St. Francis of Assisi Religious Education
Preparation For the Sacraments of 
First Reconciliation and First Communion

Nourished with Christ, We Become Christ

In our baptism, we are re-created as the children of God and brought into the Life of God through Jesus Christ.  In baptism, we receive the Holy Spirit who makes a dwelling within us, bearing the gifts of Faith, Hope, and Love.  Later, in confirmation, these gifts with the fire or intensity of the Spirit, will be made firm, bringing these gifts of Faith, Hope, and Love, to maturation as they begin to manifest themselves in wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, Piety (Reverence), and Fear of the Lord (Wonder and Awe).

Like baptism and confirmation, the reception of Eucharist initiates or brings us into yet a closer relationship with God.  Yet, unlike both baptism and confirmation which are received once, the Eucharist is the on-going nourishment that takes us into the Life of God and binds us together with our brothers and sisters in Love.  Our nourishment in the Sacred Meal of the Eucharist is a Living Person--the Person of Jesus Christ.  When we receive this Living Person in the Eucharist and we participate in Faith with the God we receive, we become continually formed to the likeness of Christ.  Nourished with Christ, we become Christ for others.  Our hearts burning with Love must express itself in action, in works of service, kindness, and justice for others.  We become a Eucharistic people, whose lives are centered on and flow from Christ.

Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion

Sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation (also called Confession or Penance) and First Communion normally takes place in the second grade for children baptized in the Catholic Faith.  Essential for the preparation of First Communion is regular worship in Sunday Mass, participation in religious education, and a commitment on the part of the parents to the religious education of their children after the first reception of Communion.  A first grade religious education is normally required for the preparation of First Communion in the second grade. 

Sacramental preparation includes regular religious education classes for children, and two parent and child preparation meetings for each of the Sacraments.  First Reconciliation is celebrated in December.  First Communion is celebrated in May.

Older children (in grades 3 or higher) or children who are not currently enrolled in religious education classes are prepared with instruction appropriate to the needs of the child with the involvement of the parents.  If your child has missed some or all grades, there is a place for your child to begin sacramental preparation.  Contact  for more information regarding your older child.

To enroll your child in religious education classes, complete and return the registration form.


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