"  SEEK Christ!
You can learn more about both Senate bills on-line here
Go to: stfrancisa2.com/warfare/
Sample letters are also available online here:
Contact our Michigan senators... Sample-Letter.doc.

St. Francis Parish Efforts to Oppose Indiscriminate Warfare include...

Campaign for
Nuclear Disarmament
Ban on Landmines
Help End
Civilian Toll from
Cluster Bombs

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Parish Social Ministry Office, 
2150 Frieze Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48104

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