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Call___________ | Author___________ | Title____________________________ | Subtitle______________________ |
RE 155.4 ENG | Engstrom, Ted W. and Larson, Robert C. | The Fine Art of Friendship | This book discusses the need for good friends, the rewards of friendship, and the elements of friendship. |
RE 155.9 ABO |   | About Facing Death as a Christian | This is a booklet that helps to face death as a Christian. |
RE 200 VON | Von Balthasar, Hans Urs | Grain of Wheat: Aphorisms | Originally published under the title 'Das Weizenkorn' by Johannes Verlag, Einsiedeln |
RE 209 QUA | Quasten, Johannes | Patrology, Vol. 3 |   |
RE 213 CRE |   | Creation and liturgy |   |
RE 220 BRI | Bright, John | The Kingdom of God | The Biblical Concept and Its Meaning for the Church |
RE 220 CHR | Rotelle, John E., O.S.A., General Editor | Christian Readings: Volume II: 17th Sunday of the Year to Advent |   |
RE 220 GOO |   | The Good News Bible |   |
RE 220.74 HAR | Harrington, Daniel J., S.J. | Luke - An Access Guide For Scripture Study | An introduction to the study of the Scriptures and is designed for ease in reading and understanding |
RE 220 JON | Jones, Alexander, S.T.L., L.S.S. | God's Living Word |   |
RE 220 KOD | Kodell, Jerome | The Catholic Bible srudy handbook |   |
RE 220 NEW |   | The New Testament - Rendered From the Original Greek With Explanatory Notes | Part One - The Four Gospels, Part Two - Acts of the Apostles, Epistles and Apocalypse |
RE 220 VEE | Veerman, David R. | 102 Questions Children Ask About the Bible | This book contains thoughtful answers to the questions children often ask about the Bible. |
RE 220.5 NEW | Knox, Ronald, Translator | The New Testament Of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - A New Translation |   |
RE 220.6 AIG | Aigrain, Rene and Englebert, Omer | Prophecy Fulfilled - The Old Testament Realized in the New |   |
RE 220.6 AMI | Amiot, Francois, S.S. | From Scripture to Prayer - Volume 1 - Advent to Pentecost |   |
RE 220.6 BER |   | The Works of Bernard of Clairvaux: Volume Two: Song of Songs I | This book contains Bernard of Claivaux's sermons on the Song of Songs which are among the most famous and most beautiful examples of medieval s
RE 220.6 BIB | McKenzie, John L., S.J., Editor | The Bible In Current Catholic Thought |   |
RE 220.6 CHA | Charlier, Com Celestin | The Christian Approach to the Bible |   |
RE 220.6 CHI | Chifflot, T.G. | Water in the Wilderness - Understanding the Bible |   |
RE 220.6 DAN | Daniel-Rops, Henri | What Is the Bible? |   |
RE 220.6 DED | de Dietrich, Suzanne | God's Unfolding Purpose: A Guide to the Study of the Bible |   |
RE 220.6 DOU | Dougherty, John J. | Searching the Scriptures |   |
RE 220.6 FRI | Friederichsen, Mrs. Paul | God's Word Made Plain |   |
RE 220.6 GRA | Graham, Right Rev. Henry G. | Where We Got The Bible - Our Debt to the Catholic Church |   |
RE 220.6 JOH | Johnson, Luke T. | The Writings of the New Testament | For those who want to understand the origin and shape of the New Testament writing, but are unable to find a comprehensive interpretation. |
RE 220.6 HAR | Harrington, wilfrid J., O.P. | Key To The Bible - Volume 1 - Record of Revelation |   |
RE 220.6 HAR | Harrington, Wilfred J., O.P. | Key To The Bible - Volume 3 - The New Testament Record of the Fulfillment |   |
RE 220.6 HOG | Hogan, Frances | Can You Trust the Bible? A Popular Guide for Catholics | This book offers insights into the Bible, presents reliable and up-to-date scholarship, and provides Catholics with a sure foundation for u
RE 220.6 HUN | Hunt, Ignatius | Undestanding the Bible | 'great value as a popular biblical survey, containing a veritable treasury of insight and information,' from the Catholic Bibilical Quarterly |
RE 220.6 KEN | Kent, Michael | Bringing the Word to Life | This book is a straightforward approach for getting to the heart of the lectionary readings for each Sunday of the liturgical year. |
RE 220.6 KLO | Kloppenborg, John S., Meyer, Marvin W., Patterson, Stephen J., Steinhause, Michael G. | Q Thomas Reader |   |
RE 220.6 MAR | Martin, George | Reading Scripture as the Word of God - Practical Approaches and Attitudes |   |
RE 220.6 MON | Monro, Margaret T. | Enjoying the New Testament - A Basic Guide to a Fuller Appreciation of the New Testament |   |
RE 220.6 MOR | Moran, Gabriel, F.S.C. | Catechesis of Revelation |   |
RE 220.6 MUE | Mueller, Steve | Seeker's Guide to Reading the Bible | This book addresses many of the problems and concerns that adult learners commonly face when they begin their journey of faith through Scripture. |
RE 220.6 NOR | Norquist, Marilyn | How To Read And Pray The Gospels |   |
RE 220.6 OUR | Oursler, Fulton and Armstrong, April Oursler | The Greatest Faith Ever Known - The Story of the Men Who First Spread the Religion of Jesus and of the Momentous Times in Which They Lived |   |
RE 220.6 PER | Perkins, Pheme | Hearing the Parables of Jesus |   |
RE 220.6 POT | Potter, Dr. Charles F. | Is That In The Bible? |   |
RE 220.6 RET | Ochs, Peter, Editor | The Return to Scripture in Judaism and Christianity - Essays in Postcritical Scriptural Interpretation |   |
RE 220.6 STE | Steinmueller, Rev. Msgr. John E. | The Sword Of The Spirit - Which Is the Word of God |   |
RE 220.6 STE | Steinmann, Jean | Biblical Criticism |   |
RE 220.6 STR | Stringfellow, William | Conscience & Obedience: The Politics of Romans 13 and Revelations 13 In Light of the Second Coming | The theme of this book is that Christians must comprehend politics if they are to transc
RE 220.6 THE | Richardson, Alan, D.D., Editor | A Theological Word Book of the Bible | This book is intended to elucidate the distinctively theological meanings of the key words in the Bible, from Abomination to Zeal. |
RE 220.6 VAW | Vawter, Bruce, C.M. | The Four Gospels - An Introduction - Volume 1 |   |
RE 220.6 VAW | Vawter, Bruce, C.M. | The Four Gospels - An Introduction - Volume II |   |
RE 220.6 WIN | Winzen, Damasus | Pathways in Scripture | A book-by-book guide to the spiritual riches of the Bible |
RE 220.7 BED |   | Bede The Venerable - Homilies on the Gospels - book One - Advent to Lent |   |
RE 220.7 BED | Bede the Venerable | Excerpts From the Works of Saint Augustine on the Letters of the Blessed Apostle Paul | This book contains the present day arrangements of the letters of St. Paul. |
RE 220.75 ELL | Ellis, Peter Francis, S.S.L. and Ellis, Judith Monahan | John - An Access Guide For Scripture Study | An introduction to the study of the Scriptures and is designed for ease in reading and understanding. |
RE 220.7 FUC | Fuchs, Lucy | We Were There: Women in the New Testament | These meditations on women in the New Testament grew out of monthly Bible discussions which the author had with women leaders in her parish. |
RE 220.7 GET | Getty, Mary Ann, R.S.M. | Philippians and Philemon |   |
RE 220.7 HAR | Harrington, Wilfrid J. | Explaining the Gospels |   |
RE 220.7 JOH | Johnson, Luke T. | The Writings of the New Testament - An Interpretation |   |
RE 220.7 KEN | Kent, Homer A., Jr. | The Pastoral Epistles - Studies in 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus |   |
RE 220.7 MAR | Marsh, John | The Gospel of St. John |   |
RE 220.7 MCK | McKenzie, John L., S.J. | The Power and the Wisdom - An Interpretation of the New Testament |   |
RE 220.7 MUR | Murphy-O'Connor, Jerome | 1 Corinthians |   |
RE 220.7 PER | Perkins, Pheme | The Johannine Epistles |   |
RE 220.7 PER | Perkins, Pheme | Reading the New Testament - An Introduction | This book provides unique guide for exploring the writings that put us in contact with our spiritual heritage. |
RE 220.7 RAL | Ralph, Margaret Nutting | 'And God Said What?' | This book introduces the reader to the importance of understanding the various literary forms which appear in Scripture: myth, legend, debate, fiction, Gospel, para
RE 220.7 RIC | Richards, Hubert | What The Spirit Says To The Churches - A Key to John's Apocalypse |   |
RE 220.7 RIC | Ricciotti, Giuseppe | The Acts of the Apostles: Text and Commentary | This book contains a line-for-line analysis of the Acts preceded by a thorough and concise introduction providing an illuminating background on
RE 220.7 SCH | Schnackenburg, Rudolf | New Testament Theology Today |   |
RE 220.7 SEN | Sena, Patrick J., S.PP.S. | The Apocalypse - Biblical Revelation Explained |   |
RE 220.7 THO | Thompson, James W. | Beginnings of Christian Philosophy: The Epistle to the Hebrews | the Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series 13 |
RE 220.72 CAR | Carter, Warren and Heil, John Paul | Matthew's Parables: Audience-Oriented Perspectives | This book is an experiment in reading the parables within Matthew's gospel. |
RE 220.73 HAR | Harrington, Daniel J., S.J. | Mark - An Access Guide For Scripture Study | An introduction to the study of the Scriptures and is designed for ease in reading and understanding. |
RE 220.72 MEI | Meier, John P. | Matthew - An Access Guide For Scripture Study | An introduction to the study of the Scriptures and is designed for ease in reading and understanding |
RE 220.7 NAV |   | Navarre Bible: Acts of the Apostles | The Navarre Bible consists of the New Vulgate, the Revised Standard Version, and commentaries. |
RE 220.75 OBA | Obach, Robert E. and Kirk, Albert | A Commentary on The Gospel of John | This book presents the program of the Diocese of Memphis for studying John's Gospel. |
RE 220.73 KEE | Keegan, Terence J., O.P. | A Commentary on The Gospel of Mark | This book aids Christians to share their faith and experience together. Individuals looking for a scholarly guide to Mark and inspiration for person
RE 220.73 SMI | Smith, Thomas J. | The Mighty Message of Mark |   |
RE 220.75 SLO | Sloyan, Gerard S. | What Are They Saying About John? | This book is a comprehensive review of contemporary scholarly writing on John's Gospel. |
RE 220.09 BUC | Buck, Pearl S. | The Story Bible | The complete old and new testaments retold in 72 'story-sections' |
RE 220.9 KEY | Keyes, Nelson Beecher | Story of the Bible World in Map, Word and Picture |   |
RE 242 CHE | Chesto, Kathleen O'Connell | Family Prayer for Family Times | Traditions, celebrations and rituals |
RE 221.9 AND | Anderson, Bernhard W. | Understanding the Old Testament | This book helps the reader to appreciate the historical, literary, and religious dimensions of the Scriptures that have had, and continue to have, a profoun
RE 221.9 CAS | Castel, Francois | The History of Israel and Judah in Old Testament Times |   |
RE 221.9 BOA | Boadt, Lawrence | Reading the Old Testament |   |
RE 221.9 DAN | Daniel-Rops | Israel and the Ancient World |   |
RE 221.9 GEL | Gelin, Rev. Albert, P.S.S. | The Poor of Yahweh |   |
RE 221.9 GOU | Gouker, Loice | Bible People - Highlights From Their Lives |   |
RE 221.9 HAR | Harrington, Wilfrid J. | Key to the Bible |   |
RE 221.9 MCK | McKenzie, John L. | The Two-Edged Sword - An Interpretation of the Old Testament |   |
RE 221.9 OES | Oesterley, W.O.E. and Robinson, Theodore H. | An Introduction to the Books of the Old Testament | This book presents a complete account of the development of the text of the Bible, in sequence, reconstructing their
RE 221.9 RHY | Rhymer, Joseph | The Beginnings of a People |   |
RE 221.9 RHY | Rhymer, Joseph | The Covenant and the Kingdom | A Way through the Old Testament: Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings |
RE 221.9 SCH | Schokel, Luis Alonso | Journey through the Bible Lands |   |
RE 221.9 SHA | Shanks, Hershel | The City of David- a Guide to Biblical Jerusalem |   |
RE 221.9 THO | Thomas, D. Winton | Documents From Old Testament Times |   |
RE 221.9 TWI | Twigg, Blanche | God Calls a People- a Journey Through the Old Testament |   |
RE 222 DAI | Daiches, David | Moses: The Man and his Vision | In this retelling of the epic story of Moses, the author reads the Biblical text attentively, listening for overtones and looking for parallels and contrasts with oth
RE 222 GEN |   | The Anchor Bible | Introduction, translation, and notes by E.A. Speiser |
RE 222 GEN |   | The Book of Genesis: Part 1 With a Commentary by Ignatius Hunt, O.S.B. |   |
RE 222 EXO |   | The Book of Exodus: Part 1 With a Commentary by Roland E. Murphy, O.CARM. |   |
RE 222 LEV |   | The Book of Leviticus With a Commentary by Carroll Stuhlmueller, C.P. |   |
RE 222 NUM |   | The Book of Numbers: Part 2 With a Commentary by Frederick L. Moriarty, S.J. |   |
RE 222 DEU |   | The Book of Deuteronomy: Part 2 With a Commentary By George S. Glanzman, S.J. |   |
RE 222 JOS |   | The Book of Josue With a Commentary by Joseph J. De Vaults, S.J. |   |
RE 222 JER |   | The Book of Jeremia: Part 2 With a Commentary by Neal M. Flanagan, O.S.M. |   |
RE 222 JER |   | The Book of Jeremia: Part 1 With a Commentary by Neal M. Flanagan, O.S.M. |   |
RE 222 VAW | Vawter, Bruce, C.M. | A Path Through Genesis |   |
Call___________ | Author___________ | Title____________________________ | Subtitle______________________ |
RE 232.9 ANG | Angelica, Mother M. | The Divine Personality of Jesus |   |
RE 232.9 BIS | Bishop, Jim | The Day Christ Died |   |
RE 232.91 CAR | Carol, Juniper B., O.F.M., Editor | Mariology, Volume 1 | A symposium of articles by outstanding American scholars writing on virtually every phase of Marian theology and devotion. Volume 1 covers history and sou |
RE 232.91 CAR | Carol, Juniper B., O.F.M., Editor | Mariology, Volume 3 | Symposuim of articles by outstanding American scholars on virtually every phase of Marian theology and devotion. Volume 3 covers the devotion to the Bless |
RE 232.91 CAR | Carol, Juniper B., O.F.M. | Mariology, Volume 2 | Symposium of articles by outstanding American scholars on virtually every phase of Marian theology and devotion. Volume 2 is concerned with Marian theology. |
RE 232.9 CUN | Cunningham, Phillip J., C.S.P. | Believer's Search for the Jesus of History | The author takes a hard look at the distinctive views of scholars involved in the debate over the Jesus of history and the impact He has |
RE 232.9 DAN | Daniel-Rops | Jesus and His Times |   |
RE 232.9 DAN | Daniel-Rops, VOL. 1 | Jesus and His Times |   |
RE 232.9 DAN | Daniel-Rops | Jesus and His Times , Vol.2 |   |
RE 232.9 DEL | De Liguori, Alphonsus | The Incarnation, Birth, and Infancy of Jesus Christ |   |
RE 232.9 DOZ | Doze, Andrew | Saint Joseph: Shadow of the Father | Allusions, prefigurations, and prophecies concerning the role of St. Joseph in the plan of God the Father, form the backdrop to this book, which charts the growth |
RE 232.91 FIN | Finley, Mitch | Surprising Mary:Meditations and Prayers | meditations and prayers on Mary, the mother of Jesus |
RE 232.9 GIB | Gibran, Kahlil | Jesus, The Son of Man |   |
RE 232.9 GRE |   | The Greatest Story Ever Told | Picture book from the movie |
RE 232.9 GUA | Guardini, Romano | The Lord |   |
RE 232.9 HAR | Hart, Thomas N. | To Know and Follow Jesus | Contemporary Christology |
RE 232.9 HAY | Hays, Edward M. | Gospel of Gabriel | This book explains the story of Jesus' human struggles of flesh, faith and finally death. |
RE 232.9 JES |   | Jesus and His Times |   |
RE 232.9 KIN | King, Marian | Portrait of Jesus | With Paintings and engravings from The National Gallery of Art. |
RE 232.91 KON | Kondor, Fr. Louis, SVD. | Fatima in Lucia's Own Words | Sister Lucia's Memoirs |
RE 232.9 LAT | Latourelle, Rene | Finding Jesus Through the Gospels |   |
RE 232.9 LAV | Lavoie, Gilbert R. | Unlocking the Secrets of the Shroud | This book is mix of science and religion in order to determine the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin. |
RE 232.9 LIN | Link, Mark | The Seventh Trumpet | The Good News Proclaimed |
RE 232.9 LOV | Lovasik, Lawrence G. | My Beloved Son |   |
RE 232.9 LOY | Loyola, Mother Mary | Jesus of Nazareth |   |
RE 232.9 MAU | Mauriac, Francois | The Son of Man | A dramatic and deeply moving portrait of Jesus Christ, meaningfully interpreted for modern man by the Nobel Prize winner. |
RE 232.9 MOO | Moore, Sebastian | The Crucified Jesus Is No Stranger |   |
RE 232.9 MUR | Murphy, Richard T.A., O.P. | Days of Glory: The Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ | This book is a blend of scholarship and profound spiritual insight into the passion, death, and resurrection of Je |
RE 232.9 OBR | O'Brien, Reverend John A. | Life of Christ |   |
RE 232.9 VAN | Van Zeller, Hubert | Approach to Calvary | A series of separate meditations on the Way of the Cross, as well as discussion of suffering in general. |
RE 232.9 OUR | Oursler, Fulton | The Greatest Story Ever Told | A reverent and faithful retelling of the everlasting story of Jesus, written with powerful simplicity. |
RE 232.9 PFE | Pfeifer, Carl | Teaching Jesus Today | For parents and teachers to aid in sharing their knowledge about Jesus. |
RE 232.9 RAY | Raymond, Rev.,M. | Love Does Such Things | God's Christmas Gift to Man |
RE 232.9 RIC | Ricci, Giulio, Msgr. | The Way of the Cross... in the Light of... the Holy Shroud | In this book, the paschal mystery is seen in its fullness and offers the same luminous hope which was the source of exultation for |
RE 232.9 RIC | Ricci, Giulio, Msgr. | Guide to the Photographic Exhibit of the Holy Shroud | This book serves as a guidebook to the photographic exhibit of the Holy Shroud. |
RE 232.91 ARA | Aradi, Zsolt | Shrines to Our Lady Around the World |   |
RE 232.91 BEH |   | Behold Your Mother: Woman of Faith | A pastoral letter on the Blessed Virgin Mary |
RE 232.91 BOJ | Bojorge, Horacio, S.J. | The Image of Mary | This book is about the image of Mary according to the Evangelists |
RE 232.91 BOZ | Bozell, L. Brent | Mision Guadalupe | This book contains a history of Mision Guadalupe. |
RE 232.91 BRO | Brown, Michael | The Last Secret | This book tells the story of Mary's apparitions, her miraculous interventions, and her secrets since the first century. |
RE 232.91 BRO | Brown, Michael H. and Mariani, Drew J. | Bridge to Heaven: Interviews with Maria Esperanza of Betania | Interviews with Maria Esperanza de Bianchini, from the hillside outskirts of Caracas, Venezuela, one of the m |
RE 232.91 BRO | Brown, Michael H. | Final Hour | Since 1830 messages have forewarned about an evil era and the possible onset of the 'end times'. There are also allusions to the Anti-Christ. Where these apparitions have occurre |
RE 232.91 BRO | Brown, Raymond E., Donfried, Karl P., Fitzmyer, Joseph A. and Reumann, John | Mary in the New Testament | A collaborative assessment by Protestant and Roman Catholic Scholars |
RE 232.91 CAR | Carrel, Alexis | The Voyage to Lourdes |   |
RE 232.91 CAR | Carberry, John Joseph Cardinal | The Book of the Rosary |   |
RE 232.91 CAR | Carter, Edward, S.J. | The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje | The author details in this book a connection between the apparitions at Fatima and those at Medjugorje. |
RE 232.91 CRA | Craig, Mary | Spark From Heaven | This book provides an open-ended study of the appearance of Mary in Medjugorje, Yugoslavia. |
RE 232.91 CRA | Cranston, Ruth | The Miracle of Lourdes |   |
RE 232.91 CUS | Cushing, Richard Cardinal | Mary |   |
RE 232.91 DAN | Daniel-Rops, Henri | The Book of Mary |   |
RE 232.91 DEL | Delaney, John J., Editor | A Woman Clothed With the Sun | Portrayal of eight most important apparitions of Our Lady in modern times. |
RE 232.91 DEL | De Liguori, St. Alphonsus | The Glories of Mary |   |
RE 232.91 DEM | De Montfort, St. Louis-Marie Grignion | True Devotion to Mary | This book explains the wonderful spiritual effects which true devotion to Mary brings about in a person's life, leaving the reader with no doubt that |
RE 232.91 DEM | De Montfort, Louis, Marie, Saint | Preparation for Total Consecration according to Saint Louis Marie de Montfort |   |
RE 232.91 DES | de Satge, John | Down to Earth | This book takes a fresh look at the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, and at the traditional Roman Catholic beliefs about her. |
RE 232.91 DOL | Dolan, Dominic, Reverend, Editor | The Rosarian's Handbook of the Society of the Rosary Altar |   |
RE 232.91 DEU | Deutsch, Bernard F. | Our Lady of Ephesus | This book is about where the Blessed Virgin spent her last days. |
RE 232.91 DUF | Duff, Frank | Miracles on Tap |   |
RE 232.91 EMM | Emmerich, Anne Catherine | The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary | From the visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich |
RE 232.91 FAC | Faccenda, Fr. Luigi, O.F.M., CONV. | One More Gift: Total Consecration to the Immaculata According to the Spirituality of St, Maximilian Kolbe | This book explains in clear and profound words the history, doctrin |
RE 232.91 FLY | Flynn, Ted and Maureen | The Thunder of Justice: The Warning, the Miracle, the Chastisement, the Era of Peace |   |
RE 232 FOR | Ford, Lauren | Our Lady's Book |   |
RE 232.91 FUR | Furey, Richard G., C.Ss.R. | Mary's Way of the Cross | This book attempts to rekindle within the reader a sense of both prayerful repentance and grateful redemption as it lets him or her walk Jesus' last steps wit |
RE 232.91 GAF | Gaffney, Patrick, S.M.M. | Mary's Spiritual Maternity According to St. Louis de Montfort |   |
RE 232.91 GAR | Garofalo, Salvatore | Mary in the Bible |   |
RE 232.91 GRA | Grassi, Joseph A. | Mary, Mother and Disciple |   |
RE 232.91 GUI | Guitton, Jean | The Virgin Mary |   |
RE 232.91 HAN | Hanlon, James M. | A Spiritual Journey With St. Louis de Montfort | This book contains none medidations in preparation for total consecration |
RE 232.91 HAR | Harrington, W.J., O.P. | The Rosary: A Gospel Prayer |   |
RE 232.91 HIC | Hickey, James Cardinal | Mary at the Foot of the Cross | Spiritual exercises given to Pope John Paul II and the Papal Household |
RE 232.91 HOP | Hophan, Otto, O.F.M..CAP. | Mary Our Most Blessed Lady |   |
RE 232.91 INT | In Testimony | Priestly Reflections on Medjugorje | Tens of thousands of priests and bishops have traveled to Medjugorje. This book was written by 84 of them. It represents their personal viewpoint. |
RE 232.91 JEL | Jelly, Frederick, M. O.P. | Madonna: Mary in the Catholic Tradition | This book outlines a contemporary composite portrait, a Madonna for today's Catholics that the teaching Church assures is a faithful likeness |
RE 232.91 JOH | Johnston, Francis | Fatima: The Great Sign | This book graphically demonstrates that Our Lady of Fatima's message is not just for pious Christians; it is addressed with compelling earnestness to every man, woman |
RE 232.91 JOH | Johnston, Francis | The wonder of Guadalupe |   |
RE 232.91 KAC | Kaczmarek, Louis | The Wonders She Performs | Story of the travels of the Pilgrim Virgin from 1972 to the present |
RE 232.91 LAU | Laurentin, Rene | The Apparitions fo the Blessed Virgin Mary |   |
RE 232.91 LAU | Laurentin, Rene | Apparitions at Medjugorje Prolonged | The author of this book, a renowned theologian and historian of apparitions, comments on Medjugorje. |
RE 232.91 LAU | Laurentin, Rene | An appeal from Mary in Argentina |   |
RE 232.91 LAU | Laurentin, Rene and Lejeune, Rene | Messages and Teachings of Mary at Medjugorje | Chronology of the Messages - The Urgency to Return to God |
RE 232.91 LEB | LeBlanc, Sr. Mary Fancis, O. Carm. | Cause of Our Joy | This book contains eleven stories about Mary. |
RE 232.91 LOV | Lovasik, Rev. Lawrence G., S.V.D. | Our Lady's Titles | Meditations for all Saturdays of the Year |
RE 232.91 MAR |   | Mary: God's Masterpiece | Text taken from New Catholic Edition of the Holy Bible, the Daily Missal and the Roman Breviary |
RE 232.91 MAR | Marin, Jacov | Queen of Peace in Medjugorje | This is a journal of a diocesan priest in Yugoslavia. A seven year account of his diary and reflections of the visit of the Mother of God to his country, to his churc |
RE 232.91 MAR | Branick, Vincent P., S.M., Editor | Mary, the Spirit and the Church | This book contains a collection of essays focusing on the dialogue between the theologian and the charismatic. |
RE 232.91 MON | Montague, George T., S.M. | Our Father, Our Mother: Mary and the Faces of God | This book contains biblical and pastoral reflections. |
RE 232.91 MIR | Miravelle, Mark I., S.T.D. | Mary, Coredemptrix, Mediatrix, Advocate | Synthesis of Mary's exalted roles as Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate as they are already contained in the sources of divine revelations. |
RE 232.91 NEW | Newman, John Henry Cardinal | Blessed Art Thou Among Women | Meditations on Mary |
RE 232.91 OLA | O'Laverty, Father H. | The Mother of God and Her Glorious Feasts |   |
RE 232.91 OUR |   | Our Lady Speaks to Her Beloved Priests | This book explains the Marian Movement of Priests and their beliefs. |
RE 232.91 PEL | Pelikan, Jaroslav | Mary Through the Centuries | The author examines all of Christian history and culture to create the most complete portrait of the Virgin Mary even written. |
RE 232.91 PET | Petrisko, Thomas W. | Call of the Ages | The apparitions and revelations of the Virgin Mary foretell the coming fall of evil and an era of peace |
RE 232.91 ROB | Roberts, Father Kenneth J. | Up On the Mountain | This book is a personal response by Father Roberts to his taking groups of pilgrims up Medjugorje's Mount Krizevac, stopping at each Station of the Cross, and then |
RE 232.91 SLA | Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary | Hail Mary Full of Grace |   |
RE 232.91 THO | Thornton, Francis Beauchesne | This is the Rosary |   |
RE 232.91 VIN | Vincent, R. | Please Come Back To Me and My Son | Our Lady's appeal through Christina Gallagher to the people of Ireland and all humanity. |
RE 232.91 WAL | Walters, Kerry | Spirituality of the Handmaid: A Model for Contemporary Seekers | This book gives the religious seeker a profound and practical guide to the art of prayer. |
RE 232.91 WEI | Weible, Wayne | Medjugorje: The Mission | This book is a sequel to the author's account of the spiritual phenomenon of our time - the miracle at Medjugorje. |
RE 232.91 WIN | Windeatt, Mary | The miraculous medal |   |
RE 232.91 MIR | Miravalle, Mark | Introduction to Mary | The Heart of Marian Doctrine and Devotion |
RE 232.91 STE | Steiger, Brad | Mother Mary speaks to us |   |
RE 232.91 WOR |   | Words From Heaven: Message of Our Lady from Medjugorje | This book is a documented record of the messages and their meanings given by Our Lady in Medjugorje to the six visionaries and two inner locutionists. |
RE 232.96 BAR | Barbet, M.D. | A doctor at Calvary |   |
RE 232.91 WOM | Delaney, John J., Editor | A Woman Clothed With The Sun: Eight Great Appearances of Our Lady in Modern Times | This book covers the seven most significant apparitions of Our Lady in the past century; that of the |
RE 232.9 HEL | Heller, John H., Dr. | Report on the Shroud of Turin | This book describes the process scientists used to determine the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin. |
Call___________ | Author___________ | Title____________________________ | Subtitle______________________ |
RE 234 ATH | Athanasius, St. | The Incarnation fo the Word of God |   |
RE 234 AYO | Ayo, Nicholas, C.S.C. | The Creed As Symbol |   |
RE 234 BOB | Bobik, Joseph | Aquinas on Matter and Form and the Elements | This book is a guide to those interested in the origin, nature, structure, and atomic-cosmic evolution of the physical world. |
RE 234 BUR | Burke, John and Thomas P. Doyle | The Homilist's Guide to Scripture, Theology, and Canon Law | This book draws on all contemporary documents to guide ordinary ministers of preaching. Extraordinary ministers will fin |
RE 234 CHE | Chervin, Ronda, Ph.D. and Kevane, Eugene, Ph.D. | Love of Wisdom: An Introduction to Christian Philosophy | This book is a study of the origin and nature of Christian philosophy, and the reason why the Catholic Chur |
RE 234 CHE | Chesterson, G.K. | The Everlasting Man |   |
RE 234 DEC | De Chardin, Pierre Teilhard | Hymn Of The Universe |   |
RE 234 DEC | De Chardin, Pierre Teilhard | The Divine Milieu: An Essay on the Interior Life | The author explains how man's spiritual life can become a participation in the destiny of the universe. |
RE 234 DEL | De Lubac, Henri | A Brief Catechesis on Nature and Grace |   |
RE 234 GLE | Gleason, R. W., S.J. | The Search for God |   |
RE 234 GIL | Gilson, Etienne | The Christian Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas | Offers students of philosophy and medieval studies an insightful introduction to the thought of Aquinas and the Scholastic philosophy of the Middle A |
RE 234 GUA | Guardini, Romano | Eternal Life: What You Need to Know About Death, Judgment, and Life Everlasting | This book deals with the mysteries of death, judgment, and eternal life. |
RE 234 HAI | Haight, Roger, S.J. | The Experience and Language of Grace | Lays a theological groundwork for the understanding of Christian life through a new approach to the idea of grace. |
RE 234 HAR | Haring, Barnard, S.Ss.R. | Toward a Christian Moral Theology |   |
RE 234 HEL | Hellwig, Monika | What Are The Theologians Saying? |   |
RE 234 HIN | Hinnebusch, Paul | Like The Word | The perfection of the Christian life is to be found in the knowledge and love of the Trinity; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. |
RE 234 JEN | Jenkins, Christie L. | Loving Our Neighbor, The Earth | This book contains 20 easy-to-follow lesson plans that teach children (ages 9-11) how to recognize the value of all life. |
RE 234 KRE | Kreeft, Peter | The Angel and the Ants: Bringing Heaven Closer to Your Daily Life | This book can transform your life by opening up new spiritual vistas and possiblities in your relationship with God. |
RE 234 MAN | Burke, Thomas J., Editor | Man and Mind: A Christian Theory of Personality | This book is used in the Christian Studies Program at Hillsdale College to inform students of the basic doctrines and ethical vision of Ch |
RE 234 MAR | Martinez, Luis | The Sanctifier |   |
RE 234 MAR | Maritain, Jacques | The Range of Reason |   |
RE 234 MAR | Maritain, Jacques | Scholasticism And Politics |   |
RE 234 MCC | McCarthy, J. P. | Heaven |   |
RE 234 MIL | Miller, John W. | Calling God 'Father' | This book seeks to address significant omissions and distortions in the current critique of biblical patriarchy and to indicate how the Bible fostered and might continue to su |
RE 234 MOU | Mouroux, Jean | The Meaning Of Man |   |
RE 234 MUE | Mueller, J.J., S.J. | What Are They Saying About the Theological Method? |   |
RE 234 NOV | Navak, Michael | Belief and Unbelief: A Philosophy of Self-Knowledge | A young Catholic philosopher's vigorous, relentlessly honest investigation of what it is to believe in a world that asserts the death of God. |
RE 234 PAL | Palmer, Parker | The Promise Of Paradox | A celebration of contradictions in the Chritian life |
RE 234 PAR | Parente, Rev. Pascal P., S.T.D., Ph.D., J.C.B. | Beyond Space | This is a book about the angels. |
RE 234 PAY | Payne, Leanne | Real Presence | The Christian worldview of C.S. Lewis as Incarnational Reality. |
RE 234 PAY | Payne, Leanne | Crisis in Masculinity |   |
RE 234 PEG | Pegis, Anton C. | The Wisdom Of Catholicism |   |
RE 234 PEG | Pegis, Anton | Introduction To Saint Thomas Aquinas |   |
RE 234 PIE | Pieper, Josef | The Silence of St. Thomas |   |
RE 234 RAH | Rahner, Karl | The Eternal Year | Reflections on the major feasts in the Church year. |
RE 234 RAH | Rahner, Karl | Christian At The Crossroads |   |
RE 234 RAH | Rahner, Karl S.J. | Theology for Renewal | The author wastes no time in assessing historical Christianity. |
RE 234 RAH | Rahner, Karl | Grace In Freedom |   |
RE 234 SAY | Sayers, Dorothy L. | THe Mind of the Maker | This book is by turns an entrancing meditation on language; a piercing commentary on the nature of art and why so much of what we read, hear, and see falls short; and a br |
RE 234 SCH | Schillebeeckx, E., O.P. | God The Future of Man |   |
RE 234 SHE | Sheed, F.J. | God And The Human Condition |   |
RE 234 SHE | Sheed, F.J. | Theology and Sanity |   |
RE 234 SHE | Sheed, F.J. | Society And Sanity |   |
RE 234 SMA | Smart, Ninian | The Philosophy of Religion |   |
RE 234 SHE | Sheed, F.J. | The Holy Spirit in Action | Why Christians call Him 'The Lord and giver of Life' |
RE 234 STE | Stevens, Gregory | The Life Of Grace |   |
RE 234 TAY | Taylor, Michael J., S.J., Editor | The Sacraments | Readings in contemporary sacramental theology |
RE 234 THO | Hudson, Deal W. and Moran, Dennis Wm., Editors | The Future of Thomism | These essays voice the contemporary concerns of those who respect the perennial philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas |
RE 234 WAR | Ward, Benedicta, S.L.G. | Harlots of the Desert: A Study of Repentance in Early Monastic Sources | This book contains the accounts of the lives of the harlots: Pelagia, Maria, Thais, Mary of Egypt, and a number of |
RE 234 VEN | Venerable Louis of Granada | Summa Of The Christian Life, Vol. 1 |   |
RE 234 VEN | Venerable Louis of Granada | Summa Of The Christian Life, Vol 2 |   |
RE 234 VEN | Venerable Louis of Granada | Summa Of The Christian Life, Vol 3 |   |
RE 248.2 VON | Von Hildebrand, Dietrich | Transformation in Christ |   |
RE 235 KRE | Kreeft, Peter J. | Angels (and Demons): What Do We Really Know About Them? | This book draws upon the Bible, treaditional Church teaching and St. Thomas Aquinas, to give straight, clear answers to the perennial and |
RE 235 HUN | Hunt, Marigold | A Book of Angels. by Marigold Hunt ; [ill. by James E. McIlrath]. |   |
RE 235 TYL | Tyler, Kelsey | There's An Angel on Your Shoulder: Angel Encounters in Everyday Life | This book is about angel encounters. |
RE 235 NEV | Nevins, Albert | A saint for your name: saints for girls |   |
RE 235 NEV | Nevins, Albert | A saint for your name: saints for boys |   |
RE 235 OSU | O'Sullivan, Fr. Paul, O.P. | All About the Angels | This book shows how Angels have assisted people innumerable times in the past and how they continue to help us today - and how they would do even more than they do, |
RE 238 ALT | Altemose, Charlene, MSC | What You Should Know About The Catechism Of The Catholic Church |   |
RE 238 BAG | Bagiackas, Joseph, Ph.D. | A Lay Person's Guide to The New Catechism of the Catholic Church: Promulgated by Pope John Paul II | This book focuses on the teachings of Pope John Paul II |
RE 238 BES |   | The Best of The Wise Man: Answers From A to Z |   |
RE 238 BOU | Boudreau, Albert H. | The Born-Again Catholic |   |
RE 238 BOW | Bowden, C. H. | Short Dictionary of Catholicism | This book includes accurate and approved descriptions of the rituals and rites, creeds and doctrines, holy days and saint's days, historic councils and encyclicals, a |
RE 238 CAL | Calkins, Hugh, Bausch, Father William J., Ford,Dr. Josephine Massyngberde | What Kind of Life After Death? Hell, Purgatory, Heaven |   |
RE 238 CHA | Champlin, Joseph | Christ Present and Yet To Come |   |
RE 238 CHE | Chesterton, Gilbert K. | Orthodoxy |   |
RE 238 CHE | Chervin, Ronda DeSola and Msgr. Joseph Pollard | Tell Me Why | Answering tough questions about the faith. |
RE 238 CHI | Chilson, Richard | An Introduction To The Faith Of Catholics |   |
RE 238 EVE | Evely, Louis | Credo |   |
RE 238 FAR | Farrell, Martin | The Message of Salvation |   |
RE 238 FIN | Finley, Mitch | The Seeker's Guide to Being Catholic | Explores the connections between the Catholic faith and life by discussing such topics as work, relationships, prayer, spirituality, morality, and vocation. |
RE 238 FOL | Foley, Leonard | Believing in Jesus |   |
RE 238 FOX | Fox, Father Robert J. | A Catechism of the Catholic Church: 2,000 Years of Faith and Tradition | This book contains much of the faith and traditions of the Church during its 2,000 year history |
RE 238 FOY | Foy, Felician A., O.F.M. and Avato, Rose M. | A Concise Guide To The Catholic Church |   |
RE 238 HAF | Haffert, John | The World's Greatest Secret |   |
RE 238 HAR | Hardon, John | Pocket Catholic catechism |   |
RE 238 HEL | Hellwig, Monika K. | Understanding Catholicism | This book covers all the central Catholic doctrines showing the historical conditions from which they arose, and how they have meaning for the religious search of thou |
RE 238 JUN | Jungmann, Josef Andreas, S.J. | The Good News Yesterday and Today |   |
RE 238 KEA | Keating, Karl | What Catholics Really Believe | 52 Answers to common misconceptions about the catholic faith. |
RE 238 KEA | Keating, Karl | What Catholics Really Believe - Setting the Record Straight | This book contains 52 answers to common misconcep- tions about the Catholic Faith. |
RE 238 KEA | Keating, Karl | What Catholics Really Believe -- Setting the Record Straight: 52 Answers to Common Misconceptions about the Catholic Faith |   |
RE 238 KNO | Knox, Ronald | The Creed In Slow Motion |   |
RE 238 KEN | Kenny, John J. | Now That You Are Catholic |   |
RE 238 KNO | Knox, Ronald | The Belief of Catholics | This book contains a presentation of Catholic belief. |
RE 238 KOH | Kohmescher, Matthew | Catholicism Today |   |
RE 238 KOH | Kohmescher, Matthew F. | Catholicism Today | This book offers a concise overview of the Catholic Church today. |
RE 238 LEW | Lewis, C.S. | Mere Christianity | The author shows how the power of Christianity manifests itself not in any single denomination but as 'mere' Christianity, a total force. |
RE 238 MAD | Madrid, Patrick | Surprised by truth |   |
RE 238 MCB | McBride, Alfred | Essentials of the Faith | A guide to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. |
RE 238 McB | McBride, Alfred | Father McBride's Family Catechism | This book is intended to help families apply the wisdom of the Catechism in their everyday lives. |
RE 238 NOW | Novak, Michael and Jana | Tell Me Why | This book is about a father answering his daughter's questions about God. |
RE 238 PER | Perkins, Pheme | What We Believe |   |
RE 238 POL | Pollard, John E., Rev. | Exploring our Catholic Faith- Basic Teachings and Practices |   |
RE 238 SCH | Schraner, Anthony | New St. Joseph Annotated Catechism |   |
RE 238 SCH | Schreck, Alan | Basics of the Faith: A Catholic Catechism |   |
RE 238 SCH | Schreck, Alan | Basics of the Faith: A Catholic Catechism | This book is an up-to-date catechism designed to lead to a deeper understanding of Catholic Christianity. |
RE 238 SCH | Schreck, Alan | Catholic and Christian |   |
RE 238 SHE | Sheed, Frank | A Map of Life | A Simple study of the Catholic Faith. |
RE 238 SHE | Sheed, Frank | A Map of Life | A Simple study of the Catholic Faith. |
RE 238 STE | Stewart, Bishop Bernard D. | The Catholic Religion |   |
RE 238 SUL | Sullivan, Rt. Rev. Msgr. John F., D.D. | The Externals of the Catholic Church | This book is a handbook of catholic usage |
RE 238 TOL | Tolhurst, Fr. James | A Concise Catechism for Catholics | A simple exposition of Catholic Doctrine based on the Catechism fo the Catholic Church. |
RE 238 TEA |   | The Teaching of Christ |   |
RE 238 TRE | Trese, Leo | The Faith Explained |   |
RE 238 WIT | Witsius, Herman | Sacred Dissertations on The Apostles' Creed: Volume One | This phrase by phrase exposition of the Creed seeks always to apply Scripture to life. |
RE 238 WIT | Witsius, Herman | Sacred Dissertations on The Apostles' Creed: Volume Two | This phrase by phrase exposition of the Creed seeks always to apply Scripture to life. |
Call___________ | Author___________ | Title____________________________ | Subtitle______________________ |
RE 241 ABA | Abata, Russell | Is Love In and Sin Out? |   |
RE 241 ABA | Abata, Russell | Is Love In and Sin Out? |   |
RE 241 AUG | Augustine of Hippo, Saint | Augustine of Hippo: Selected Writings | This book offers translations of some writings of St. Augustine of Hippo that reveal the character and the depth of his spirituality. |
RE 241 BER | Bergson, Henri | The Two Sources of Morality and Religion | The author inquires into the nature of moral obligation, into the place of religion and the purpose it has served since primitive times, into static religio |
RE 241 BOS | Bosler, Raymond | What a Modern Catholic Believes About Moral Problems |   |
RE 241 CAP | Capon, Robert | The Third Peacock | A book about God and the problem of evil |
RE 241 CAT | Myers, Rawley, Editor | The Catholic Book of Courage | This book contains 43 stories of courage in ordinary lives. |
RE 241 CHR | Burke, Thomas J.,. Editor | The Christian Vision: Man and Morality | This book challenges the reader to ponder the influnece the greatest Book ever written has hasd upon us not only as a society but as individuals a |
RE 241 DAV | Davidman, Joy | Smoke on the Mountain: An Interpretation of the Ten Commandments | introduction by C.S. Lewis |
RE 241 DEC | DeCoursey, Drew | Lifting the Veil of Choice: Defending Life | A thought-provoking collection of short essays on various aspects of the abortion issue from a pro-life perspective. |
RE 241 DEV | Devine, Richard J. | Good Care, Painful Choices: Medical Ethics for Ordinary People | medical, legal, socio-cultural, theological, and ethical information is presented to assist adult learners in making good moral de |
RE 241 DOD | Dodds, Bill | The Seeker's Guide to 7 Life Changing Virtues | This book is a collection of stories that show how the seven classic virtues are the keys to a deeper and richer spirituality. |
RE 241 GIL | Gillis, James | This Mysterious Human Nature |   |
RE 241 GRO | Grollman, Earl A. | Suicide: Prevention, Intervention, Postvention | This book provides guidelines for action directed to those who are in a position to help and are willing to act. |
RE 241 GUL | Gula, Richard | What Are They Saying About Moral Norms? |   |
RE 241 HAR | Haring, Bernard | Faith and Morality in the Secular Age |   |
RE 241 HAU | Hauerwas, Stanley | Against the Nations: War and Survival in a Liberal Society | Christian ethics and religious aspects in sociology |
RE 241 HIT | Hittinger, Russell | A Critique of the New Natural Law Theory |   |
RE 241 HIG | Higgins, Gregory, C. | Where Do You Stand?: Eight Moral Issues Confronting Today's Christians | This book offers a way of reflecting on eight 'life' issues, ranging from sex to capital punishment. |
RE 241 HOS | Hosmer, Larue Tone | The Ethics of Management |   |
RE 242 INT | Peers, E. Allison, Editor | Interior Castle: St. Teresa of Avila |   |
RE 241 JOH | John Paul II | The Splendor of Truth | Encyclical letter to all the Bishops of the Catholic Church regarding certain fundamental questions of the Church's moral teaching. |
RE 241 JOH | Curran, Charles E. and McCormick, Richard A., S.J., Editors | John Paul II and Moral Theology | This book contains readings in moral theology. |
RE 241 JON | Jonsen, Albert | Christian Decision and Action |   |
RE 241 KRE | Kreeft, Peter | The Unaborted Socrates | This book contains a fictional dialogue between Socrates with a doctor, a philosopher and psychologist to discuss the arguments surrounding abortion. The author uses Socratic |
RE 241 KRE | Kreeft, Peter | Back to Virtue: Traditional Moral Wisdom For Modern Moral Confusion | This book summarizes scriptural and theological wisdom on leading a holy life, and contrasts Christian virtue with other ethical |
RE 241 KRE | Kreeft, Peter | Making Choices: Practical Wisdom for Everyday Moral Decisions | This book serves as an aid for all who desire clarity when facing decisions, certitude when making them, and happiness when living with |
RE 241 LOH | Lohkamp, Nicholas | What's Happening to Morality? |   |
RE 241 LOG | Logstrup, Knud Ejler | Ethical Demand | ethics |
RE 241 MAE | Maestri, William | A Guide for the Study of Veritatis Splendor | Study of Pope John Paul II's encyclical Veritatis Splendor. |
RE 241 MCC | McCabe, Herbert | What Is Ethics All About | A re-evaluation of law, love, and language. |
RE 241 MEI | Meilaender, Gilbert | Faith & Faithfulness |   |
RE 241 MEI | Meilaender, Gilbert C. | Body, Soul, and Bioethics | The author exposes the fatally shallow views of human life and the myopic modes of moral discourse now dominating the field of biothics. |
RE 241 OLI | Olivier, Bernard | Christian Hope |   |
RE 241 PEL | Pell, Archbishop George | Issues of Faith and Morals | This book encourages senior secondary students to examine contemporary issues from a Catholic perspective. Designed to inspire both group discussion and individ |
RE 241 PIE | Pieper, Josef | The Four Cardinal Virtues |   |
RE 241 RAM | Ramm, Bernard | Offense To Reason: The Theology of Sin | This book clarifies the multi-dimensional nature of sin by exploring theological facets, while it shows how Christian theology provides the most lucid, helpfu |
RE 241 SCH | Scharf, Peter | Readings In Moral Education |   |
RE 241 SHA | Shannon, Thomas A. | An Introduction to Bioethics | This book offers an overview of the many complex questions in the areas of medical care and bioethics created by today's revolution in bio-technology. |
RE 241 SHE | Shea, John | What a Modern Catholic Believes About Sin |   |
RE 241 THO | Thomas, Aquinas, Saint | God's Greatest Gifts | This book contains commentaries on the Commandments and the Sacraments. |
RE 241 WES | Westley, Dick | Morality and Its Beyond |   |
RE 241 WIL | Wilkins, Ronald | Understanding Christian Morality |   |
RE 241 YOD | Yoder, John | The priestly kingdom: social ethics as gospel |   |
RE 242 AQU | Aquinas, St. Thomas | On The Truth Of The Catholic Faith (Summa Contra Gentiles): Book Two: Creation |   |
RE 242 AQU | Aquinas, Saint Thomas | On The Truth Of The Catholic Faith (Summa Contra Gentiles): Book One: God |   |
RE 242 ART | Arthur, Kay | Lord, I Want to Know You | This book on Bible studies can help find the limitless treasure in God's Word. |
RE 242 ASC | Peers, E. Allison, Editor | Ascent of Mount Carmel | This book is addressed to informed Christians who aspire to grow in union with God, it examines every category of siritual experinece, the spurious as well as the |
RE 242 AUG | Brady, Jules M., S.J., Editor | An Augustine Treasury | This book contains religious imagery selections taken from the writings of St. Augustine. |
RE 242 AUG | Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo | Early Will I Seek You | A 40 day journey in the company of St. Augustine. Devotional readings arranged by David Hazard. |
RE 242 BAR | Barry, William A. Barry, SJ | Paying Attention to God |   |
RE 242 BAS | Basilica of the National Shrine | Prayers for All Occasions | This book contains prayers for all occasions. |
RE 242 BEC | Beckett, Wendy | Sister Wendy's Book of Meditations | The author takes the four themes of silence, peace, love and joy and shows how calm reflection brings the reader to a more complete understanding or circumstances |
RE 242 BEC | Becker, Karl and Peter, Marie, Editors | Our Father | A handbook for meditation |
RE 242 BER |   | Bernard of Clairvaux: Sermons on Conversion |   |
RE 242 BER | Bernadin, Joseph Cardinal | The Gift of Peace: Personal Reflections by Joseph Cardinal Bernadin |   |
RE 242 BER | Bernard of Clairvaux | The Steps of Humility & Pride |   |
RE 242 BIA | Bianchi, Enzo | Praying the Word | This book is an introduction to lectio divina. |
RE 242 BOU | Bouyer, M. D. | Table Prayer |   |
RE 242 BOY | Boyer, Mark G. | Mary's Day - Saturday | This book contains a brief Mariology, which is followed by a five-part exercise for evey Marian celebration during the liturgical year as well as for each of the 46 Masses fou |
RE 242 BRI | Brisson, Barbara Schiff | Such Is the Way of the World: A Journey through Grief | psychological and religious aspects of bereavement; grief |
RE 242 BRO | Broughton, Rosemary | Praying With Teresa of Avila |   |
RE 242 BRO | Brown, Monica | Embodying the God We Proclaim | This book is a down-to-earth comment on contemporary ministry. |
RE 242 BUS | Bussell, Harold L. | Unholy Devotion: Why Cults Lure Christians |   |
RE 242 CAR | Carlson, Richard, Ph.D. | Don't Sweat the Small Stuff | This book shows you how to keep from letting the little things in life drive you crazy. |
RE 242 CAT |   | The Catholic Devotional | This book is a collection of prayers and inspiration for every catholic |
RE 242 CAT |   | The Catholic Devotional | This book is a collection of prayers and inspiration for every catholic |
RE 242 CAT |   | The Catholic Devotional | This book is a collection of prayers and inspiration for every catholic |
RE 242 CAT |   | Catholic Shrines and Places of Pilgrimage in the United States | This book identifies shrines and pilgrimage sites in the United States. |
RE 242.9 CHA | Chappell, Stephen | Dragons and Demons, angels and Eagles: Morality Tales for Teens |   |
RE 242 CHA | Chautard, Dom Jean-Baptiste, O.C.S.O. | The Soul of the Apostolate | This book is a book of spiritual meditations and practical suggestions on the way in which active people can elevate their daily work to a supernat |
RE 242 CHE | Chevignard, B.M., O.P. | Gospel Spirituality |   |
RE 242 CLA | Clare, Francis, S.S.N.D. | Glory to Glory: Personal Meditations for the New Millenium | This book is a three-month devotional based on the Glory Scriptures in the Old and New Testaments. |
RE 242 CLO | Johnston, William, Editor | The Cloud of Unknowing and The Book of Privy Counseling |   |
RE 242 COL | Colledge, Eric and Jane, Sister M., Editors | Spiritual Conferences |   |
RE 242 CON | Conn, Charles Paul | FatherCare | What it means to be God's Child |
RE 242 CON | Ryan, John K., Editor | The Confessions of St. Augustine |   |
RE 242 COS | Costello, Andrew, C.SS.R. | How to Pray When Troubled: From His Cross to Yours |   |
RE 242 DAN | Danielou, Jean | The Presence of God |   |
RE 242 DAR | Peers, E. Allison, Editor | Dark Night Of The Soul by Saint John of the Cross |   |
RE 242 DAR | D'Arcy, The Rev. Father M.C., Editor | Thomas Aquinas: Selected Writings |   |
RE 242 DAY |   | Days and the Nights: Prayers for Today's Woman | This book is a remarkably varied gathering of thoughts, poetry, prayers, meditations and excerpts from scores of sources. |
RE 242 DEL | Grimm, Rev. Eugene, Editor | The Complete Works of Saint Alphonsus De Liguori: Volume V: The Passion and the Death of Jesus Christ |   |
RE 242 DEM | De Montfort, St. Louis | The Secret of the Rosary | This book contains everything that can be said about the rosary, its content and form, its real worth, and the instruction necessary for its appreciation and use. |
RE 242 DEM | De Montfort, St. Louis-Marie | The Love of Eternal Wisdom |   |
RE 242 DES | De Sales, Saint Francis | The Love Of God: A Treatise |   |
RE 242 DES | De Sales, St. Francis | Introduction To The Devout Life |   |
RE 242 DOH | Doherty, Eddie | Splendor of Sorrow |   |
RE 242 DON | Donze, Mary Terese, A.S.C. | In My Heart Room: 16 Love Prayers for Little Children | This book helps to teach children how to pray in their hearts. |
RE 242 DON | Donze, Mary Terese, A.S.C. | In My Heart Room: Book Two: More Love Prayers for Children | This book helps to teach children how to pray in their hearts. |
RE 242 EDW | Edwards, Tilden | Living Simply Through the Day | This revised and updated book reflects insights that the author has gleaned and experiences that he has accumulated through the years, while honoring the significance |
RE 242 ELL | Elliot, Elisabeth | A Path Through Suffering | This book is about dealing with sorrow and tragedy. |
RE 242 ESC | Escriva, Josemaria | The Way of the Cross |   |
RE 242 EVE | Evely, Louis | We Dare To Say 'Our Father' |   |
RE 242 FAB | Faber, Frederick William, D.D. | Spiritual Conferences |   |
RE 242 FAC | Faccenda, Fr. Luigi, O.F.M. Conv. | One More Gift: Total Consecration to the Immaculata According to the Spirituality of Saint Maximilian Kolbe | This book explains in clear and profound words the history, doctine, |
RE 242 FOR | Forest, Jim | Making Friends of Enemies: Reflections on the Teachings of Jesus | This book offers insights and inspiration on loving our enemies as Jesus taught us. |
RE 242 FRA | Francis of Assisi, St. | A Day in Your Presence | A 40 day journey in the company of St. Francis of Assisi. Devotional readings arranged by David Hazard. |
RE 242 GAR | Garrigou-LaGrange, Rev. R., O.P. | The Three Ways of the Spiritual Life |   |
RE 242 GOL |   | The Gold Book of Prayers |   |
RE 242 GRE | Green, Thomas | Opening to God: a guide to prayer |   |
RE 242 GUA | Guardini, Romano | Meditations Before Mass |   |
RE 242 GUA | Guardini, Romano | The Art of Praying | The principles and methods of Christian prayer. |
RE 242 GUA | Guardini, Romano | The Art of Praying | The principles and methods of Christian prayer. |
RE 242 GUA | Guardini, Romano | The Living God | This book covers the various aspects of the personality of God - the face of God, providence, and the will of God. |
RE 242 GUE | Guerric of Igny | Liturgical Sermons, Volume 2 | This book contains the sermons Guerric of Igny wrote which reveal the quality of his education, the profundity of his theology, and the pervasiveness of his cistercian |
RE 242 HAY | Hays, Edward | Secular Sanctity | This book contains reflections on finding God in the midst of daily life. |
RE 242 HAY | Hays, Edward | Prayers for a planetary pilgrim: a personal manual for prayer and ritual |   |
RE 242 HEN | Henry, Rev. John P. | To See the Face of God | Daily medications for the Advent season |
RE 242 HEA |   | Healing Promises: Favorite Bible Verses With Selected Catholic Prayers | This book provides Scripture passages relating to healing and also provides a selection of inspiring Catholic prayers for healing to use ev |
RE 242 HEA |   | The Healing Rosary | This book contains rosary meditations for those in recovery from alcoholism and addiction. |
RE 242 HEB | Hebert, Yvonne C., M.A., L.M.F.C.C. | Finding Peace in Pain | Reflections of a Christian Psychotherapist |
RE 242 HOR | Horton, T.C. and Hurlburt, Charles E. | Names of Christ | Examines the many names of Christ, accompanied by devotional prayers and meditations. |
RE 264 HOU |   | An Hour With Jesus |   |
RE 242 IKE | Ikerman, Ruth C. | Devotional Alphabet | In this book the alphabet is used to provide a sampler of devotional truth. Each letter has a key word with pertinent scripture passage, a brief meditation, and a prayer. |
RE 242 INT | Peers, E. Allison, Editor | Interior Castle: St. Teresa of Avila |   |
RE 242 IVE | Ives, Eben J. | The Message of Thomas A Kempis |   |
RE 242 JOH | Paul, John II | A Year With Mary: Daily Meditations | This book provides a series of daily meditations which constitute a summary of official, biblical and liturgical Mariology. |
RE 242 JOH | John Paul 11 | Angelus Meditations on the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus | A beautiful collection of prayers that comprise th Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with the Pope presenting each meditation. |
RE 242 JOH | John Paul II | Draw Near to God | This book contains daily meditations by Pope John Paul II. |
RE 242 JUS |   | Just For Today | This book contains a compilation and translation of the writings of St. Teresa of Lisieux with selections from the Imitation of Christ by A Benedictine of Stanbrook, Worcester |
RE 242 KEL | Kelly, Matthew | Mustard Seeds | This book contains daily thoughts to grow with. |
RE 242 KEM | Kempis, Thomas A. | The Imitation of Christ |   |
RE 242 KEM | Kempis, Thomas | The Imitation of Christ | A modern version of the Immortal Spiritual Classic. |
RE 242 KER | Kersten, John C. | Bible Meditations For Every Day | a guide to living the year in the spirit of the scriptures |
RE 242 KER | Kern, Walter | New Liturgy and Old Devotions: Explanations and Prayers | This book contains the history of popular devotions, their relationship to the liturgy and offers suggestions for updating them where needed. |
RE 242 KNO | Knox, Ronald A. | In Soft Garments | This book is a collection of informal talks given by Monsignor Knox to the Catholic students at Oxford University when he was their chaplain. |
RE 242 KNO | Knox, Ronald | A Retreat For Lay People |   |
RE 242 KRE | Kreeft, Peter | Reading and Praying the New Testament | A book-by book guide for Catholics |
RE 242 LAU | Laurentin, Rene | Is The Virgin Mary Appearing At Medjugorje?: An Urgent Message For the World Given in a Marxist Country |   |
RE 242 LAW | Lawrence, Brother | The Practice of the Presence of God: The Best Rule of a Holy Life |   |
RE 242 LEC | Leclercq, Canon Jacques | Approaches to the Cross | This book deals with the subject of suffering. |
RE 242 LEW | Lewis, C. S. | A Grief Observed | A n inspiring affirmation of faith in the face of senseless loss. Written after the author's wife's death. |
RE 242 LIT |   | The Liturgy of the Hours |   |
RE 242 LOR | Lord, Daniel A., S.J. | The Song of the Rosary: A Rhythm on the Fifteen Mysteries of Mary's Rosary |   |
RE 242 LOV |   | Love Heals: A Spiritual Program for the Sick | This book presents some of the most ancient prayer texts of the Church. |
RE 242 MAI | Main, John | Moment of Christ | Practical guide to the Christian tradition and practice of meditation |
RE 242 MAR | Marguerite | Message of Merciful Love to Little Souls | The bearer of this Message is a wife and mother, so she is presented to the reader under the borrowed name, Marguerite. |
RE 242 MAU | Mauriac, Francois | Holy Thursday, An Intimate Remembrance |   |
RE 242 MCE | McEvoy, Hubert, S.J. | Devotions for Confession |   |
RE 242 MEN | Menendez, Josefa Sr. | Christ's Appeal For Love | A short Biography of Josefa Maria Menedez, together with the notes she wrote under obedience to her Superiors to attract souls to the merciful love of His Sacred Hear |
RE 242 MEN | Menendez, Sister Josefa | The Way of Divine Love | The message of the sacred heart to the world |
RE 242 MER | Merton, Thomas | Contemplative Prayer |   |
RE 242 MIS | Mischke, Rev. Bernard C. and Mischke, Rev. Fritz, O.S.C. | Pray Today's Gospel | Offeres a reflection on each passage of the Gospels as it appears in the new Catholic Lectionary for each weekday of the Year. |
RE 242 MOF | Moffatt, J.E, S.J. | Minute Meditations |   |
RE 248.2 MUT | Muto, Susan and van Kaam, Adrian | Practicing the Prayer of Presence | This book opens up the reader to the peace and purpose of living a life of Christian prayer. |
RE 242 MUZ | Muzj, Maria Giovanna | Transfiguration | Introduction to the contemplation of icons |
RE 242 MYD | McHugh, Joan Carter, Editor | My Daily Eucharist | This book contains a daily read which will nourish the heart and mind with love for Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. |
RE 242 NAE | Naegele, Bede | Minute meditations for each day |   |
RE 242 NOU | Nouwen, Henri J.M. | The Way of the Heart | Desert spirituality and contemporary ministry |
RE 242 NOU | Nouwen, Henri J.M. | Intimacy | Essays in pastoral psychology |
RE 242 ODO | O'Donnell, Timothy Terrance, STD | Heart of the Redeemer: An Apologia for the Contemporary and Perennial Value of the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus | This book examines the Sacred Heart devotion's Scriptural |
RE 242 PAR | Parente, Pascal P. | The Ascetical Life | The purpose of this book is to present in a concise and systematic treatise the fundamental principles of christian asceticism. |
RE 242 POW |   | The Power of Love | Over sixty people from all walks of life share their personal experiences of God's loving hand touching their lives, giving them counsel and direction at what seemed to be life's darkest momen |
RE 242 PRI | Pritchard, Ray | Names of the Holy Spirit | Devotional study of the Holy Spirit looks at His ministry throughout Scripture as revealed in the names the Bible gives Him. |
RE 242 PSE |   | Pseudo-Dionysius: The Complete Works |   |
RE 242 QUO | Chervin, Ronda De Sola, Editor | Quotable Saints | This book contains memorable quotes of the saints and others categorized by themes. |
RE 242 REI | Reiser, William E., S.J. | Drawn to the Divine | This book offers important and unusual insights into Christian spirituality through an exploration of revelation |
RE 242 ROB | Roberts, William P. | Encounters with Christ | Answers to these Questions: Why do I need the Sacraments? If I lead a good life, why should I go to chruch? Relevance of the sacraments to everyday living? |
RE 242 ROH | Rohrbach, Father Peter-Thomas, O.C.D. | Conversation with Christ |   |
RE 248.4 ROJ | Rojas, Carmen | Your Family Prayer Book | An easy to use prayer book for Catholic families |
RE 242 ROP | Roper, Anita | The Fifteenth Station | This book is a series of arresting theological meditations on the mysteries of human existance as manifested in the depths of the experience |
RE 242 CHR | Rotelle, John E., O.S.A., Editor | Christian Readings: Volume 1: Easter to the 17th Sunday of the Year | Additional biblical and non-biblical readings to be used with the Prayer of Christians (American Interim Brev |
RE 242 SAI | Saint-Jure, Father Jean Baptiste, S.J. and de la Colombiere, Blessed Claude, S.J. | Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence: The Secret of Peace and Happiness |   |
RE 242 RUL | Meisel, Anthony C. and del Mastro, M.L., Editor | The Rule of St. Benedict |   |
RE 242 SCR |   | The Scriptural Rosary | Devotion and meditation of the holy rosary with biblical passages. |
RE 242 SPI | Spidlik, Thomas | Drinking from the Hidden Fountain | ancient wisdom for today's world; prayer books and devotions |
RE 242 SPI |   | The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius | This book is one of the great masterpieces of ascetical theology, is the rich fruit of St. Ignatius's own experiences and meditations and was used to guide himself and ot |
RE 242 STO | Stone, Nathan | Names of God | Examines the Old Testament names of God and the particular aspect of His character and dealings with man that each reveals. |
RE 242 TEN | Ten Boom, Corrie | Each New Day | a daily devotional based on incidents from Corrie ten Boom's own life that illustrate scriptural principles |
RE 242 TER | Teresa, Mother | Jesus, the Word to Be Spoken |   |
RE 242 TRA | Travnikar, Rock, O.F.M. | The Blessing Cup | 24 simple rites for family prayer-celebrations |
RE 242 VAN | Van Zeller, Dom Hubert | Approach To Calvary | A book of devotion - a series of separate meditations on the Way of the Cross - an essay on the subject of sufering in general. |
RE 242 VAN | Vanauken, Sheldon | A Severe Mercy | This is a story of hope and sorrow. |
RE 242 VAN | Vann, Gerald, O.P. | The Divine Pity | A study in the social implications of the Beatitudes |
RE 242 VAN | van Zeller, Dom Hubert, O.S.B. | Approach to Prayer & Approach to Penance | Two modern spiritual classics that by guiding the reader to a deeper understanding of prayer and penance lead to their more fruitful practic |
RE 242 VIL | Viladesau, Richard | The Word: in and out of season |   |
RE 242 VIN | Vinje, Patricia Mary | Praying with Catherine of Siena |   |
RE 242 WAL | Walsh, Michael | Dictionary of Catholic Devotions | This comprehensive catalog includes the recitations of special prayers for special occasions the invocation of saints for help in specific situations, the wearing o |
RE 242 WAY | Peers, E. Allison, Editor | The Way Of Perfection by St. Teresa of Avila |   |
RE 242 WEI | WWeiss, Lyle K. | God Lives Next Door | This book encourages readers to discover God in their own lives as they reflect on charactrers and stories from the Bible. |
RE 242 WIL | William of Saint Thierry | The Golden Epistle | This book contains The Golden Epistle which has been read throughout the Middle Ages and into modern times by those seeking guidance in their spiritual lives. |
RE 242 WIS |   | Wisdom of the Desert Fathers | This book is a collection of material which forms part of the records of the origins of Christian monasticism. |
RE 242 WOR |   | The World of the Desert Fathers: Stories and Sayings From the Anonymous Series of the Apophthegmata Patrum | This book contains stories and sayings of the Desert Fathers which helps to initiate the modern reader |
RE 242 WOR |   | The Word of God For All Occasions and Traditional Catholic Prayers | This book contains selected passages from The New American Bible for all occasions. |
RE 242.2 FER | Fernandez, Francis | In conversation with God: meditations for each day of the year, v.2 |   |
RE 242.9 BOD | Bodo, Murray | Almond Tree Speaks | This book contains new and selected writings from 1974-1994 |
RE 242.9 CAV | Cavanaugh, Brian, TOR | The Sower's Seeds: One Hundred Inspiring Stories for Preaching, Teaching and Public Speaking |   |
RE 242.9 DEC | De Chardin, Pierre Teilhard | Science and Christ |   |
RE 242.9 EVE | Evely, Louis | That Man is You | The author shows us how to attune our minds with God's on such issues as Scripture reading, love of neighbor, forgiveness, the life of faith, lay spirituality, and heaven. |
RE 242.9 CHE | Chesterton, Gilbert Keith | Poems |   |
RE 242.9 FAI |   | Faith and Reason | This book contains religious essays by various authors. |
RE 242.9 | French, R. M. | Way of A Pilgrim and The Pilgrim Continues His Way | He was a Russian peasant, a wanderer of a continent, and a pilgrim who sought enlightenment. Written with the beauty and power of a folk-tale, this |
RE 242.9 GAT | Costello, Hilary and Holdsworth, Christopher, Editors | A Gathering of Friends: The Learning and Spirituality of John of Forde |   |
RE 242.9 GOL | Noyes, Alfred, Editor | The Golden Book of Catholic Poetry |   |
RE 242.9 GUA | Guardini, Romano | Freedom, Grace, and Destiny | This book contains the three concepts - freedom, grace and destiny - which are fundamental to an understanding not only of Christianity but of all true religion. |
RE 242.9 JOY |   | Joyce Kilmer's Anthology of Catholic Poets |   |
RE 242.9 KLE | Kleist, James A. | Ancient Christian Writers | The works of the early Church Fathers in Translation, including The Didache, The Epistle of Barnabas, The Epistles and The Martyrdom of St. Polycarp, The Fragments of |
RE 242.9 MAD | Madeleva, Sister M., C.S.C. | American Twelfth Night and Other Poems |   |
RE 242.9 MED |   | The Meditations of Guido I, Prior of the Charterhouse |   |
RE 242.9 MET | Metcalfe, James J. | My Rosary of Rhymes |   |
RE 242.9 SPI |   | The Spiritually Beneficial Tales of Paul, Bishop of Monembasia and of Other Authors | This book introduces readers to the spiritual world of Paul, Bishop of Monembasia, and the faith, the discipline, and the ec |
RE 242.9 RUL |   | The Rule of the Master |   |
RE 242.9 POE |   | The Poems of Prudentius - Volume 2: Apologetic and Didactic Poems |   |
RE 242.9 POE | Tarascio, Sara, Editor | Poems of Inspiration From the Salesian Collection |   |
RE 242.9 MOY | Moynahan, Michael E., S.J. | Once Upon a Mystery: What Happens Next? | This book is a collection of biblical dramas that make the connection between scriptural stories and real-life experience. |
RE 242.9 MOT | Fremantle, Anne, Editor | Mothers: A Catholic Treasury of Great Stories |   |
RE 242 PRA |   | Prayer of Christians |   |
RE 242.9 MOR | Morriss, Frank | Saints in Verse | This book is a collection of verse that celebrates the heroism of the soul and the conscience of various saints. |
RE 242.9 SMI | Smith, Sister M. Pamela, SS.C.M. | Waymakers: Eyewitnesses to the Christ |   |
RE 242.9 SPI |   | The Spiritual Meadow (Pratum Spirituale) of John Moschos |   |
RE 242.9 SPI |   | Spiritual Friendship: Aelred of Rievaulx | This book expresses the joy that Aelred took in his friends and reflects his long meditations on the classic work of the philosopher Cicero. |
RE 242.9 VEI | Veilleux, Armand | Pachomian Koinonia: The Life of Saint Pachomius and his disciples (volume one) | the lives, rules, and other writings of Saint Pachomius and his disciples |
RE 242.9 WOJ | Wojtyla, Karol | Easter Vigil and Other Poems |   |
RE 243 WAR | Ward, Benedicta | Harlots of the desert |   |
RE 246 BLI | Herr, Dan and Wells, Joel, Editors | Blithe Spirits: An Anthology of Catholic Humor |   |
RE 246 CAT |   | Catholic Wit and Wisdom |   |
RE 246 FES | Fesquet, Henri | Wit And Wisdom Of Good Pope John | This book contains sayings and anecdotes |
RE 246 NEW | Bussard, Paul, Editor | The New Catholic Treasury of Wit and Humor |   |
RE 248.2 AMB | Ambruzzi, Aloysius, S.J. | A Companion to the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius |   |
RE 248.2 BAI | Bailey, Raymond | Thomas Merton on Mysticism |   |
RE 248.2 BAR | Barbaric, Father Slavko, O.F.M. | Fasting |   |
RE 248.2 BEA | Beattie, Melody | Codependent No More | How to stop controlling others and start caring for yourself. |
RE 248.2 BEN | Benson, Robert Hugh | The Friendship of Christ |   |
RE 248.2 BER | Bergan, Jacqueline Syrup and Schwan, Marie, CSJ | Praying With Ignatius of Loyola | The meditation themes of this book include living in God's presence; all for God's greater glory; the grace of emptiness; Mary, ou |
RE 248.2 BOL | Bolshakoff, Sergius | Russian Mystics |   |
RE 248.2 BOU | Boucher, John J. | Is Talking to God a Long Distance Call?: How to Hear and Understand God's Voice | The author explains how to hear God's voice, understand his messages, and then respond with a four-step approach |
RE 248.2 BRE | Breault, William, S.J. | A Voice Over the Water |   |
RE 248.2 BRO | Brown, Michael H. | The Final Hour | This book concerns supernatural events and how they are linked not only with the evil of this century, but also with the biblical prophecies given to us through the Bible. |
RE 248.2 CAN | Canals, Salvatore | Jesus as Friend | Serene meditations on central themes of Christian living |
RE 248.2 CAT | Catoir, Father John | Day By Day With Jesus | This book is a compilation of personal relationships with the Lord and additional passages on prayer and spirituality. |
RE 248.2 DEG | DeGrandis, Robert, S.S. J. and Schubert, Linda | The Gift of Miracles: Experiencing God's Extraordinary Power in Your Life | This book contains testimonies of modern-day miracles worked through the sacraments, the |
RE 248.2 DEN | Dent, Barbara | My Only Friend is Darkness: Living the Night of Faith | This book examines the variety and intensity of sufferings, upheavals, turmoils, temptations, setbacks and workings of grace upon the deepest |
RE 248.2 DEN | Dent, Barbara | My Only Friend Is Darkness | Living the Night of Faith With St. John of the Cross |
RE 248.2 DES | DeSiano, Frank | Discovering my experience of God:awareness and witness |   |
RE 248.2 DIO | DiOrio, Ralph | Called To Heal | DiOrio discusses the meaning and practice of his evangelizing, the power and efficacy of prayer, love, fasting, suffering, and the movement of the Holy Spirit. |
RE 248.2 DOH | Doherty, Catherine de Hueck | Poustinia | Christian spirituality of the east for western man. |
RE 248.2 DOH | Doherty, Catherine de Hueck | Soul of My Soul | This book answers the many questions posed to the author over the years about her experience of prayer. |
RE 248.2 DOR | Dorotheos, of Graza, Saint | Discourses and Sayings | This book introduces the reader into the rich spiritual universe of the deserts of Egypt, Palestine, and Syria. |
RE 248.2 DOW | Downey, Michael | Hope Begins Where Hope Begins | This book explores how ordinary Christians can find hope in today's world of changing values, a world that seems at times to be in a shambles. |
RE 248.2 DOW | Downey, Michael | Understanding Christian Spirituality | This book is wonderful for guiding readers through the sometimes confusing spiritual landscape to a deeper, more nuanced Christian spirtuality that is scrip |
RE 248.2 DUN | Dunne, Tad, S.J. | We Cannot Find Words |   |
RE 248.2 ELB | Elbee, Jean du Coeur de Jesus D' | I Believe In Love: Retreat Conferences on the Interior Life | Retreat Conferences based on the teaching of St. Therese of Lisieux. |
RE 248.2 FAC |   | Facets Non-Violent, Non-Sexist Children's Video Guide | This guide includes more than 800 films for children up to 12 years old. |
RE 248.2 FAR | Faricy, Robert | Seeking Jesus in Contemplation and Discernment | Ignatian spirituality for the modern reader, practical and inspiring, with particular relevance to the charismatic renewal. |
RE 248.2 FAR | Faricy, Robert, S.J. and Rooney, Lucy, S.N.D. | The Contemplative Way of Prayer: Deepening Your Life With God | This book is a simple and easy to use guide for anyone seeking a more profound experience of God thro |
RE 248.2 FIS | Fischer, Kathleen | Transforming Fire | This book helps women to meet this provocative challenge by looking at anger in its many complex dimensions - cultural, intellectual, physical and spiritual. |
RE 248.2 FOU | Fournier, Keith | Wounds That Heal | Learning to allow painful wounds from our past bring joy and freedom into our lives. |
RE 248.2 FRE | Freze, Michael | Voices, visions, and apparations |   |
RE 248.2 FRO | Kossman, Patricia A., Editor | From the Angel's Blackboard: The Best of Fulton J. Sheen: A Centennial Celebration | This book is a compilation of dozens of essays and reflections on a wide range of timely and int |
RE 248.2 GAL | Galilea, Segundo | Spirituality of Hope | This book searches for the meaning of hope by defining hope, setting forth the reasons for hope and looks finally at prayer as hope. |
RE 248.2 GAR | Garrigou-Lagrange, Rev. Reginald, O.P. | The Three Ways of the Spiritual Life | This book contains a brief outline of the main principles of ascetical and mystical theology. |
RE 248.2 GIL | Gilson, Etienne | Mystical Theology of St. Bernard | This book deals with medieval theology from St. Bernard's point of view. |
RE 248.2 GLE | Gleason, Robert W. | The World To Come | A philosophical study on death and realities of judgment, purgatory, hell and heaven. |
RE 248.2 GOE | Goetz, Joseph W. | Mirrors of God | This book is about six women whose personalities, religious traditions and life experiences are as different as can be imaged. |
RE 248.2 GOR | Gorsuch, John P. | An Invitation to the Spiritual Journey |   |
RE 248.2 GRE | Green, Thomas | Darkness in the Marketplace | The christian at prayer in the world |
RE 248.2 GRO | Groeschel, Benedict J. | Spiritual Passages | The Psychology of spiritual development. |
RE 248.2 HAN | Wicks, Robert J., Editor | Handbook of Spirituality for Ministers | This book is meant to be a practical book for persons involved in or considering entering the field of ministry. |
RE 248.2 HAR | Hart, Thomas | Coming Down the Mountain | How to turn your retreat into everyday living. |
RE 248.2 HAY | Hays, Edward | In Pursuit of the Great White Rabbit | In this book, the author weaves together parables, practical advice and spiritual insights into a manual for big game hunters seeking the greatest of all pursui |
RE 248.2 HAY | Hays, Edward | Prayers for a Planetary Pilgrim: A Personal Manual For Prayer and Ritual | This book not only calls us to acknowledge our cosmic citizenship as part of God's family, it also expresses our evolving u |
RE 248.2 HEA | Healey, Charles J., SJ | Modern Spiritual Writers | legacies of prayer |
RE 248.2 HEY | Heyer, Robert | How Do I Pray? | Twenty-eight outstanding Christians answer questions on prayer. Edited by Robert Heyer |
RE 248.2 HIM | Himes, Michael J. | Doing the Truth in Love | This book includes conversations about God, relationships and service. |
RE 248.2 HOF | Hoffman, Edward | Visions of Innocence: Spiritual and Inspirational Experiences of Childhood | This book provides a new perspective on childhood and the inner child literature by closely examining the spirtual exp |
RE 248.2 KEA | Keating, Thomas | Open Mind Open Heart | Designed to initate the reader into a deep, living relationship with God |
RE 248.2 KEE | Keenan, Father Paul | Good News For Bad Days | This book offers an important slant on the life of the soul. |
RE 248.2 KIL | Killgallon, James J., O'Shaughnessy, Mary Michael, O.P., Weber, Gerard P. | Becoming Catholic Even If You Happen to Be One |   |
RE 248.2 KIN | Kinn, James W. | Contemplation 2000: St. John of the Cross For Today | This book offers a clear, understandable description of John of the Cross. |
RE 248.4 PEC | Peck, M. Scott, M.D. | Further Along The Road Less Traveled: The Unending Journey Toward Spiritual Growth | This book is a compilation of the authors lectures which he has expanded co-edited, and transformed into |
RE 248.2 KOE | Koers, Shirley | The Eyes Are Sunlight | A journey through grief |
RE 248.2 KOS | Kosicki, George | Intercession: Moving Mountains by Living Eucharistically | This book examines the questions of intercession, of priesthood, and of Eucharist from a stance that is intended to increase faith, reve |
RE 248.2 KRE | Kreeft, Peter | Prayer: The Great Conversation |   |
RE 248.2 LAN | Lane, George A., SJ | Christian Spirituality - An Historical Sketch | This book deals with the history of Christian spirituality. |
RE 248.2 LAS | Lash, Nicholas | Easter In Ordinary: Reflections on Human Experience and the Knowledge of God | This book is a study of William James, Newman, von Hugel, and Buber, among others. |
RE 248.2 LAV | Lavin, Edward J., S.J. | Life Meditations: Thoughts and Quotations for All of Life's Moments |   |
RE 248.2 LEW | Lewis, C.S. | The Problem of Pain |   |
RE 248.2 MAR V.1 | Marie-Eugene, Father | I Want to See God: A Practical Synthesis of Carmelite Spirituality |   |
RE 248.2 MAR V.2 | Marie-Eugene, Father | I Am A Daughter of the Church: A Practical Synthesis of Carmelite Spirituality |   |
RE 248.2 PEN | Pennington, M. Basil, O.C.S.O. | Daily We Touch Him | Practical religious experiences |
RE 248.2 PEP | Peperzak, Adriaan T. | Reason in Faith | This book deals with the relevance of Christian Spirituality for philosophy. |
RE 248.2 PON | Pond, Kathleen, Translator | The Spirit of the Spanish Mystics | An anthology of Spanish religous prose from the fifteenth to the seventeenth century |
RE 248.2 POW | Powell, John, S.J. | Unconditional Love | This book discusses the fact that unconditional love is a permanent gift of the heart. |
RE 248.2 POW | Powell, John, S.J. | Why Am I Afraid to Love? | This book deals with overcoming fears that limt the potential for enjoying love and life. |
RE 248.2 POW | Powell, John, S.J. | Fully Human, Fully Alive | This book discusses the theory that faith, hope, and love make a person fully human and fully alive. |
RE 248.2 POW | Powell, John, S.J. | Will the Real Me Please Stand Up? | This book provides 25 basic attitudes and practices for effective human communication. |
RE 248.2 POW | Powell, John, S.J. | The Secret of Staying in Love | This book explores the fundamental prerequisite to personal sharing: a joyful and genuine acceptance of self. |
RE 248.2 POW | Powell, John, S.J. | Happiness is an Inside Job | This book describes the ten practices that the author sees as necessary to be successful in the quest for happiness. |
RE 248.2 QUI | Quiery, William H., S.J. | Facing God | This book gives a simple approach to prayer which is both 'down to earth' and applicable to every Christian vocation - priests, religious, and laymen alike. |
RE 248.2 RIP | Ripple, Paula | Growing Strong at Broken Places | A reflective book exploring how hurting people can experience growth through their suffering. |
RE 248.2 ROG | Rogers, Barbara J. | In the Center | Chronicles the backgrounds and experiences of nine strangers who gather at a house of prayer on a farm in rural Quebec for a month of silent, prayerful retreat |
RE 248.2 ROS | Rosage, David | Beginning Spiritual Direction | How to choose a spritual director, what to expect from them, and how to avoid pitfalls. |
RE 248.2 RUO | Ruoff, Lou | No Kidding, God, Where Are You? | Parables of Ordinary Experience |
RE 248.2 RYA | Ryan, Barbara Shlemon | To Heal as Jesus Healed | caregivers as vehicles of God's tender love and compassion |
RE 248.2 SAN | Sandford, John & Paula | Healing the Wounded Spirit |   |
RE 248.2 SAN | Sandford, John & Paula | The Transformation of the Inner Man | This book deals with inner healing |
RE 248.2 SCA | Scanlan, Michael, T.O.R. | Let the Fire Fall |   |
RE 248.2 SCA | Scanlan, Michael | Truth About Trouble | How trials, temptations, aggravations, afflictions, insults, irritations, and everyday exasperations can draw you closer to God. |
RE 248.2 SCA | Scanlan, Michael | Appointment With God | Thoughts on Prayer. |
RE 248.2 SCH | Schonborn, Christoph, O.P. | From Death to Life | Texts collected in this book attempt to reflect in various areas on the significance of the eschatological dimension of our faith. |
RE 248.2 SHL | Shlemon, Barbara Leahy, Linn, Dennis, S.J. and Linn, Matthew, S.J. | To Heal As Jesus Healed | This book demonstrates the close relationship between healing prayer and anointing. |
RE 248.2 TAR | Tardif, Fr. Emiliano and Flores, Jose H. Prado | Jesus Is The Messiah! | This book continues the awe-inspiring story of healings, conversions and other life-changing wonders which God is accomplishing through this |
RE 248.2 TAR | Tardif, Emiliano | Jesus Lives Today! | The true story of a miraculous healing ministry. |
RE 248.2 TER | Teresa, St. of Avila | The Interior Castle or The Mansions | In this book, St. Teresa of Avila presents a remarkable description of the entire spiritual life, beginning with the first step out of mortal sin into Sa |
RE 248.2 TER | Teresa of Avila | Interior Castle | This book contains the translated text of the Interior Castle written by Teresa of Avila. |
RE 248.2 TER | Teresa, Mother | The Love of Christ |   |
RE 248.2 TIC | Tickle, Rev. John | Discoving the Bible: Simple Keys for Learning and Praying: Book Two |   |
RE 248.2 TIC | Tickle, Rev. John | Discovering The Bible: 8 Simple Keys for Learning and Praying: Book One |   |
RE 248.2 TON | Toner, Jules J., SJ | A Commentary on Saint Ignatius' Rules for the Discernment of Spirits | A guide to the principles and practice |
RE 248.2 TOO | Toon, Peter | Meditating as a Christian | This book is a comprehensive introduction to the spiritual life. It shows how meditation is rooted in Scripture and in the tradition of the Church Fathers. |
RE 248.2 TRE |   | The Treasury of Christian Spiritual Classics | Complete and unabridged with contemporary introductions |
RE 248.2 TUG | Tugwell, Simon | The Beatitudes: Soundings in Christian Traditions |   |
RE 248.2 VAN | Van Zeller, Dom Hubert | Holiness for Housewives (and other working women) | Guide for women to grow in prayer life and holiness. Includes prayers and devotions. |
RE 248.2 VER | Verdeyen, Paul | Ruusbroec and His Mysticism | Jan van Ruusbroec, 1293-1381, biography of the Belgium mystic |
RE 248.2 VIT | Vitz, Paul C. | Psychology As Religion | The author contends that psychology today has become a religion, part of the problem of contemporary life rather than its resolution. |
RE 248.2 VON | Von Hildebrand, Dietrich | Jaws of Death: Gate of Heaven | Confronts death in all its aspects and expains how you can attain a genuine, lasting readiness for death. |
RE 248.2 WAL | Wallis, Jim | The Call To Conversion | Recovering the gospel for these times. |
RE 248.2 WIE | Wiederkehr, Macrina | Gold in Your Memories | This book puts the reader in touch with the spiritual energy that resides within each of us and empowers us to make new memories every day we live. |
RE 248.4 WRI | Wright, H. Norman | More Communication Keys For Your Marriage | This book serves to broaden our understanding of communication and how it relates to every facet of our relationships. |
RE 248.2 ZUN | Zundel, Veronica | Eerdman's Book of Famous Prayers | A treasury of Christian Prayers through the centuries. |
RE 248.3 DEM | de Mello, Anthony, S.J. | Sadhana: A Way to God: Christian Exercises in Eastern Form | This book consists of a series of spiritual exercises for entering the contemplative state - blending psychology, spiritual t |
RE 248.3 MAR | Martin, George | Praying with Jesus: what the gospels tell us about how to pray |   |
RE 248.3 PRA |   | Prayer Group Workshop | This book is a guide to running an effective prayer group. |
RE 248.4 ACT |   | Activities for the Christian Family |   |
RE 248.4 ACT |   | Activities for the Christian Family |   |
RE 248.4 ALC |   | Alcoholics Anonymous | This book is the third edition of the Big Book, the Basic Text for Alcoholics Anonymous. |
RE 248.4 ALL | Allender, Dr. Dan B. | The Wounded Heart | Hope for adult victims of childhood sexual abuse |
RE 248.4 AND | Anders, Dana | Single and Content | This book is about experiencing singleness in a paired off world. |
RE 248.4 AUG | Augsburger, David | Caring Enough to Forgive: True Forgiveness | This book also includes a book called Caring Enough To Not Forgive - False Forgiveness. |
RE 248.4 BAR | Barbeau, Clayton C. | Delivering the Male: Out of the Tough-Guy Trap Into a Better Marriage |   |
RE 248.4 BAR | Barbeau, Clayton C. | Joy of Marriage |   |
RE 248.4 BAR | Barbeau, Clayton C. | How to Raise Parents: Questions and Answers For Teens and Parents |   |
RE 248.4 BAR | Barkley, Roy | The Catholic Alcoholic | This book was written specifically to provide support, encouragement, and guidance to alcoholics, their spouses, their children, and loved ones. |
RE 248.4 CAL | Calladine, Carole E. | One Terrific Year: Supporting Your Kids Through the Ups and Downs of Their Year |   |
RE 248.4 CAL | Calladine, Carole & Andrew | Raising Brothers and Sisters Without Raising the Roof | This book shows parents how to deal creatively with sibling rivalry. |
RE 248.4 CHA | Chapman, Gary | The Five Love Languages: How to Express Hearfelt Commitment to Your Mate | This book is a couple's guide to help them work as a team. |
RE 248.4 CHA | Chapman, Gary | Wounded Marriages Can Be Healed: Hope For the Separated | This book shows how a marital separation can lead to a restored, enriched, growing marriage. |
RE 248.4 CHE | Chesterton, G.K. | Brave New Family: G.K. Chesterton on Men and Women, Children, Sex, Divorce, Marriage & the Family |   |
RE 248.4 CLA | Clark, Elizabeth | St. Augustine on Marriage and Sexuality | marriage and sex, religious aspects, Christianity |
RE 248.4 CIR | Cirner, Randall and Therese | 10 Weeks to a Better Marriage | This book show the reader how to seek God's plan for marriage as revealed in scripture. |
RE 248.4 CLE | Clemes, Harris, Ph.D. and Bean, Reynold, Ed.M. | How to Raise Children's Self-Esteem |   |
RE 248.4 CUL | Cullen, Paul J. | Stepfamilies: A Catholic Guide |   |
RE 248.4 CUR | Curran, Dolores | Family Prayer |   |
RE 248.4 DEF | De Freitas, Chrystal | Keys To Your Child's Healthy Sexuality | Discusses a child's physical and emotional sexual development from earliest years to puberty. |
RE 248.4 DEM | De Marco, Donald | The Incarnation in a Divided World | The author writes acutely on love, the family, sexuality, and the degradations of these goods in pornography, abortion, and technologized parenthood. |
RE 248.4 DEM | De Marco, Donald | The Shape of Love |   |
RE 248.4 DEM | De Marco, Donald | The Anesthetic Society | This book traces modern man's flight into commercialism, technology, pop psychology, drugs, contraception, abortion, and a host of generally selfish relationships. |
RE 248.4 DIG | DiGiulio, Robert C. | When You Are a Single Parent |   |
RE 248.4 DOB | Dobson, James | Dare to Discipline | This book is a forthright, practical, reassuring guide that explains why children crave firm control, how the best parent-child relationship is built on respect and ultimate loy |
RE 248.4 DOB | Dobson, James | What Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew About Women | This book offers many hekpful suggestions for solving barriers to marital harmony. |
RE 248.4 DOB | Dobson, James | Dr. Dobson Answers Your Questions | This book discusses marriage, child training, discipline, mid-life crisis, depression, self-esteem, sex education, and many more topics. |
RE 248.4 DOB | Dobson, James | Love For a Lifetime | This book offers wisdom, counsel, and an impassioned challenge to keep love alive. |
RE 248.4 DOB | Dobson, James C. | Parenting Isn't For Cowards | The 'You Can Do It' guide for hassled parents; a practical guide to help struggling parents find the joy and fulfillment parenthood was intended to bring. |
RE 248.4 DUV | Duvall, Evelyn Millis, Ph.D. | Why Wait Till Marriage? |   |
RE 248.4 FAM |   | 52 Family Activities | This book contains one family activity for every week of the year to bring you a warm glow as you grow closer and closer |
RE 248.4 DOR | Dorff, Francis | The Journey From Misery to Ministry | This book explores the dynamics of what happens when we strive to live creatively in a broken world. |
RE 248.4 EZE | Ezell, Lee | Pills For Parents in Pain |   |
RE 248.4 EYR | Eyre, Linda and Richard | Teaching Your Children Values | This book contains a practical, month-by-month program - full of proven methods for teaching values to kids of all ages. |
RE 248.4 FER | Ferrini, Paul | The Twelve Steps of Forgiveness | This book offers a process for unlearning our ego-based search for perfection and discovering the inner beauty, guidance, and grace that already exist in our lives. |
RE 248.4 FIT | Fitzgerald, William | Stories of coming home: finding spirituality in our messy lives |   |
RE 248.4 FOL | Foley, Marc | The love that keeps us sane |   |
RE 248.4 CAS | Cassidy, Sheila | Good Friday People | This book looks unflinchingly at the reality of suffering. Following the journey of Jesus towards the Cross, the author encourages us to walk alongside him and alongside a mo |
RE 248.4 GAR | Garton, Jean Staker | Who Broke the Baby? |   |
RE 248.4 GAR | Garvey, John | The Ways We Are Together |   |
RE 248.4 GHE | Ghezzi, Bert and Kinzer, Mark | Emotions as Resources: A Biblical and Pastoral Perspective | This book offers a distinctively Christian approach to emotions, an approach based on scripture and the authors' years o |
RE 248.4 GRE | Greteman, Jim, CSC | Coping With Divorce - From Grief to Healing: A Unique and Creative Guide |   |
RE 248.4 GRO | Grollman, Earl A. | Talking About Divorce and Separation: A Dialogue Between Parent and Child |   |
RE 248.4 HAR | Hart, Archibald D. | Helping Children Survive Divorce | This book contains specific ways to help children cope with the psychological and social difficulties surrounding their parents' divorce. |
RE 248.4 HAM | Hampsch, John H., C.M.F. | Healing Your Family Tree | This book guides you through a healing process to clean up the effects of sin in your life that result from the sins of past generations. |
RE 248.4 HAN |   | Handbook for Today's Catholic Family |   |
RE 248.4 HAY | Hays, Edward | Prayers For the Domestic Church: A Handbook For Worship in the Home | This book is a collection of over 120 blessings and ritual prayers and 12 essays that helps bring into focus the sacredness of s |
RE 248.4 HEN | Henesy, Michael, C.SS.R. and Gallagher, Rosemary | How to Survive Being Married to a Catholic | The purpose of this book is to help non-Catholics who are thinking of getting married to a Catholic, or who are alread |
RE 248.4 HOL | Holm, Marilyn Franzen | Tell Me Why: A Guide to Children's Questions About Faith and Life |   |
RE 248.4 HOW | Howard, Thomas | Hallowed Be This House | Shows how the divine, the sacred, is present in our ordinary lives, but esspecially present in God's presence in our homes. |
RE 248.4 HUM |   | Human Sexuality and Personhood | Proceedings of the Workshop for the Hierachies of the United States and Canada sponsored by the Pope John Center Through a Grant from the Knights of Columbus |
RE 248.4 JOH | Paul, John, II | Original Unity of Man and Woman: Catechesis on the Book of Genesis |   |
RE 248.4 KEN | Kenny, James | Sex Education For Toddlers to Young Adults | This book is for every parent who wants to move beyond the 'birds and bees' or a litany of 'don'ts' to positive, honest messages about the beauty of sexua |
RE 248.4 KIP | Kippley, John | The Art of Natural Family Planning | This book is the most complete and user-friendly book ono Natural family planning. |
RE 248.4 LAC | LaCugna, Catherine Mowry | God For Us: The Trinity and Christian Life | This book revitalizes theology and Christian life by recovering the early roots of Trinitarian doctrine and exploring the enduringly practica |
RE 248.4 MAC | Maciocha, Rev. Waclaw | Spiritual Direction | This book attempts to improve old methods of spiritual guidance, but does not reject them altogether. It says to all those who seek an easy spiritual life that without |
RE 248.4 MAR | Martin, Thomas M. | Christian Family Values |   |
RE 248.4 MEN | Menconi, Al and Hart, Dave | Staying in Tune | This book helps parents to respond to their children's music and to understand why they listen to certain kinds of music and why they behave the way they do. |
RE 248.4 MIN | Minear, Ralph and Proctor, William | Kids Who Have Too Much | This book deals with the Rich Kids Syndrom and includes a test to determine if this syndrom is threatening the emotional and physical health of your chi |
RE 248.4 MIR | Miravalle, Mark, S.T.D. | Medjugorje and the Family: Helping Families to Live the Message | This book seeks to penetrate the deep meaning of the messages diffused through the Catholic world from the Marian centre |
RE 248.4 MON | Monahan, Joan | Time, a Collection of Fragile Moments | This book offers readers a means to lift them from the natural to the supernatural, from the human to the divine, as they come to recognize the fragility and |
RE 248.4 NAT |   | Natural Family Planning: Nature's Way-God's Way |   |
RE 248.4 NOV | Novak, Michael, Editor | The Experience of Marriage: The Testimony of Catholic Laymen |   |
RE 248.4 HUM |   | Human Sexuality | A Catholic perspective for education and lifelong learning. Provides an understanding of sexuality based upon traditional Catholic teachings and a positive image of human sexuality as a uniqu |
RE 248.4 OLI | Olitzky, Rabbi kerry M. and Copans, Stuart A., M.D. | Twelve Jewish Steps to Recovery: A Personal Guide to Turning From Alcoholism and Other Addictions | This book presents the twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous |
RE 248.4 OBR | O'Brien, Judith Tate and O'Brien, Gene | A Redeeming State: A Handbook fo Couples Planning Remarriage in the Church |   |
RE 248.4 OBR | O'Brien, Gene & O'Brien, Judith Tate | Couples Praying: A Special Intimacy |   |
RE 248.4 PAI | Pais, Janet | Suffer the Children: A Theology of Liberation by a Victim of Child Abuse |   |
RE 248.4 PAT | Patterson, Janet M. and Patterson, R.C., Jr., M.D. | Abortion: The Trojan Horse |   |
RE 248.4 PAU | Paul, Pope VI, Paul, Pope John I, Paul, Pope John II | The Family: Center of Love and Life |   |
RE 248.4 PAU | Paul, John II | The Theology of Marriage & Celibacy |   |
RE 248.4 POP | Popcak, Gregory K., MSW, LCSW | A Catholic Guide to Lifelong Marriage | The author explores the characteristics that create strong relationships and help couples determine both their strengths and their weaknesses. |
RE 248.4 POT | Potter, Ven. Mother Mary | Devotion For the Dying: Mary's Call to Her Loving Children |   |
RE 248.4 PRO | Uricchio, William A., Ph.D. | Proceedings of a Research Conference on Natural Family Planning |   |
RE 248.4 REI | Reilly, Terry and Mimi | Family Nights: Lent/Easter |   |
RE 248.4 ROB | Roberts, Kenneth J. | You Better Believe It | Famed 'playboy-turned-priest' Father Roberts has written a book to show teens the Church cares and answers some of the perplexing questions teens are asking |
RE 248.4 SYN | Snyder, Bernadette McCarver | Hoorays & Hosannas | An everyday anyday book of family ideas and activities |
RE 248.4 ROD | Rodgers, Beverly and Tom | How to Find Mr. or Ms. Right | This book is a practical guide to finding a soul mate. |
RE 248.4 ROS | Rosellini, Gayle and Worden, Mark | Of Course You're Angry | A family guide to dealing with the emotions of chemical dependence. |
RE 248.4 SAM | Sammon, Sean, FMS | Alcoholism's Children: ACoAs In Priesthood and Religious Life |   |
RE 248.2 SEC | Seculoff, Rev. James F. | God and the Teenager | This book contains 35 of the toughest questions kids can ask, on proper dress, drinking and drugs, shacking up, happiness, finding yourself and what makes the Cathol |
RE 248.4 SMA | Smalley, Gary and Trent, John, Ph.D. | The Blessing | This book teaches in a step-by-step manner how to be a blessing and how to pass that life-changing blessing on to your parents, spouse, children and friends. |
RE 248.4 SPR | Sprague, Gary | Kids Caught in the Middle: An Interactive Workbook for Children | How to help kids work through their parent's divorce or separation |
RE 248.4 SMA | Smalley, Gary | For Better Or For Best | The author explains what motivates men and how women can use their natural attractive qualities to buld a better marriage. |
RE 248.4 SUM | Summerhill, Louise | The Story of Birthright: The Alternative to Abortion |   |
RE 248.4 TAY | Taylor, Daniel | Letters to my children: a father passes on his values |   |
RE 248.4 THI | Thigpen, Paul | Building Catholic family traditions |   |
RE 248.4 VON | von Hildebrand, Dr. Dietrich and Marra, Dr. William A. | Sex Education: The Basic Issues |   |
RE 248.4 WAL | Walsh, David | Getting in Touch With Yourself-and Your Parents: A New Look at Growing Up for Teenagers |   |
RE 248.4 WHI | Whiteman, Thomas, Ph.D. | The Fresh Start Single Parenting Workbook | Your personal, 8-step, easy-to-follow plan for... Working through the harmful effects of losing a partner, picking up the peices, creating a hea. |
RE 248.4 WIL | Wilkins, Ronald | Man and woman:perspective on human sexuality, love, marriage |   |
RE 248.2 WIL | Wicks, Robert J. | Living Simply in An Anxious World | This book encourages and enables readers to discover simplicity and single mindedness in the midst of life's turmoil. |
RE 248.4 WIM | Wimber, John and Springer, Kevin | Power Healing | This book is about divine healing, soundly based on biblical scholarship and thoroughly immersed in hands-on ministry experiences. |
RE 248.4 WOL | Wolterstorff, Nicholas | Lament For a Son | This book is the story of a son's death by his father. This book gives eloquent expression to a grief that is at once unique and universal. |
RE 248.4 TWE |   | Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions | This book was written by a co-founder of Alcholics Anonymous and tells how members recover and how the Society functions. |
RE 248.2 WYS | Wyszynski, Stefan Cardinal | All You Who Labor | Work and the sanctification of Daily Life |
RE 248.8 JON | Jones, Doris | And not one bird stopped singing:coping with transition and loss in aging |   |
RE 248.8 NOR | Norris, Kathleen | The quotidian mysteries: laundry, liturgy, & woman's work |   |
Call___________ | Author___________ | Title____________________________ | Subtitle______________________ |
RE 252 BUR | Burghardt, Walter J., S.J. | Love is a Flame of the Lord | This book contains a collection of homilies. |
RE 252 BUR | Burghardt, Walter J., S.J. | Christ in Ten Thousand Places | This book contains a collection of homilies. |
RE 252 ESC | Escriva, Josemaria | Christ Is Passing By | The first published collection of homilies by Monsignor Josemaria Escriva anges through the Church's liturgical year. |
RE 252 JUK | Juknialis, Joseph J. | Crushed into Glory | This book contains several dramas which combine selected Sunday lectionary readings with dramatic slices of life. |
RE 252 PAP | Papineau, Andre | Sermons For Sermon Haters | This book is for preachers seeking new ideas, deeper reflections on scripture, and new insights from a veteran preacher/storyteller. |
RE 254 BAK | Baker, Thomas and Ferrone, Frank | Liturgy Committee Basics: A No-nonsense Guide | This book tells how to organize meetings, set agenda, and establish the size and scope of the committee |
RE 254 BRE | Brennan, Patrick J. | Re-Imagining the Parish | This book shows how the emergence of adult faith is transforming the traditional communities of worship. |
RE 254 RAD | Rademacher, William J. | The Practical Guide For Parish Councils |   |
RE 254 RYA | Ryan, Rev. Edward, C.M.F. | Make Your Parish Council Work! | An effective way to run your parish council |
RE 254 SCH | Schillebeeckx, Edward | Ministry: Leadership in the Community of Jesus Christ | This book traces the development of the theology and forms of ministry from the New Testament to modern times. |
RE 254 TOW | Towson, Louis A. | How to Run a Committee or Organization | This book is a manual for church leaders on how to run a committee or organization. |
RE 254 TOW | Tawson, Louis A. | Effective Church Committee: a Member's Handbook | This book explains how to make a church committee work by spelling out roles, what to expect of participants and leaders, and gives some ideas for |
RE 255 APO | Apostoli, Andrew, C.F.R. | When God Asks For An Undivided Heart: Choosing Celibacy in Love and Freedom | This book deals with consecrated celibacy. |
RE 255 BER | Bernard of Clairvaux | Cistercians and Cluniacs | This book contains St. Bernard's Apologia to Abbot William. |
RE | Canu, Jean | Religious Orders of Men | History of the different male religious orders within the Church |
RE 255 DVI | d'Avila-Latourrette, Brother Victor-Antoine | A Monastic Year: Reflections From a Monastery | This book is a stirring account on one manastery through the seasons. |
RE 255 FRA | Frank, Karl Suso, OFM | With Greater Liberty: A Short History of Christian Monasticism and Religious Orders |   |
RE 255 HAN | Hands, Donald R. and Fehr, Wayne L. | Spiritual Wholeness for Clergy: A New Psychology of Intimacy with God, Self and Others | This book is an uncompromising truth-teller about the fraility and sins of clergy, yet i |
RE 255 HOM | Homan, Helen Walker | Knights of Christ |   |
RE 255 KER | Kervingant, Marie de la Trinite | Monastic Odyssey | This book is about the history of Cistercian nuns. |
RE 255 LOU | Louf, Andre | The Cistercian Way | This book is about Cistercian life as it is today. |
RE 255 MER | Merton, Thomas | The Waters of Siloe |   |
RE 255 NOR | Norris, Kathleen | Cloister Walk | This book is part record of the author's time among the Benedictines, part meditation on various aspects of monastic life, and demonstrates from the rare perspective of someone who . |
RE 255 OME | O'Meara, Thomas Franklin, O.P. | Theology of Ministry | This book provides a cultural history of ministry, beginning just before Vatican II, and examines the repercussions of the decisons made by that council. |
RE 255 ORS | Orsy, Ladislas M., S.J. | Open To The Spirit: Religious Life After Vatican II |   |
RE 255 OSB | Osborne, Kenan B., OFM | The Diaconate in the Christian Church: Its History and Theology | The author presents both an historical perspective and a hope filled dream on the indispensible nature of the diaconate in t. |
RE 255 OSB | Osborne, Kenan B., O.F.M. | Ministry: Lay Ministry in the Roman Catholic Church: Its History and Theology | This book explores the rich and consistent history of lay ministry i the Roman Catholic Church since the f. |
RE 255 MON |   | Monks & Monasteries |   |
RE 255 PER | Perata, David | The orchards of perserverance |   |
RE 255 ROE | Roensch, Rev. Frederick J., Ph.D. | Jubilee of Joy |   |
RE VC276 |   | Sister Wendy in Conversation with Bill Moyers | Sister Wendy shares her views on looking at art,living in suclusion and falling into the role of a television star. |
RE 255 SUA | Suarez, Federico | About Being A Priest | Shows in practical terms how the priest of today can be true to the exacting demands of his vocation. |
RE 255 STA | Quinonez, Lora Ann, CDP | Starting Points: Six Essays Based on the Experience of U.S. Women Religious |   |
RE 255 VAN | Van Damme, Jean-Baptist, OCSO | The Three Founders of Citeaux | This book sets the Cistercian experiment into its historical setting and sketches unforgettable portraits of the Three Founders of Citeaux. |
RE 255 WEL | Welch, John | The Carmelite Way | This book is an introduction to contemplative living, offering readers a unique opportunity to understand more fully what can happen when God becomes a central focus of life. |
RE 255 WEL | Welch, John | The Carmelite Way | This book is an introduction to contemplative living, offering readers a unique opportunity to understand more fully what can happen when God becomes a central focus of life. |
RE 255 WIT | Wittberg, S.C. | Creating a Future for Religious Life: A Sociological Perspective |   |
RE 255 WOL | Wolfe, Sister Mary Catherine - editor | One Mind & Heart in God: Dominican Monastic Life | collection of essays written by nuns from various monasteries around the country |
RE 261 MOR | Morgan, Elizabeth and Weigel, Van and DeBaufre, Eric | Global Poverty and Personal Responsibility |   |
RE 260 CHR | Morris, Lynne, Editor | The Christian Vision: Man in Society | This book contains essays that describe something quite remarkable in this utilitarian and reductionaist era: a vision realized. |
RE 260 MAN | Burke, Thomas J., Jr., Executive Editor and Roche, Lissa, General Editor | Man and State: Religion, Society and the Constitution | This book is part of the Christian Studies Program at Hillsdale College to inform st |
RE 260 KEN | Kendall, George A. | Spirit and Community: Essays on Souland Society |   |
RE 260 VON | Von Balthasar, Hans Urs | Test Everything | This book contains an interview of Hans Urs Von Balthasar by Don Angelo Scola. |
RE 261 ARN | Arnett, Ronald C. | Dwell In Peace: Applying Nonviolence to Everyday Relationships | This book persuasively articulates an approach to interpersonal conflict management that is humane without being faddish and optim |
RE 261 BOR | Cleary, Edward L., O.P., Editor | Born of the Poor: The Latin American Church Since Medellin | This book celebrates the triumph and examines the limitations of the Latin American Church as it attempts to renew itsel |
RE 261 CHU | Garland, Diana. Richmond, Editor | Church Social Work: Helping the Whole Person in the Context of the Church |   |
RE 261 COL | Coll, Regina A. | Christianity & Feminism in Conversation |   |
RE 261 DOR | Dorr, Donald | Integral Spirituality: Resources For Community, Justice, Peace, and the Earth | This book is filled with practical resources - reflections, individual and group exercises, guided meditations, prayers, |
RE 261 DOU | Douglass, James W. | The Non-Violent Cross: A Theology of Revolution and Peace |   |
RE 261 EAK | Eakin, Frank E., Jr. | What Price Prejudice? | This book examines Christian antisemitism in America. |
RE 261 ECO |   | Economic Justice For All: Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy |   |
RE 261 FAI | Haughey, John C., S.J., Editor | The Faith That Does Justice: Examing the Christian Sources For Social Change | This book contains essays. |
RE 261 FIS | Fisher, Douglas | The Challenge of Peace: God's Promise and Necessary Document: Week One |   |
RE 261 GAL | Gallagher, Sister Vera | Hearing the Cry of the Poor | This book is the story of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. |
RE 261 GEA | Geaney, Dennis J. | The Prophetic Parish: A Center for Peace and Justice |   |
RE 261 GIE | Giese, Rev. Vincent J. | Youth For Peace | A Handbook for young Christian peacemakers. |
RE 261 HAU | Haught, John F. | The Promise of Nature: Ecology and Cosmic Purpose | This book covers the ecological crisis faced by our planet and how is may have the effect of transforming religious ideas. |
RE 261 HEN | Henriot, Peter J., DeBerri, Edward P., Schultheis, Michael J. | Catholic Social Teaching: Our Best Kept Secret | offers an overview of the history of the Church's social teachings and presents in outline form key doc |
RE 261 HOL | Holland, Joe and Peter Henriot, S.J. | Social Analysis | This book contains a wealth of information on social analysis that is helpful to parish ministers and adult educators. |
RE 261 JEG | Jegen, Mary Evelyn, SND | How You Can Be a Peacemaker: Catholic Teachings and Practical Suggestions |   |
RE 261 KAM | Kammer, Fred | Doing Faithjustice: An Introduction to Catholic Social Thought | The Catholic Church and social problems; an outline of the Church's traditon of social justice teaching |
RE 261 MAS | Masse, Benjamin L., S.J. | The Church and Social Progress: Background Readings for Pope John's | This book is a collection of essays dealing with the social principles outlined by Pope John XXIII in his encyclical, |
RE 261 MER | Merton, Thomas | Faith and Violence: Christian Teaching and Christian Practice |   |
RE 261 MET | Metz, Johann Baptist | A Passion of God | This book is about the mystical-political dimension of Christianity. |
RE 261 TER | Teresa, Mother | Loving Jesus | This book contains Mother Teresa's reflections on the needy and the poor, AIDS, abortion anad the need to provide for abandoned and unwanted children. |
RE 261 TOC |   | To Campaign For Justice: A Study guide and synopsis commemorating the Tenth Anniversary of Justice In The World |   |
RE 261 SCH | Schall, Rev. James V., S. J. | Christianity and Politics |   |
RE 261 VAN | Vanier, Jean | From Brokenness to Community | Christian communities and the Catholic Church; church work with the mentally handicapped and the poor |
RE 261 VAN | Vanier, Jean | From Brokenness to Community | Christian communities and the Catholic Church; church work with the mentally handicapped and the poor |
RE 261 WOM | Ruether, Rosemary Radford and Keller, Rosemary Skinner, Editors | Women and Religion in America: Volume 1: The Nineteenth Century | This book is a comprehensive investigation of the impact and role of women in relig |
RE 242 AHE | Ahern, Patrick V. | Maurice & Therese: The Story of a Love | This book contains the inspiring letters between Therese of Lisieux and a struggling young priest. |
RE 261 GAL | Gallagher, Michael S.J. | Clashing Symbols | This book brings together a wide area of reflection on the relationship between faith and the cultural contexts influencing believers today. |
RE 262 BAR | Barnes, Andrew E. | The Social Dimension of Piety | Associative life and devotional change in the penitent confraternities of Marseilles (1499-1792) |
RE 262 CAL | Callahan, Daniel | The Mind Of The Catholic Layman |   |
RE 262 CAR | Carmody, Denise Ladner | An Ideal Church: A Meditation | This book is a meditation on what the Christian church ought to be. |
RE 262 COO | Cooper, Norman P. | Collaborative Ministry: Communion, Contention, Commitment | This book contains a combination of pastoral theology, critical incidents in ministry, and reflection questions, and provides resources |
RE 262 COR | Coriden, James A. | Parish in Catholic Tradition: History, Theology and Canon Law | describes the origins of parishes and their historical evolution, offers a theology of parish as a local church, links parishes to t |
RE 262 DOW | Downs, Thomas | The Parish As Learning Community: Modeling For Parish And Adult Growth | This book examines the local Church as the place where lifelong learning takes place, and demonstrates the interdependence of |
RE 262 DUL | Dulles, Avery, S.J. | Models Of The Church |   |
RE 262 ISC | Isca, Kay Lynn | Catholic Etiquette: What You Need to Know About Catholic Rites and Wrongs |   |
RE 262 JOH | Johnson, Kevin Orlin | Expressions of the Catholic Faith | This book answers the most frequently asked questions on Catholic faith, worship, culture and customs. |
RE 262 KRE | Kress, Robert | The Church: Communion, Sacrament, Communication | This book contains a very thorough summary of ecclesiology that will be invaluable to all graduate theology students and those who wish to reflect on |
RE 262 NOU | Nouwen, Henri J. M. | Creative Ministry | This book covers five primary responsibilities of the priest and minister: teaching, preaching, counseling, organizing and celebrating |
RE 262 LUT | Lutz, Robert R. and Taylor, Bruce T. | Surviving in Ministry: Navigating the Pitfalls, Experiencing the Renewals | A book written by committed religious leaders for committed religious leaders. It is an ecumenical wo |
RE 262 NOU | Nouwen, Henri J.M. | In The Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership | The author reflects upon the challenges and the solutions to the problems within today's Christian leadership. |
RE 262 RAT | Ratzinger, Joseph Cardinal | Meaning of Christian Brotherhood | treatise on the true meaning of Christian brotherhood; statement on the biblical grounds for cooperation among believing Christians |
RE 262 SOF | Sofield, Loughlan, ST and Juliano, Carroll, SHCJ | Collaborative Ministry: Skills and Guidelines | This book addresses the necessity and desirability for sharing the work and for shifting from individual to mutual e |
RE 262 TEA | Murphy, Nordan C., Editor | Teaching and Preaching Stewardship-An Anthology |   |
RE 262.9 PAT |   | Paths to Peace: A Contribution | This book contains compilations of addresses and messages by Popes Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI and John Paul II on specific occasions to the Organizations of the United Natio |
RE 262.9 ACC | Accattoli, Luigi | Life in the Vatican with John Paul II | As the second Christian millennium closes and the Grand Jubilee approaches, this volume provides a guided tour through the Vatican and a detailed look at t |
RE 262.9 ARA | Aradi, Zsolt | The Popes: The History of How They Are Chosen, Elected and Crowned | This book describes in detail the coronation of a Pope, its tradition, pageantry and spiritual significance. |
RE 262.9 BRU | Brusher, Joseph S., S.J. | Popes Through The Ages |   |
RE 262.9 CAR | Carlen, Claudia, IHM | Papal Pronouncements: A Guide: 1740-1978: Volume II:Paul VI to John Paul I |   |
RE 262.9 CAR | Carlen, Claudia, IHM | Papal Pronouncements: A Guide: 1740-1978: Volume II:Paul VI to John Paul I |   |
RE 262.9 FAI | Jurgens, William A., Editor | The Faith of the Early Fathers: Volume Three | This book is an anthology of theological and historical passages from the writings of Saint Augustine to the end of the Patristic Age. |
RE 262.9 FAI | Jurgens, W.A., Editor | The Faith of the Early Fathers: Volume Two | This book is an anthology of theological and historical passages from the Christian writings of the Post-Nicene and Constantinopolitan eras thro |
RE 262.9 FLA | Flannery, Austin, O.P., General Editor | Vatican Council II: The Concilliar and Post Concilliar Documents 1981 Edition |   |
RE 262.9 FLA | Flannery, Austin, O.P. | Vatican Council II: More Concilliar Documents |   |
RE 262.9 FLA | Flannery, Austin, O.P. | Vatican Council II: More Concilliar Documents |   |
RE 262.9 GAI | Gaillardetz, Richard R. | Witnesses to the Faith: Community, Infallibility and the Ordinary Magisterium of Bishops | This book traces the development of the 'ordinary magisterium' through the nineteenth and twenti |
RE 262.9 HEB | Hebblethwaite, Peter | The Year of Three Popes | This book covers the year1978 when Pope Paul VI died after 15 years as pontiff, followed by Luciani, Pope John Paul I, who died 33 days after becoming Pope, followed |
RE 262.9 HOR | Horgan, Paul | Rome Eternal | This book covers the significance of Rome and the Papacy in the history of Christianity and Western civilization. It concentrates on 4 major periods: pagan, early Christian, flowering |
RE 262.9 JOH | Messori, Vittorio, Editor | Crosing the Threshold of Hope by His Holiness John Paul II | This book contains an interview with Pope John Paul II. |
RE 262.9 JOH | Messori, Vittorio, Editor | Crosing the Threshold of Hope by His Holiness John Paul II | This book contains an interview with Pope John Paul II. |
RE 262.9 JOH | Johnson, Paul | The Papacy | This book brings to life the achievements and effects, historical and cultural, theological and geographical, of the See of Rome. |
RE 262.9 JOH | John Paul 11 | Sources Of Renewal | The implementation of the Second Vatican Council. |
RE 262.9 KAS | Kaschmitter, William A., M.M. | The Spirituality of Vatican II | Conciliar Texts Concerning the Spiritual Life of ALL Christians |
RE 262.9 MUR | Murphy, John L. | The General Councils of The Church |   |
RE 262.9 QUA | Quasten, Johannes | Patrology: Volume II | This volume contains Ante-Nicene Literature after Irenaeus. |
RE 262.9 QUA | Quasten, Johannes | Patrology: Volume III | This volume contains the Golden Age of Greek Patristic literature. |
RE 262.9 QUA | Quashten, Johannes | Patrology: Volume IV | This book serves as a fundamental reference work for the study of theology and of the fathers of the Church as well as of Latin Christian literature. |
RE 262.9 ONT |   | On the Development of Peoples: Encyclical Letter of Pope Paul VI | This encyclical letter was given by Pope Paul VI in Rome, at St. Peter's, on March 26, 1967. |
RE 262.9 ONH |   | On Human Work: Encyclical Letter of His Holiness Pope John Paul II | This encyclical letter was given by Pope John Paul II at Castel Gandolfo on September 14, 1981. |
RE 262.9 OUT |   | Outlines of the 16 Documents - Vatican II |   |
RE 262.9 PAP | Fremantle, Anne, Editor | The Papal Encyclicals in Their Historical Context | This book contains the teachings of the Popes from Peter to John XXIII. |
RE 262.9 PAP | MacEoin, Gary, Editor | The Papacy and the People of God | This book is a collection of essays covering a range of issues including the history and theology of papal primacy, infallibility, the magisterium, papal e |
RE 262.9 PAS | Second Vatican Council | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World | This book contains the text of the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, held on December 7, 1965. |
RE 262.9 PAU | Paul, Pope John II | The Vocation and the Mission of the Lay Faithful in the Church and in the World | Given by Pope John Paul II at Rome, in St. Peter's, on December 30, 1988 |
RE 262.9 PIL |   | Pilgrim of Peace | This book contains the Homilies and Addresses of His Holiness Pope John Paul II on the Occasion of His Visit to the United States of America |
RE 262.9 RED |   | Redeemer of Man: Encyclical of the Supreme Pontiff - John Paul II | This First Encyclical Letter was given by Pope John Paul II in Rome, at St. Peter's, on March 4, 1979 |
RE 262.9 ROM |   | Rome and the Study of Scripture | This book contains a collection of papal enactments on the study of Holy Scripture together with the decisions of the Biblical Commission |
RE 262.9 RED |   | The Redeemer of Man: Encyclical Letter of His Holiness Pope John Paul II | This first encyclical given by Pope John Paul II in Rome, at St. Peter's, on March 4, 1979. It not only identifies the major problem |
RE 262.9 SCH | Schachern, Harold | The Meaning of the Second Vatican Council: A Newspaperman's Report |   |
RE 262.9 RUS | Russell, Claire | Glimpses of the Church Fathers | selections from the writings of the Fathers of the Church |
RE 262.9 THI |   | This Is Rome: A Pilgrimage In Words and Pictures |   |
RE 262.9 VAT |   | The Vatican | This book provides an authoritative and up-to-date survey of all aspects of the Vatican, including essays on the organization of the Church, its evolution, its councils, and its architecture and a |
RE 262.9 VOC |   | Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Christifideles Laici of His Holiness John Paul II On the Vocation and the Mission Of the Lay Faithful in the Church And In the World | Given by John Paul II at Rome, in St. Pe |
RE 262.9 YOU |   | 'You Are the Future, You Are My Hope': To the Young People of the World by Pope John Paul II | This book contains all the Pope's talks to the youth of the world, from the beginning of His Pontificate to His pi |
RE 263 BAU | Baumbach, Gerard F. | Spirituality for Lent and Easter | This book offers a four part approach for believers, alone or in concert with other faithful, to enter into the mystery of each of the Sundays of Lent and East |
RE 263 BEN | Benjamin, Barbara and Vali, Alexandria Damascus | The Lenten Kitchen | This book is a collection of nearly 100 meatless recipes, from appetizers to main dishes and desserts. |
RE 263 COL | Collins, Stephanie | A Page a Day For Advent & the Christmas Season 1996 |   |
RE 263 DEI | Deiss, Lucien, C.S.Sp. | Come, Lord Jesus: Biblical Prayers with Psalms and Scripture Readings |   |
RE 263 FIN | Finley, Mitch | Season of Promises | This book relies on inspiration from a different source, six classics of spiritual literature- three modern, three many centuries old. |
RE 263 GAE | Gaeta, Francis X. | What Shall I Give Him Poor As I Am ...: Reflections for Advent and Christmastide |   |
RE 263 FIN | Wilson, Anne, Editor | Padre Pio of Pietrelcina: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus Christ | This book is a biography of Padre Pio of Pietrelcina. |
RE 263 GAE | Gaeta, Francis X. | What He Did For Love | This book is a companion book for the 40 days of Lent. |
RE 263 HYN | Hynes, Arleen | The Passover Meal: A Ritual For Christian Homes |   |
RE 263 HAY | Hays, Edward | A Pilgrim's Almanac: Reflections for Each Day of the Year |   |
RE 263 KRI | Krier, Catherine H. | Symbols For All Seasons: Environmental Planning For Cycles A, B & C | This book provides tips and in-depth explanations about the role of environment within the liturgy, liturgy planning, artis |
RE 263 LIV |   | Living and Celebrating The Advent-Christmas Seasons |   |
RE 263 LOW | Lowery, Daniel L., C.SS.R. | Day By Day Though Lent: Reflections, Prayers, Practices |   |
RE 263 LAC | Lacey, O.S.B. | If I Be Lifted Up | This book contains reflections for the Season of Lent. |
RE 263 MAU | Mauriac, Francois | Holy Thursday: An Intimate Remembrance | The author carries the reader to the heart of the mysteries of our Faith as they are experienced through the tragic, glorious events of Holy Week. |
RE 263 MEY | Meyer, Gabriel | Lent |   |
RE 263 NIE | Niemann, Paul J. | The Lent, Triduum, and Easter Answer Book | The purpose of this book is to help the reader more deeply appreciate the paschal mystery itself and the unique way in which it is celebrated in the Roma |
RE 263 NIS | Nisbet, Rev. Jim | Stations of the Cross: the devotion & its history | This volume captures the power and drama of Christ's last hours for those who have long loved the Stations and for those to whom the devotion is |
RE 263 ODE | O'Dea, Barbara, D.W. | Of Fast & Festival |   |
RE 263 OCO | O'Collins, Gerald, S.J. | The People's Christmas |   |
RE 263 REC | Recker, Colane, O.S.F. | Scripture, Thoughts and Things to Do During All The Days of Lent |   |
RE 263 SER | Firorelli, Father Lewis S., O.S.F.S., Editor | The Sermons of St. Francis De Sales For Lent | This book contains 12 sermons of St. Francis de Sales preached to the Visitation nuns in Lent of 1622. |
RE 263 SMI | Smith, Delia | A Feast For Advent |   |
RE 263 GAE | Gaeta, Francis | Come - Celebrate Jesus | The purpose of this book is to get the reader to set aside 15 minutes for Jesus each day during the Christmas and Advent season. |
RE 264 ART | Artz, Thomas, C..SS.R. and Haley, Ruth Marie, S.S.N.D. | Helping Your Child Appreciate the Mass and the Sacraments | This book helps parents introduce their children to the Mass and the Sacraments as celebrations by |
RE 264 AWA | Madden, Lawrence J., S.J., Editor | The Awakening Church: 25 Years of Liturgical Renewal | This book presents the papers given at a colloquium held at Georgetown University in December 1988 on the 25th anniversary o |
RE 264 BER | Bernier, Paul, SSS | Bread Broken and Shaped |   |
RE 264 BOY | Boyer, Mark G. | The Liturgical Environment: What the Documents Say |   |
RE 264 BRE | Breig, James | Why Go To Mass?: A Layperson Answers | This booklet discusses what the Mass is, how it must be considered as a meal as well as a sacrifce, and how each person can get more out of the Mass by putting m |
RE 264 BRE | Breig, James | Why Go To Mass? | From a layman's point of view, this booklet discusses what the Mass is, how it must be considered as a meal as well as a sacrifice, and how each person can get more out of the Mass by |
RE 264 BRO | Brown, Michael H. | Secrets of the Eucharist | The author details the importance of the Holy Eucharist in the lives of mystics and saints and into the lives of the Church militant, here on earth, now journeying to He |
RE 264 CAN | Cantalamessa, Raniero | The Eucharist |   |
RE 264 CHA | Champlin, Joseph M. | An Important Office of Immense Love | A Handbook for Eucharistic Ministers |
RE 264 CHA | Champlin, Joseph M. | An Important Office of Immense Love | A Handbook for Eucharistic Ministers |
RE 264 CHA | Champlin, Joseph M. | The Proper Balance: A Practical Look at Liturgical Renewal |   |
RE 264 CHA | Challancin, James | The Assembly Celebrates | Discusses gathering the community for worship |
RE 264 CLA | Claypool, John R. | The Preaching Event |   |
RE 264 COO | Cooke, Bernard | Future of Eucharist | This book describes how a new self-awareness among Catholics is changing the way they believe and worship. |
RE 264 COR | Corbon, Jean | Wellspring of Worship | This book presents to Christians of all Churches the possibility of rediscovering in unity what they celebrate and what they want to live. |
RE 264 COR | Corbon, Jean | Wellspring of Worship | This book presents to Christians of all Churches the possibility of rediscovering in unity what they celebrate and what they want to live. |
RE 264 DAN | Daniel-Rops, Henri | This is the Mass | New and revised |
RE 264 DEG | DeGrandis, Robert | Healing through the Mass |   |
RE 264 DEG | DeGrandis, Robert, S.S. J. and Schubert, Linda | Healing Through the Mass |   |
RE 264 DEV | Devine, Thomas | About the Sacrament of the Eucharist |   |
RE 264 DIR |   | Directory for Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest |   |
RE 264 DOB | Dobson, Theodore E. | Say But the Word |   |
RE 264 GRO | Groeschel, Father Benedict J., C.F.R. and Monti, James | In The Presence Of Our Lord: The History, Theology, and Psychology of Eucharistic Devotion | This book focuses on how the Blessed Sacrament has been a source |
RE 264 GUA | Guardini, Romano | Preparing Yourself For Mass |   |
RE 264 HOL |   | Holy Communion Outside Mass |   |
RE 264 HOU |   | An Hour With Jesus |   |
RE 264 HUE | Huels, John M. | Disputed Questions in the Liturgy Today | This book presents a way to look at and understand how law and liturgy come together in the discipline and practice of the Church. |
RE 264 JOR | Jorgensen, Susan S. | Rekindling the Passion | Liturgical renewal in your community |
RE 264 JUN | Jungmann, Rev. Joseph A., S.J. | The Mass of the Roman Rite: Its Origins and Development: Volume 1 | This is a new printing of the definitive study of the history of the Roman Mass. |
RE 264 KAV | Kavanaugh, Patrick | The Music of Angels | This book is a listener's guide to sacred music from chant to christian rock. |
RE 264 KOL | Kolodziej, Fr. Maynard, O.F.M. | Understanding the Mass |   |
RE 264 LAN | Lanz, Rev. Kerry J., M.Div. | The Complete Server |   |
RE 264 LIT |   | The Liturgy and the Word of God |   |
RE 264 LIT |   | The Liturgy Documents: A Parish Resource |   |
RE 264 LIV | Livermore, Penny | Called To His Supper |   |
RE 264 LOR | Loret, Pierre | The Story of the Mass From the Last Supper to the Present Day | This book presents the story of the Church's Eucharistic life over 20 centuries. |
RE 264 LUC | Lucia, Fr. Vincent Martin and Ramirez, Rev. Msgr. Josefino | Letters To A Brother Priest | A collection of simple and warm letters written between two priests. |
RE 264 MAT | Matoni, Rev. Charles J. | Celebrate With Song... Every Parish Can | This book is a wry and witty look at where American parishes have been and are now going musically. |
RE 264 MER | Merton, Thomas | The Living Bread |   |
RE 264 MYF | Whittemore, Carroll E., Editor | My First Book of Christian Symbols |   |
RE 264 POW | Power, David N., O.M.I. | The Eucharistic Mystery: Revitalizing the Tradition |   |
RE 264 SEN | Senger, Mary Cay | The Eucharist: Giving Thanks and Praise |   |
RE 264 STE | Stevenson, Kenneth | Worship: Wonderful and Sacred Mystery |   |
RE 264 TAL | Talley, James M., Editor | Jesus, The Living Bread | A chronicle of the 41st International Eucharistic Congress - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August, 1976 |
RE 264 TRU | Truitt, Rev. Gordon E. | Introduction to Parish Liturgy |   |
RE 264 UNT | Untener, Bishop Kenneth E. | Sunday Liturgy Can Be Better! | Practical suggestions for planners, ministers and people in the pews |
RE 264 WAR | Warren, Michael | Faith, Culture, and Worshiping Community |   |
RE 264.02 PEN | Pennington, M. | The Eucharist: wine of faith, bread of life |   |
RE 265 ARN | Arnold, John | Confession is Good for Your Soul | Receiving the Vercy of a Forgiving God |
RE 265 COO | Cooke, Bernard | Sacraments & Sacramentality | The author proposes that mutual concern and support for one another are the substance of Christian sacraments. |
RE 265 FIN | Finley, Mitch | The Joy of Being a Eucharistic Minister | The purpose of this book is to offer some tips and insights on a spirituality for eucharistic ministers. |
RE 265 FIN | Finley, Mitch | The Joy of Being a Eucharistic Minister | The purpose of this book is to offer some tips and insights on a spirituality for eucharistic ministers. |
RE 265 FIN | Finley, Mitch | The Joy of Being a Eucharistic Minister | The purpose of this book is to offer some tips and insights on a spirituality for eucharistic ministers. |
RE 265 GUZ | Guzie, Tad | The Book of Sacramental Basics | Thsi book is a fundamental work that explores the underlying meaning of Christian sacraments and how they function. |
RE 265 HAR | Haring, Bernard, C.SS.R. | Discovering God's Mercy: Confession Helps For Today's Catholic |   |
RE 265 HAS | Haas, LaVerne | Personal Pentecost: The Meaning of Confirmation | Stresses the renewed and enriched significance of the Sacrament of Confirmation. |
RE 265 MAR | Martos, Joseph | Doors to the Sacred: A Historical Introduction to Sacraments in the Catholic Church | This book presents a history of sacramental practice and the seven ecclesial sacraments of the Catholic Church. |
RE 265 KNI | Knight, David | Confession Can Change Your Life | The author examines why our recent practice of the Sacrament of Reconciliation has become stagnant. |
RE 265 MOO | Moore, Joseph | When A Teenager Chooses You - As Friend, Confidante, Confirmation Sponsor | This book contains practical advice for any adult. |
RE 265 OMA | O'Malley, Sarah, OSB and Eimer, Robert, OMI | Come, Let Us Celebrate | This is a book of 16 complete services for various liturgical seasons, including homily hints and 12 additional themes and symbols around which s |
RE 265 REG | Rego, Father Richard J. | A Contemporary Adult Guide To Conscience for the Sacrament of Confession |   |
RE 265 STR | Stravinskas, Reverend Peter M.J. and Dieterich, Henry | Understanding the Sacraments: A Guide for Prayer and Study | This book contains a clear and faithful teaching on the sacraments, designed for use by individual |
RE 265 STR | Stravinskas, Peter M.J., Reverend | Understanding the Sacraments | This is an ideal guide for prayer and study. Here is clear, faithful teaching on the sacraments, designed for use by individuals and groups, either |
RE 265 WEI | Weinandy, Thomas | Be Reconciled To God - A Family Guide To Confession |   |
RE 268 DUJ | Dujarier, Rev. Michel | The Rites of Christian Initiation: Historical and Pastoral Reflections |   |
RE 268 ELI |   | Elizabeth Ministry: Visitor's Manual | This book is a manual relating to the Elizabeth Ministry. |
RE 268 FOW | Fowler, James W. | Becoming Adult, Becoming Christian: Adult Development and Christian Faith | This book shows how the concept of vocation can unify the constructive insights of various adult developmental theories |
RE 268 FOW | Fowler, James W. | Stages of Faith: The Psychology of Human Development and the Quest for Meaning | This book shows how every life is progressively centered about some fundamental set of meanings and values, and ide |
RE 268 KEM | Kemp, Raymond B. | A Journey In Faith: An Experience of the Catechumenate |   |
RE 268 MOR | Morris, Thomas H. | The RCIA: Transforming the Church | a resource for pastoral implementation; religious aspects of initiation in the Catholic Church |
RE 268 NEI | Neiman, Joseph | Coordinators: a new focus in parish religious education |   |
RE 268 POL | Pollard, John E., Rev. | Exploring Our Catholic Faith | This book contains basic teachings and practices of the Catholic faith. |
RE 268 REI | Reichert, Sara and Richard | In Wisdom and the Spirit | A religious education program for those over sixty-five |
RE 268 REL | Lane, Dermot A., Editor | Religious Education and the Future | This book reviews developments in Religious Education over the last twenty years, addresses contemporary questions in Religious Education, the present de |
RE 268 RIT |   | Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Study Edition | This book is approved for use in the Diocese of the United States of America by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and confirmed by the Apostolic |
RE 268 SEL | Sellnew, Edward C. | Mentoring: The Ministry of Spiritual Kinship | The author shows how Christians may help and support one another on life's way by a deeper appreciation of what it means to be a spiritual friend, a |
RE 268 SVO | Svoboda, Melannie | Jesus, I'm a Teacher, Too | This book provides guidance and inspiration from the Gospels. |
RE 268 UPT | Upton, Julia, R.S.M. | Becoming a Catholic Christian: A Christian's Guide to the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults | This book leaads catechumens and those seeking full communion with the Chruch upon a faith jo |
RE 268 WES | Westerhoff, John H. III | Will Our Children Have Faith? |   |
RE 268 WES | Westerhoff, John H. and Neville, Gwen Kennedy | Generation to Generation |   |
RE 269 BER | Berlucchi, Jim | Person To Person: How To Be Effective in Evangelism | This book provides advice about the best way to evangelize your friends, family members, and co-workers. |
RE 269 BLU | Blum, Susan W. | The Ministry of Evangelization | This book offers the reader vision, scope, and down-to-earth assistance on the old/new ministry of evangelization. |
RE 269 BYE | Byers, David, Parent, Neil, and Smith, B.Allison | The Catholic Way of LIfe | This book communicates eternal truths in readable, contemporary language. |
RE 269 CAS | Castelli, James | What the Church is Doing for Divorced and Remarried Catholics | This book is an attempt to look at how Catholic people are affected by divorce and how they and their church are coping. |
RE 269 CAW | Cawley, Catherine B. | A Rainy Afternoon With God | This book is rooted in the belief that people need to take time out from their busy, overscheduled lives for rest and reflection on God and God's creation. |
RE 269 CHA | Champlin, Joseph M. | The Marginal Catholic: Challenge Don't Crush |   |
RE 269 DES | De Siano, Frank P., C.S.P. | Catolicos Evangelizadores | This book is written in Spanish and deals with evangelization. |
RE 269 DES | DeSiano, Frank P., C.S.P. | Evangelizing Catholic | This is a 'how-to' book on individual and parish evangelization. |
RE 269 DES | DeSiano, Frank, CSP and Boyack, Kenneth, CSP | Creating the Evangelizing Parish | The authors clearly explain the definition of evangelization and offer for further clarification an encounter model of evangelization |
RE 269 DeS | Frank DeSiano, CSP and Boyack, Kenneth, CSP | Discovering My Experience of God | This book is designed especially to help Catholics know and affirm their personal stories of faith. |
RE 269 de W | de Waal, Esther | Every Earthly Blessing | Through poems and prayers, this book shows how Celtic Christianity was forged with a vigor that spoke as much to the heart as to the head. |
RE 269 GER | Gerding, Susan Blum | Lay Minister, Lay Disciples: Evangelizing Power in the Parish | This book is about evangilization. |
RE 269 GER | Gerding, Susan Blum | Lay Minister, Lay Disciples: Evangelizing Power in the Parish | This book is about evangilization. |
RE 269 HAR | Harmony, Sarah | Re-Membering: The Ministry of Welcoming Alienated and Inactive Catholics | This book covers the ministry of welcoming alienated and inactive Catholics back to the Eucharistic table and to full activ |
RE 269 HOG | Hoge, Dean R. | Converts Dropouts Returnees: A Study of Religious Change Among Catholics |   |
RE 269 HOW | Howard, Thomas | Chance or the Dance? | A critique of modern secularism. |
RE 269 JOH | Martin, Ralph and Williamson, Peter, Editors | John Paul II and the New Evangelization: How You Can Bring the Good News to Others | This book contains sound instruction, practical and theoretical, on the why and the |
RE 269 MAR | Martin, Ralph and Williamson, Peter | John Paul II and the New Evangelization | How you can bring the Good News to others; each chapter by a different author presents a dimension of the universal call to evangelizat |
RE 269 MAR | Martin, Ralph and Williamson, Peter | John Paul II and the New Evangelization | How you can bring the Good News to others; each chapter by a different author presents a dimension of the universal call to evangelizat |
RE 269 MAR | Martin, Ralph | The Catholic Church at the End of an Age: What is the Spirit Saying? | This book, while focusing on the situation of the Catholic Church, much of what the book deals with is relevant to Christians in |
RE 269 MAR | Martin, Ralph | The Catholic Church at the End of an Age: What is the Spirit Saying? | This book, while focusing on the situation of the Catholic Church, much of what the book deals with is relevant to Christians in |
RE 269 MAR | Martin, Ralph | The Return of the Lord | This book will help you understand what scripture teaches about Chris's return and it will show you how to live your life today by the power of the holy Spirit, in joyful anti |
RE 269 MAR | Martin, Ralph | A Crisis of Truth | The Attack on Faith, Morality, and Mission in the Catholic Church. |
RE 269 MIL | Miller, Keith | The Scent of Love | The author seeks to recapture the heady aroma of love - to show how it can permeate our individual lives and our life together as a church, becoming the essence of the way we do ev |
RE 269 MIT | Mittelberg, Mark, Strobel, Lee, and Hybels, Bill | Becoming a Contagious Christian: Participant's Guide | This participant's guide is designed to help the reader get the most out of the 'Becoming a Contagious Christ |
RE 269 RAY | Ray, Stephen K. | Crossing the Tiber: Evangelical Protestants Discover the Historic Church | Steve, raised as a Baptist, and his wife Janet decided to investigate the claims of the Catholic Church, and their journey |
RE 269 RAY | Ray, Stephen K. | Crossing the Tiber: Evangelical Protestants Discover the Historic Church | Steve, raised as a Baptist, and his wife Janet decided to investigate the claims of the Catholic Church, and their journey |
RE 270 BEL | Belloc, Hilaire | How the Reformation Happened | A masterly study of the most momentous religious upheaval in the history of Christianity |
RE 270 GLI |   | Glimpses of Growth 1950-1975: St. Francis of Assisi 1950-1975 |   |
RE 270 HAL | Hales, E.E.Y. | The Catholic Church In The Modern World: A Survey From The French Revolution To The Present |   |
RE 270 HAN | Petersen, Joan M., Editor | Handmaids of the Lord: Contemporary Descriptions of Feminine Asceticism in the First Six Christian Centuries |   |
RE 270 HEN | Hennessey, James, S.J. | American Catholics: A History of the Roman Catholic Community in the United States |   |
RE 270 HUR | Hurley, Mark J. | The Unholy Ghost: Anti-Catholicism in the American Experience | This book dips into history to provide documented evidence that illustrates the reality of anti-Catholicism and Nativism (the favorin |
RE 270 JAN | Janelle, Pierre | The Catholic Formation |   |
RE 270 JOH | Johnston, Leonard | A History of Israel |   |
RE 270 KEN | Kennelly, Karen | American Catholic Women | This book tells the stories of hundreds of Catholic women who, as individuals and as participants in groups and movements, represent almost every point on the religious spe |
RE 270 KIC |   | Kicking the Habit: A City Confronts Religious Prejudice |   |
RE 270 KIT | Kittler, Glenn D. | The Papal Princes: A History of the Sacred College of Cardinals |   |
RE 270 KRA | Kramer, Karl F. | A Chronological Chart of Salvation History |   |
RE 270 LAR | Larkin, Emmet | Historical Dimensions of Irish Catholicism | Catholic Church history in Ireland |
RE 270 LEE | Lee, Bernard J., S.M. | The Galilean Jewishness of Jesus | The author reconstructs the historical, cultural and religious fabric of Galiless in the time of Jesus and examines four kinds of Jews. |
RE 270 MAY | Maynard, Theodore | The Story of American Catholicism |   |
RE 270 MCB | McBride, Alfred | The Story of the Church: Peak Moments From Pentecost to the Year 2000 |   |
RE 270 PAS | Shinners, John and Dohar, William J., Editors | Pastors and the Care of Souls in Medieval England | This book brings together documents, many never before available in translation, which illustrate the multifaceted l |
RE 270 PIP | Pipes, William H. | Say Amen, Brother!: Old Time Negro Preaching: A Study in American Frustration |   |
RE 270 REI | Reid, David | New Wine: The Cultural Shaping of Japanese Christianity |   |
RE 270 SAI |   | Saint Anne de Beaupre: Pilgrim's Goal For Three Hundred Years | This book is a brief history of the Shrine of Saint Anne de Beaupre. |
RE 270 SCO | Scott, Dr. William A. and Scott, Frances M. | The Church Then and Now: Cultivating a Sense of Tradition | This book conveys a sense of historical growth and tradition of the church. Understanding the early organiza |
RE 270 STF |   | St. Francis of Assisi Church Dedication |   |
RE 270 VIN | Vinyard, JoEllen McNergney | For Faith and Fortune | This book contains the comprehensive study of parochial education in Detroit within the broader context of the city's urbanization patterns. |
RE 270 WER | Werntz, Mary Regina, RSM | Our Beloved Union: A History of the Sisters of Mercy of the Union |   |
RE 271 HID | Shannon, William H., Editor | The Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social Concerns | This book is a collection of Thomas Merton's letters. |
RE 271 INT |   | The intimate Merton: his life from his journals |   |
RE 271 WEL | Welch, John | The Carmelite way: an ancient path for today's pilgrim |   |
RE 271.73 DOO | Doohan, Leonard | The contemporary challenge of John of the Cross |   |
RE 272 FRO | Frohlich, Walter | The letters of St. Anselm of Canterbury |   |
RE 242 WIL | Madden, Bro. Charles, OFM CONV, and Gallio, Daniel, Editors | Will To Love | The text in this book is reflections for daily living by St. Maximilian Kolbe, 'Prophet of the Civilization of Love' |
RE 234 GUA | Guardini, Ramano | The Living God |   |
RE 259.4 KAL | Kalina, Kathy | Midwife for souls: spiritual care for the dying |   |
RE 248.2 SUL | Sulmasy, Daniel P., O.F.M., M.D. | The Healer's Calling | This book addresses the longings of many people in the health care field for a renewed sense of the transcendent meaning of their work, and for a return to |
RE 269 HYB | Hybels, Bill and Mittelberg, Mark | Becoming a Contagious Christian | This book presents a blueprint for starting a spiritual epidemic of hope and enthusiasm for spreading the Gospel. |
RE 248.2 SCH | Schrick, Alan | Hearts Aflame | This book explores how the Holy Spirit continues to fan the flames of Pentecost. |
RE 248.2 SEC |   | The Secret Joy of Repentance |   |
Call___________ | Author___________ | Title____________________________ | Subtitle______________________ |
RE 280 BOS | Bosc, Jean, Guitton, Jean, and Danielou, Jean | The Catholic Protestant Dialogue | This book is a collection of pleasant conversations filled with pious compromises and concessions. |
RE 280 HAS | Hastings, C. Brownlow | Introducing Southern Baptists: Their Faith and Their Life | a book written for Christians who are not Southern Baptists, but who wish to know more about their beliefs and way of life |
RE 280 JOH | Johnson, Kevin Orlin, Ph. D | Expressions of the Catholic Faith: A Guide to the Teachings and Practices of the Catholic Church | This book answers the most frequently asked questions on Catholic faith, worship, cult |
RE 280 HOR | Horton, Douglas | The United Church of Christ |   |
RE 280 KIM | Kimball, Charles | Striving Together: A Way Forward in Christian-Muslim Relations | This book provides an accessible way for Christians to recognize their limited knowledge of Islam and its adherents and to work tow |
RE 280 GIL | Gilles, Anthony E. | Fundamentalism: What Every Catholic Needs to Know | informative look at fundamentalism by an author who grew up Catholic in the Bible Belt |
RE 280 LEB | LeBar, James J. | Cults, Sects, and the New Age | It defines the characteristics of a cult, discusses the reasons people join, and examines pseudo-Christian, Eastern, and New Age religious groups. |
RE 280 MEY | Meyendorff, John | Orthodox |   |
RE 280 MOO | Moorman, Dr. John | Episcopalians and Anglicans |   |
RE 280 MAT | Mathers, Donald | United Church of Canada |   |
RE 280 NEL | Nelson, Robert J. | The Methodists | Institutional life of every kind is changing rapidly. The signs of the Ecumenical Movement will change with the times. |
RE 280 QUA |   | Quaker Spirituality | This book contains selected writings of Quaker Spirituality. |
RE 280 RUM | Rumble, Rev. Dr. | Lutherans |   |
RE 280 RUM | Rumble, Rev. Dr. | Rosicrucians |   |
RE 280 SAL | Saliba, John A. | Religious Cults Today: A Challenge to Christian Families | an inside look at the way cults operate and constructive alternatives for parents |
RE 282 ROB | Roberts, Nancy L. | Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker | This book examines Dorothy Day's role as editor, publisher, and chief writer and is also the first full-length, scholarly study of the newspaper. |
RE 282.09 | Neenan, Benedict | Thomas Vernier Moore: psychiatrist, educator, monk |   |
RE 282 OCO | O'Connor, John Cardinal | On Being Catholic | This book is about the life of Cardinal O'Connor. |
RE 280 EPI | Ryan, Herbert J., S.J., and Wright, J. Robert, Editors | Episcopalians and Roman Catholics: Can They Ever Get Together? |   |
RE 282 FOL | Foley, Leonard | Believing in Jesus: a popular overview of the Catholic faith |   |
RE 290 DAN | Danielou, Jean | Introduction to the Great Religions | a series of brief essays by experts in the major religions |
RE 290 FRO | Fromm, Erich | Psychoanalysis and Religion | The author assesses the persistent tension between traditional religion and the underlying philosophy of psychoanalysis, which many believe regards the satisfaction of ins |
RE 290 GRA | Grant, W. Harold, Thompson, Magdala, and Clarke, Thomas E. | From Image To Likeness: A Jungian Path in the Gospel Journey | This book correlates Carl Jung's psychological types with Gospel themes and Christian value |
RE 290 HIT | Hitchcock, James | What Is Secular Humanism? | Why humanism became secular and how it is changing our world. |
RE 290 HOP | Hopfe, Lewis M. | Religions of the World |   |
RE 290 KRA | Kramer, Kenneth | Sacred Art of Dying: How World Religions Undestand Death | This book relates to the religious aspects of death. |
RE 290 KRA | Kramer, Kenneth | Sacred Art of Dying: How World Religions Undestand Death | This book relates to the religious aspects of death. |
RE 290 MAL | Malefijt, Annemarie De Waal | Religion and Culture: An Introduction to Anthropology of Religion |   |
RE 290 REL | Rosten, Leo, Editor | Religions of America: Ferment and Faith in An Age of Crisis |   |
RE 290 VIL | Viladesau, Richard and Mark Massa, S.J. | World Religions: A Sourcebook for Students of Christian Theology | A sourcebook for students of Christian theology. |
RE 290 WHA | Whalen, William J. | Strange Gods: Contemporary Religious Cults in America | This books covers the Moonies, Scientology, Hare Krishnas, Jehovah's Witnessess, Edgar Cayce and the A.R.E., as well as some cults - such |
RE 290 WHA | Whalen, William J. | Christianity and American Freemasonry |   |
RE 290 WHA | Whalen, William J. | Faiths For The Few: A Study of Minority Religions | More than thirty of the smaller religious bodies are discussed in this objective study. |
RE 291 KRA | Kramer, Kenneth | The sacred art of dying: how world religions understand death |   |
RE 291.4 KEE | Keeler, Robert | Days of intense emotion:praying with John Paul II in the Holy Land |   |
RE 296 BAC | Holtz, Barry W., Editor | Back to the Sources: Reading the Classic Jewish Texts | This book is the first complete modern guide to the great books of the Jewish tradition: What they are and how to read them. |
RE 296 BOY | Boys, Mary C. | Jewish-Christian Dialogue: One Woman's Experience | Christianity and other religions |
RE 296 HAR | Harris, Jay | How Do We Know This? | Midrash and the fragmentation of modern Judaism |
RE 296 OES | Oesterreichedr, John M., Editor | The Bridge: A Yearbook of Judaeo-Christian Studies Volume I |   |
RE 296 ROU | Rousmaniere, John | A Bridge to Dialogue: The Story of Jewish-Christian Relations | This book is written for individuals who are concerned about the difficulties in Christian theology and history concerning the Jewi |
RE 296 STA | Stallings, Joseph M. | Celebrating an Authentic Passover Seder | This book contains an individual Haggahah to use in a seder service at home or church. |
RE 242 FRA | Francis of Assisi, Saint | Francis and Clare: The Complete Works | This book contains translations of the patrimony of writings that Saint Francis of Assisi and St. Clare of Assisi left to their followers. |
RE 255 EAR |   | Early Dominicans: Selected Writings | This book contains a selection of thirteenth-century texts illustrating the life and spirituality of the early Dominicans. |
RE 290 NAT |   | Native North American Spirituality of the Eastern Woodlands | This book contains sacred myths, dreams, visions, speeches, healing formulas, rituals and ceremonials of Native Americans. |
RE 242.9 ROL | Rolle, Richard | Richard Rolle: The English Writings | This book contains the English writings of Richard Rolle. |
RE 248.2 DEV |   | Devotio Moderna: Basic Writings | The aim of this book is to introduce the spirituality of the Modern Devout by translating several of their representative texts. |
RE 248.2 BER | Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint | Bernard of Clairvaux: Selected Writings | This book contains selected writings of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. |
RE 280 LUT | Luther, Martin | The Theologia Germanica of Martin Luther | This book is about life in God as it translates into life in the world. |
RE 231 PSE | Dionysius, the Aeropagite | Pseudo-Dionysius: The Complete Works | This book contains the writings of Dionysius, the Aeropagite. |
RE 242 JUL | Julian of Norwich | Julian of Norwich: Showings | This book contains the works of Julian of Norwich. |
RE 248.2 ALB |   | Albert and Thomas: Selected Writings | This book contains seleceted writings of Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas. |
RE 208 WES | Wesley, John and Charles | John and Charles Wesley: Selected Writings and Hymns | This book contains selected writings and hymns of John and Charles Wesley. |
RE 242 BON | Bonaventure, Saint | Bonaventure: The Soul's Journey Into God, The Tree of Life, The Life of St. Francis | This book contains three volumes of the work of St. Bonaventure: The Soul's Journey Into God, The Tree of L |
RE 248.2 PUR |   | The Pursuit of Wisdom and Other Works, By the Author of The Cloud of Unknowing | This book contains six short treatises constituting the extant corpus of the author of The Cloud of Unknowing. |
RE 280 ARN | Arndt, Johann | Johann Arndt: True Christianity | This book contains the major writing of Johann Arndt called 'True Christianity'. |
RE 280 SHA |   | The Shakers: Two Centuries of Spiritual Reflections | This book is a theological presentation of Shaker spirituality. |
RE 290 NAT |   | Native MesoAmerican Spirituality | This book contains ancient myths, discourses, stories, Aztec, Yucatec, Quiche-Maya and other sacred traditions. |
RE 248.2 JOH | John of the Cross, Saint | St. John of the Cross: Selected Writings | This book contains selected writings of St. John of the Cross. |
RE 248.2 JOH |   | John Climacus: The Ladder of Divine Ascent | This book was the most widely used handbook of the ascetic life in the ancient Greek Church. As reflected in the title, the ascetical life is portrayed as a ladder |
RE 248.2 FRA | Frances, de Sales, Saint | Frances de Sales, Jane de Chantel: Letters of Spiritual Direction | This book contains the letters of Francis de Sales and Jane de Chantal. |
RE 252 TAU | Tauler, Johanes | Johanes Tauler Sermons | This book contains the sermons of Jahnes Tauler. |
RE 296 SAF |   | Safed Spirituality: Rules of Mystical Piety, The Beginning of Wisdom | This book contains two types of Safed literature. The first is important examples of Hanhagot (brief descriptions of and prescriptions for |
RE 296 ZOH |   | Zohar: The Book of Enlightenment | This book contains a small portion of the Zohar which is the major text of the Kabbalah, the Jewish mystical tradition. |
RE 242.9 CLO |   | The Cloud of Unknowing | This book contains what is considered one of the gems of medieval English literature: The Cloud of Unknowing. |
RE 296 EAR |   | The Early Kabbalah | This book provides an overview of Jewish mystical speculation during the first hundred years of the movement known by the Hebrew term 'Kabbalah' (tradition). |
RE 280 PIE |   | Pietists: Selected Writings | This book is about pietism and is considered to have been one of the most influential Protestant reform movements since the Reformation itself. |
RE 290 SHA |   | Sharafuddin Maneri: the Hundred Letters | This book contains 100 of the letters written by Sharafuddin Maneri. |
RE 920 ATT | Attwater, Donald | The Penguin Dictionary of Saints |   |
RE 920 BEC | Beckett, Wendy | Sister Wendy's Book of Saints | This book is an account of the lives of 35 saints. |
RE 920 BAL | Ball, Ann | Faces of Holiness: Modern Saints in Photos And Words | This book is a compilation of saints' biographies. |
RE 920 BAL | Ball, Ann | Faces of Holiness: Modern Saints in Photos And Words | This book is a compilation of saints' biographies. |
RE 920 BEL | Belloc, Hilaire | Characters of the Reformation | Portraits of 23 leading personalities of the Reformation |
RE 920 BIT | Bittle, Berchmans | A Saint a Day | This book contains a short biography on a saint for every day of the year. |
RE 920 AFR |   | African Saints Biographies | Brief list of African saints compiled from the Dictionary of Saints by John J. Delaney, copyright 1980 |
RE 920 ARM | Armstrong, Ann Seidel | Remember No More | A story of St. Perpetua and St. Felicity |
RE 920 BUL | Bull, Rev. Anthony, C.R.L. | The Age of Martyrs | This book is about christian from diocletian to constantine - various saints |
RE 920 CIC | Cicognani, Amleto Giovanni | Sanctity in America | Various biographies |
RE 920 CRU | Cruz, Joan Carroll | The Incorruptibles | A study of the Incorruption of the Bodies of Various Catholic Saints and Beati |
RE 920 END | Endo, Shusaku | Silence | A powerful novel which tells the story of a seventeenth-century Portuguese priest in Japan at the height of the fearful persecution of the small Christian community. |
RE 920 FOL | Foley, Leonard, O.F.M., Editor | Saint of the Day January - June, Volume 1 | A Life and Lesson for Each of the 173 Saints of the New Missal |
RE 920 FOL | Foley, Leonard, O.F.M., Editor | Saint of the Day January - June, Volume 1 | A Life and Lesson for Each of the 173 Saints of the New Missal |
RE 920 FOL | Foley, Leonard, O.F.M., Editor | Saint of the Day July - December, Volume 2 | A Life and Lesson for Each of the 173 Saints of the New Missal |
RE 920 FOL | Foley, Leonard | Saint of the Day | Lives and Lessons for Saints and Feasts of the New Missal |
RE 920 HAN | Hanley, Boniface, O.F.M. | Ten Christians | Moving stories of Pierre Toussaint, Damien De Veuster, Frederick Ozanam, Maximilian Kolbe, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, St. Francis of Assisi, St. John Bosco, Rose Hawthorne |
RE 920 HER | Hertling, Ludwig, S.J. and Kirschbaum, Englebert, S.J. | The Roman Catacombs and Their Martyrs | various saints |
RE 920 HOE | Hoever, Hugo, Rev. | Lives of the Saints |   |
RE 920 ING | Ingoldsby, Mary F. | Padre Pio: His Life and Mission |   |
RE 920 KEN | Kent, Mark L., M.M. | The Glory of Christ | A pageant of 200 missionary lives from apostolic times to the present age |
RE 920 KIT | Kittler, Glenn D. | The Wings of Eagles | Portraits of six great Catholics of the 20th century |
RE 920 MAC | MacDonnell, Joseph F., S.J. | Jesuit Family Album | This book includes sketches of chivalry from the early society. |
RE 920 MAD | Madden, Richard, O.C.D. | Men in Sandals | This book is an account of modern monasticism |
RE 920 MAN | Mandell, Gail Porter | Madeleva: A Biography | Known as an educator who founded the School of Sacred Theology, Madeleva was also renowned as a scholar, mystical poet, and the author of more than twenty books. |
RE 920 MAN |   | A Man Named Father Jozo |   |
RE 920 MAY | Maynard, Theodore | Great Catholics in American History |   |
RE 920 MIL | Miller, Louis G. | Touched by Christ | 12 Stories about lesser-known people in the bible |
RE 920 MCG | McGinley, Phyllis | Saint-Watching | Book of various saints |
RE 920 MUG | Muggeridge, Malcolm | Something Beautiful For God: Mother Teresa of Calcutta |   |
RE 920 OBR | O'Brien, John A., Editor | Where I Found Christ | The intimate personal stories of 14 converts to the Catholic faith |
RE 920 SAI | Nevins, Albert J., M.M. | Saints For Boys - A Saint For Your Name | Various Saints |
RE 920 OBR | O'Brien, Isidore, O.F.M. | Peter and Paul Apostles | An Account of the Early Years of the Church |
RE 920 ROB | Roberts, Archbishop S.J. | Black Popes | A book on authority: its us and abuse; and the dangers inherent in authoritarianism |
RE 920 SAI | Hallam, Elizabeth, Editor | Saints | This book contains more than 150 of the heavenly and holy from St. Agnes to St. Zita. |
RE 920 SIM | Simmons, Ernest Rev. | The Fathers and Doctors of the Church |   |
RE 920 SLA | Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary | Saints to Know and Love | This book contains the stories of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Mary Magdalen, St. Patrick, St. Catherine of Alexandria, St. Isa |
RE 920 SLA | Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary | The Communion of Saints | Numerous saints |
RE 920 STA | St. Albans, Suzanne | Magic of a Mystic: Stories of Padre Pio |   |
RE 920 STA | van Stamwitz, Alicia | Women of Valor | The trials and triumphs of seven saints - St. Frances of Rome, Saint Margaret of Cortona, Blessed Marie Therese de Soubiran, Saint Maria Goretti, Saint Rita of Cascia, Blessed |
RE 920 WHY | Boadt, Lawrence, C.S.P. and Hunt, Michael J., C.S.P., Editors | Why I Am a Priest: Thirty Success Stories | This book contains the essays of 30 priests who share with the reader their insights into being a priest, t |
RE 920 WIL | Wildmon, Donald E. | Don Wildmon: The Man the Networks Love to Hate | Don Wildmon, an ordained minister, takes on television networks' sexual, violent and profane programming. |
RE 921 FRA | Englebert, Omer | St. Francis of Assisi: a Biography | This book is a biography of St. Francis of Assisi. |
RE 921 AND | Burton, Katherine | Brother Andre of Mount Royal | Brother of Holy Cross |
RE 921 AND | Hatch, Alden | The Miracle of the Mountain | The story of Brother Andre and the shrine on mount royal. |
RE 921 ANT | Brady, Ignatius, O.F.M. | St. Anthony |   |
RE 921 ANT | Beahn, John E. | A Rich Young Man | Saint Anthony of Padua |
RE 921 ANT | Habig, Marion A., O.F.M. | Life, Cult, and Virtues of St. Anthony of Padua |   |
RE 921 ANT |   | Athanasius: The Life of Antony and the Letter to Marcellinus | This book is about the life of Athanasius. |
RE 921 CHE | Chesterton, G.K. | St. Thomas Aquinas |   |
RE 921 AQU | Chesterton, G. K. | St. Thomas Aquinas |   |
RE 921 AQU | de Wohl, Louis | The Quiet Light | A novel of St. Thomas Aquinas |
RE 921 AQU | Maritain, Jacques | St. Thomas Aquinas |   |
RE 921 AUG | Bourki, Vernon J., Ph.D. | Augustines's Quest For Freedom | Life and philosophy of the Bishop of Hippo |
RE 921 BER | Trochu, Francis | Saint Bernadette Soubirous |   |
RE 921 POP | Pope, The Very Reverend Hugh, O.P., S.T.M., D.S.S. | St. Augustine of Hippo | This book contains essays dealing with the life of St. Augustine and some features of his work. |
RE 921 AUG | Saint Augustine | The Confessions of Saint Augustine |   |
RE 921 AYE |   | A Year With The Saints | Twelve Christian Virtues in the lives and writings of the Saints. |
RE 921 BAR | Jamison, James K. | By Cross and Anchor | The story of Frederic Baraga on Lake Superior |
RE 921 BEA | De Ganck, Roger | The Life of Beatrice of Nazareth, 1200-1268 | Beatrice of Nazareth and the amazing group of nuns and beguines who lived in the Low Countries during the thirteenth Century. |
RE 921 BEL | Kohen, Arnold S. | From the Place of the Dead | This book tells the struggle of Bishop Carlo Ximenes Belo of East Timor during the illegal Indonesian invasion and occupation of East Timor which began in 1975. |
RE 921 BEN | McCann, Abbot Justin, O.S.B. | Saint Benedict | The story of the man and his work |
RE 921 BEN | Peters, Walter H. | The Life of Benedict XV |   |
RE 921 BER | Werfel, Franz | The Song of Bernadette |   |
RE 921 BER | Merton, Thomas | The Last of the Fathers | Saint Bernard of Clairvaux and the Encyclical Letter, Doctor Mellifluus |
RE 921 BER | Bernardi, Vita Prima | St. Bernard of Clairvaux | The original story of the life of St. Bernard of Clairvaux. |
RE 921 BER | Cristiani, Leon | Saint Bernadette |   |
RE 921 BUT | Butler, Rev. Alban | Lives of the Saints: With Reflections for Every Day in the Year | Compiled from the 'Lives of the Saints' with new saints and those whose feasts are special to the United States. |
RE 921 CAB | Di Donato, Pietro | Immigrant Saint | The life of Mother Cabrini |
RE 921 CAL | Calkins, Father Thomas M., O.S.M. | Umfundisi | Missioner to the Zulus |
RE 921 CAS | Bonniwell, Father William R., O.P. | The Life of Blessed Margaret of Castello | This book is a biography of Margaret Castello. |
RE 921 CAT | Doherty, Eddie | Tumbleweed | The story of the Baroness Catherine de Hueck |
RE 921 CAT | Jorgensen, Johannes | Saint Catherine of Siena |   |
RE 921 CAT | Blessed Raymond of Capua | The Life of St. Catherine of Siena |   |
RE 921 CHA | Stopp, Elisabeth | Madame De Chantal | Portrait of a saint |
RE 921 CHE | Chesterton, G.K. | The Autobiography of G.K. Chesterton |   |
RE 921 CLA | Valtierra, Angel, S.J. | Peter Claver, Saint of the Slaves |   |
RE 921 DAM | Farrow, John | Damien the Leper |   |
RE 921 DAY | Merriman, Brigid O'Shea, O.S.F. | Searching for Christ | The Spirituality of Dorothy Day |
RE 921 DEF | Lorit, S.C. | Charles de Foucauld, The Silent Witness |   |
RE 921 DES | DeSales, Francis Saint | Letters From A Saint | The great christian guide to peace of mind and soul. |
RE 921 DEV | de Vinck, Christopher | The Power of the Powerless | This book is about the author's brother who is severally disabled and the life lessons he learned from him. |
RE 242.9 DEW | De Wohl, Louis | The Last Crusader | This book is about Don Juan of Austria. |
RE 921 DOM | Wilms, Rev. Jerome, O.P. | As the Morning Star | The Life of St. Dominic |
RE 921 DOM | Jarrett, Bede, O.P. | Life of St. Dominic |   |
RE 921 DUL | Dulles, Avery | A Testimonial to Grace | A search for sound philosophical values and to the scrutiny of religious doctrines. |
RE 921 DOM | Bosco, Saint John | St. Dominic Savio |   |
RE 921 ECK | McGinn, Bernard | Meister Eckhart, Teacher and Preacher |   |
RE 921 FAU |   | Diary: divine mercy in my soul |   |
RE 921 FRA | Jorgensen, Johannes | St. Francis of Assisi |   |
RE 921 FRA | Bodo, Murray | Francis: the journey and the dream |   |
RE 921 FRA | Simi, Gino J. and Segreti, Mario M. | Saint Francis of Paola | This book is a biography about St. Francis of Paola. |
RE 921 FRA | Lekeux, P. Martial, O.F.M. | 20th Century Litany to the Poverello | St. Francis of Assisi |
RE 921 FOU | Preminger, Marion Mill | The Sands of Tamanrasset | The exciting story of Charles de Foucauld, True Hero of God |
RE 921 FRA | Bregy, Datherine | Saint Francis de Sales: Patron of Catholic Writers |   |
RE 921 FOR | Zagano, Phyllis | Ita Ford: Missionary Martyr | This book is a biography of Ita Ford, one of four American churchwomen murdered in El Salvador by government forces on December 2, 1980. |
RE 921 GER | Gertrude the Great of Helfta | The Herald of God's Loving-Kindness, Book 3 | This book is a biography of Gertrude the Great of Helfta. |
RE 921 FRA | Cunningham, Lawrence S. | Saint Francis of Assisi |   |
RE 921 GRE | Ellert, Gerhart | Gregory the Great |   |
RE 921 ISA | Carroll, Warren H. | Isabel of Spain: The Catholic Queen | This book is a biography about Queen Isabel of Spain. |
RE 921 JOH | Peers, E. Allison, Editor | Living Flame of Love | Living Flame of Love by Saint John of the Cross |
RE 921 JOH | Frossard, Andre | Portrait of John Paul II | This book is a biography of Jope John Paul II. |
RE 921 JOH | Blazynski, George | Pope John Paul II | This book is a biography of Pope John Paul II. |
RE 921 JOH | Giovannetti, Albert | We Have a Pope, a Portrait of His Holiness John XXIII | Life of Pope John XXIII |
RE 921 HEL | De Wohl, Louis | St. Helena and the True Cross |   |
RE 921 IRE | O'Connell, Marvin R. | John Ireland and the American Catholic Church | This book is a biography of John Ireland, the first archbishop of St. Paul. |
RE 921 JEA | Saul, Jane Wynne, R.S.C.J. | The Cure of Arts and His Cross | The story of Jean de Lan Varende |
RE 921 JEA | Trouncer, Margaret | Saint Jean-Marie Vianney: Cure of Arts |   |
RE 921 SAI | Foley, Leonard, O.F.M., Editor | Saint of the Day | This book covers a life and lesson for each of the saints of the New Missal. |
RE 921 JOH | Hebblethwaite, Peter | Pope John XXIII: Shepherd of the Modern World | This book is a biography of Angelo Roncalli, Pope John XXIII |
RE 921 JOH | Hebblethwaite, Peter | John Paull II: A Pictorial Biography | This book is a biography of Pope John Paul II. |
RE 921 JOH | White, Dorothy, Translator | Journal of a Soul | Pope John XXIII |
RE 921 JOH | Groppi, Ugo and Lombardi, Julius S. | Above All a Shepherd | Biography of Pope John XXIII |
RE 921 JOH | Hatch, Alden | A Man Named John | The Life of Pope John XXIII |
RE 921 JOH | Weigel, George | Witness to Hope: the Biography of Pope John Paul III | This book is a biography of Pope John Paul III |
RE 921 JOH | Oram, James | People's Pope | The book is a biography of Pope John Paul II. |
RE 921 JOH | Luciani, Albino | Illustrissimi Letters From Pope John Paul I | Collection of open letters from Pope John Paul I to illustrious writers, fictional characters and historical figures of the past |
RE 921 JUL | Cooper, Austin | Julian of Norwich | Series of reflections on the Christian life based on the revelations of St. Julian of Norwich |
RE 921 JOS | Patrignani, Fr. S.J. | A Manual of Practical Devation to St. Joseph |   |
RE 921 JOS | Filas, Francis L., S.J. | Joseph: The Man Closest to Jesus | The complete life, theology and devotional history of St. Joseph |
RE 921 KIN | Bolton, Herbert Eugene | The Padre on Horseback: A Sketch of Eusebio Francisco Kino, S.J., Apostle to the Pimas |   |
RE 921 KOL | Treece, Patricia | A Man for Others: Maximilian Kolbe, the 'Saint of Auschwitz', in the Words of Those Who Knew Him | This book is a biography of St. Maximilian Kolbe. |
RE 921 KOL | Treece, Patricia | A Man for Others: Maximilian Kolbe, the 'Saint of Auschwitz', in the Words of Those Who Knew Him | This book is a biography of St. Maximilian Kolbe. |
RE 921 LAP | Lappin, Peter | Give Me Souls! | The story of the life of St. Don Bosco |
RE 921 LAV | LaVigne, Ruth H. | The Life of St. Claude De La Colombiere: Spiritual Director of St. Margaret Mary |   |
RE 921 LEO | Kiefer, William, Br. | Leo XIII |   |
RE 921 LUT | Edwards, Mark and Tavard, George | Luther, A Reformer for the Churches | An Ecumenical Study Guide of Martin Luther |
RE 921 LUT | Grisar, Hartmann, S.J. | Luther | The story of Martin Luther: His life and work |
RE 921 MAR | Heagney, Harold | The Least of the Brethren | Blessed Martin De Porres |
RE 921 MAR | Marx, Paul, O.S.B. | Faithful for Life | This book is an autobiography of Father Paul Marx, OSB. |
RE 921 MAL | Bernard of Clairvaux, Saint | Life and Death of Saint Malachy the Irishman |   |
RE 921 MAR | Marison, Fiscar | City of God: The Coronation | The divine history and life of the Virgin Mother of God |
RE 921 NER | Matthews, V.J. | Saint Philip Neri | This book is a biography of Saint Philip Nero. |
RE 920 MCC | McCloskey, Patrick O.F.M. | Franciscan Saint of the Day | This book will introduce people to a few of the saintly men and women who make up the multitude of the Franciscan family. |
RE 921 McC | McCloskey, Patrick, O.F.M. | St. Anthony of Padua: Wisdom For Today |   |
RE 921 MER | Furlong, Monica | Merton: A Biography |   |
RE 921 MER | Merton, Thomas | Last of the Fathers: Saint Bernard of Clairvaux and the Encyclical Letter 'Doctor Mellifluus' | When Saint Bernard of Clairvaux died in 1153, Pope Pius XII issued one of his most significant encyclic |
RE 921 MER | Merton, Thomas | The Seven Storey Mountain | The autobiography of a Trappist monastery |
RE 921 NEW | Ward, Maisie | Young Mr. Newman | Story of Cardinal John Henry Newman |
RE 920 OBR | O'Brien, John A., Editor | The Road to Damascus | The Spiritual Pilgrimage of Fifteen Converts to Catholicism |
RE 921 PAC | Halecki, Oscar and Murray, James F., Jr. | Pius XII: Eugenio Pacelli, Pope of Peace |   |
RE 921 PAU | Clancy, John G. | Apostle For Our Time, Pope Paul VI |   |
RE 921 PEY | Arnold, Jeanne Gosselin | A Man of Faith | The life, mission and message of Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C. |
RE 921 PHI | Mohr, Marie Helene, S.C. | Saint Philomena | This book is a biography of Saint Philomena. |
RE 921 PIO | Carty, Rev. Charles Mortimer | Padre Pio: The Stigmatist | This Capuchin monk became world famous for his piety, his counsel, and his miracles, and has been universally regarded a saint in his own time. |
RE 921 PIO | Hales, E.E.Y. | Pio Nono | A Study in European politics and religion in the nineteenth century |
RE 921 PIU | Bargellini, Piero | Pius XII, The Angelic Shaepherd |   |
RE 921 PIU | Giordani, Igino | Pius X, A Country Priest |   |
RE 921 PIU | Thornton, Francis Beauchesne | Cross Upon Cross | The life of Pope Pius IX |
RE 921 PIU | Hatch, Alden, and Walshe, Seamus | Crown of Glory, The Life of Pope Pius XII |   |
RE 921 POR | Bishop, Claire Huchet | Martin de Porres, Hero |   |
RE 921 PRI | Bernanos, Georges | The Diary of a Country Priest |   |
RE 921 RAY | Raymond, Fr. M., O.C.S.O. | Forty Years Behind the Wall | Life in a Prappist monastery |
RE 921 SCH | Wilson, Joyce | A Tremendous Champion of Everything Catholic | This book is a reflection on the life of Monsignor Albert J. Schmitt. |
RE 921 SCH | Langfeldt, Gabriel | Albert Schweitzer: A Study of His Philosophy of LIfe |   |
RE 921 SER | DeNevi, Don and Moholy, Noel Francis | Junipero Serra | This book is a biography of Junipero Serra. |
RE 921 SET | Feeney, Leonard | Mother Seton | This book is a biography of Elizabeth Seton, the first native born American to become a Saint. |
RE 921 SHA | Vincent, Mary Clare | Saint Sharbel |   |
RE 921 SOL | Odell, Catherine M. | Father Solanus |   |
RE 921 STE | de Spiritu Sancto, Teresa, Sr. | Edith Stein |   |
RE 921 STI |   | St. Ignatius' Own Story: As Told to Luis Gonzalez de Camara | This is the story of St. Ignatius with a sampling of his letters |
RE 921 STR | Buehrle, Marie Cecilia | The Cardinal Stritch Story |   |
RE 921 STY |   | The Lives of Simeon Stylites | This book is a biography of Simeon. |
RE 921 TER | Lincoln, Victoria | Teresa: A Woman | This book is a biography of Teresa of Avila. |
RE 921 TER | Peers, E. Allison, Editor | The Life of Teresa of Jesus | The Autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila from the Critical Edition of P. Silverio De Santa Teresa, C.D. |
RE 921 THE | Day, Michael, Cong. Orat. | The Story of a Soul | The autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux |
RE 921 THE | Saint Therese of Lisieux | Collected Letters of Saint Therese of Lisieux |   |
RE 921 TUC | Tucker, Joseph, Jr. | God Was Not a Stranger | This book is a biography of Francis Tucker, an American priest who became the first, and to-date, only American priest ever to serve as Chaplain to a royal European Cour |
RE 921 TER | The Carmel of St. Joseph | Teresa of Jesus:Woman of Faith, Woman of Fire | A Pamphlet Commemorating the fourth centenary of the death of St. Teresa. |
RE 921 VOG | Vogl, Adalbert Albert | Therese Neumann Mystic and Stigmatist | This book is a biography of Therese Neumann. |
RE 921 WAL | Walsh, Bishop James E. | Zeal For Your House | Autobiography |
RE 921 WIN | Winrich, Walter W., M.M. | All for the Glory of God: The Hidden Treasures of a Missionary Priest | This book contains episodic stories describing the many diverse mystical phenomena surrounding the humble life of Ma |
RE 920 WIN | Windeatt, Mary Fabyan | The Children of Fatima |   |
RE 220.9 ATL |   | Atlas of the Bible Lands |   |
RE 248.4 WEB | Webb, Barbara Owen | Devotions for Families: Building Blocks of Christian Life |   |
RE 238 YOU | Team of Redemptorists of the London Province | Your Faith | This book is an effective program of Christian education which presents the fundamental truths of the Catholic faith in a simple and popular way |
RE 921 JOH | Giansanti, Gianni | John Paul, II: Portrait of a Pontiff |   |
RE 921 JOH |   | Pope in America: a Pictorial Record | This book is a pictorial biography of Pope John Paul II. |
RE VC1 |   | Your Child and Religious Education | A parenting video by the National Catholic Catechists Society. |
RE VC2 |   | A Leadership Of Love |   |
RE VC3 |   | Church Today |   |
RE VC4 |   | Mass Video-Lets Us Pray |   |
RE VC5 |   | All Saints Day | Saints alive. |
RE VC6 |   | St. Francis Of Assisi |   |
RE VC7 | Cronin, Jim and Gaynell | Our Friend Is Always With Us |   |
RE VC8 | McCarroll, Tolbert | Guiding God's Children |   |
RE VC9 | O'Malley, William | Meeting The Living God |   |
RE VC10 | Sanford, John A. | The Kingdom Within |   |
RE VC11 |   | Developing Lector Skills |   |
RE VC12 |   | Diocesan Jubilee Year | The history of the Diocese of Lansing. |
RE VC13 |   | Superbook Vol. 8 | A children's video about Mother's Day and The Beauty Queen. |
RE VC14 |   | Effective Teaching Methods 1 | Creating the enviroment, asking the question, inviting to pray. |
RE VC15 |   | Effective Teaching Methods 2 | Discovering faith and exploring scriptures. |
RE VC16 |   | Effective Teaching Methods 3 | Lesson planning and prayer celebrations. |
RE VC20 |   | The Table Of The Lord #4: Parent Preparation | The table of the Lord, preparation for First Eucharist. |
RE VC21 |   | Preparing For Christmas | An advent program for the family with Fr. Anthony Scannell, Capuchin. |
RE VC22 |   | The Birth of Jesus | A family video. A scriptural pilgrimage to the Holy Land locales so rich with the hope and the promise of Jesus' coming among us with Father Stephen Doyle. |
RE VC26 |   | Journey to Easter | A family video. As Catholics we commemorate this mystery during the 40 days preceding Easter which we call Lent with Fr. Anthony Scannell. |
FIC L | Lewis, C.L. | Prince Caspian | King Miraz is corrupt. His nephew Prince Caspian with his friends hope to defeat him. |
RE VC66 |   | Christ in Art | Three 15-minute programs that examine and interpret great religious works of art. |
RE VC367 |   | Francis of Assisi | This family video stars Bradford Dillman as St. Francis and Dolores Hart as St. Clare in the story of one of the most popular saints who ever lived. |
RE VC69 |   | Surviving Difficult People | A how-to series with Clayton Barbeau. |
RE VC70 |   | Understanding the Mass | Rev. Patrick Collins, 1986. |
RE VC71 |   | Understanding The Sacrament Of Reconciliation For Children | A children's video for grades 4-6. |
RE VC77 |   | A Change For the Better: Teaching Correct Behavior | An youth/adult video. Boys Town Videos offer practical, how-to advice to parents with children struggling through the often difficult pre-adolescent. |
RE VC78 |   | Catch 'Em Being Good: Happier Kids, Happier Parents Through Effective Praise | A youth/adult video. Boys Town Videos offer practical, how-to advice to parents with children struggling though the often difficult pr |
RE VC79 |   | Homework? I'll Do It Later! | A youth/adult video. Boys Town Videos offer practical, how-to advice to parents with children struggling through the often difficult pre-adolescent. |
RE VC80 |   | Setting Your Child Up For Success | A youth/adult video. Boys Town Videos offer practical, how-to advice to parents with children struggling through the often difficult pre-adolescent. |
RE VC81 |   | You Want ME To Help With Housework | A youth/adult video. Boys Town Videos offer practical, how-to advice to parents with children struggling through the often difficult pre-adolescent. |
RE VC82 |   | No, I Won't! And You Can't Make Me! | A youth/adult video. Boys Town Videos offer practical, how-to advice to parents with children struggling through the often difficult pre-adolescent. |
RE VC83 |   | I Can't Decide! What Should I Do? | A youth/adult video. Boys Town Videos offer practical, how-to advice to parents with children struggling through the often difficult pre-adolescent. |
RE VC84 |   | I'm Not Everybody! Helping your Child Stand Up to Peer Pressure | A youth/adult video. Boys Town Videos offer practical, how-to advice to parents with children struggling through the often difficult pre-adolescent |
RE VC86 |   | No, I Won't and You Can't Make Me! | This video provides parents with a method to deal with children's rebellion and temper flare-ups. |
RE VC90 |   | He Will Send You The Holy Spirit | A youth video. Narrated by Bishop Kenneth Untener and actress Jane Kazmarek. Performed by Fountain Square Fools. |
RE VC94 |   | Drugs and Alcohol: Fastland to Nowhere | A youth video. A survival guide for teenagers. Special guests: Tom Landry, Shannen Doherty, Herschel Walker. |
RE VC95 |   | The Magic of Goal Setting Vol. 3 | A youth video that is a survival guide for teenagers. Special guests are Rick Nielsen, Dr. Ken Cooper, and Zig Ziglar. |
RE VC96 |   | Our World: The Big Picture | A youth video. A survival guide for teenagers with a special guest appearance by Steve Green. |
RE VC97 |   | Depression and Suicide | A youth video. A survival guide for teenagers. Special guests: Shannon Doherty, Jerry Johnston. |
RE VC106 |   | In Our Neighborhood: Brain Was Adopted | A children's video. A series for young children. A Korean child tells of his feelings about being adopted. |
RE VC107 |   | In Our Neighborhood: Lisa's Parents Fight | A children's video. Ten-year-old Lisa, a bright, artistic girl who has come to believe that the people who love you are the ones who hurt you. |
RE VC108 |   | In Our Neighborhood: David Has AIDS | A children's video about David who is a hemophiliac and contracted AIDS from a blood transfusion. He lives with his grandmother and is desperately lonely for a playmate. |
RE VC109 |   | In Our Neighborhood: Maria's Grandmother Gets Mixed Up | A children's video. Seven-year-old Maria watches her grandmother change from a happy, competent person to a dependent, emotional, and increasingly forgetfu |
RE VC111 |   | I Can't Talk About It | A children's video about sexual abuse. |
RE VC112 |   | It Must Hurt A Lot | A children's video about death. |
RE VC113 |   | Don't Look At Me | A children's video about feeling different. |
RE VC114 |   | Please Come Home | A children's video about divorce. |
RE VC115 |   | I Can Say No | A children's video about drug abuse. |
VC 232.9 NAT |   | The Nativity | 30 minutes. One in a series of Bible episodes seen through the eyes of three young visitors from the 20th century. The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible series. |
RE VC121 |   | Timmy's Gift | A children's video. Little Timmy the angel is given the greatest honor in all of Heaven-to deliver the jeweled crown to the newborn prince. |
RE VC122 |   | Miracles of Jesus | A animated family video. |
RE VC124 |   | The Story of Esther | A children's video. Esther, of the house of Israel, is chosen to be the Queen of Persia. Prime Minister Haman secretly plots the death of Persian Jews. |
RE VC128 |   | This Is Our Faith #2 | A teacher video. Catechist resource aid is correlated with the unit themes of the This Is Our Faith texts. |
RE VE129 |   | This Is Our Faith #3 | A teacher video. Catechist resource aid is correlated with the unit themes of the This Is Our Faith texts. |
RE VC130 |   | This Is Our Faith #4 | A teacher video. Catechist resource aid is correlated with the unit themes of the This Is Our Faith texts. |
RE VC131 |   | This Is Our Faith #5 | A teacher video. Catechist resource aid is correlated with the unit themes of the This Is Our Faith texts. |
RE VC134 |   | The Story of our Mother of Perpetual Help |   |
RE VC136 |   | The Scarlet and the Black | The true story of Monsignor Hugh O'Flaherty (Gregory Peck) a courageous Irish priest working in the Vatican during the German invasion. |
RE VC137 |   | Jesus' Birth and Youth | A children's video. Animated cartoons based squarely on biblical accounts and interpreted at a child's level. |
RE VC138 |   | Christmas Across America | A family video. A musical protrait depicting some of the ways this most holy and joyous holidays is celebrated in the United States. |
RE VC139 |   | Jesus/The Story Begins | Travel the dusty roads with Joseph and Mary as they make their way to the tiny village of Bethlehem. |
RE VC140 |   | Jesus/Among the People | Filmed excerpts from the Gospel of Luke. |
RE VC141 |   | Jesus/The Final Days | Filmed excerpts from the Gospel of Luke. |
RE VC147 |   | The Father's Gift | Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. |
RE VC148 |   | The Splendor of the Church and the Bible | Module I: Program 3 - Program 4 |
RE VC156 |   | A Celebration of Mass with Pope John Paul II |   |
RE VC157 |   | 'You are Gifts to the World' Pope John Paul | A youth video. John Paul II, The man, the Pope and his message. |
RE VC158 |   | You are my Hope - The Pope and Youth | A youth video. John Paul II, the man, the Pope and his message. |
RE VC159 |   | 'Family, Be Yourself' Pope John Paul | A family video. John Paul II, The Man, The Pope and his message. |
RE VC160 |   | Visiting the Pope, a day with John Paul II | A youth video. John Paul II, the Pope and his message. |
RE VC162 |   | Catechism Of The Catholic Church Part I | Six programs, 30 minutes each by the most Reverend Christoph Schonborn, Bishop of Vienna, Italy and the man picked by Pope John Paul. |
RE VC163 |   | Catechism Of The Catholic Church Part II | Six programs, 30 minutes each by the most Reverend Christoph Schonborn, Bishop of Vienna, Italy and the man picked by Pope John Paul. |
RE VC164 |   | The New Catechism, Receiving God's Peace |   |
RE VC165 |   | The Rock Of Truth, Three Fountains | St. Paul and St. Peter |
RE VC166 |   | Mysteries From the Bible | Biblical wonders and powers of God as seen through the works of Moses and Jesus. |
RE VC182 |   | Contemplating Icons | An introduction to icons and prayer. Recommended for adults and young people for viewing in the family, parishes, and communities prayer services. |
RE VC184 |   | Molder of Dreams | A youth video. Guy Doud, National Teacher of the Year in 1986 delivers with wit and humor a touching presentation. |
RE VC187 |   | The Childhood of Jesus | The Living Bible, an exploration of the New Testament. |
RE VC190 |   | Blessed Edith Stein: Martyr Of Auschwitz | A convert to the Catholic Faith from Judaism. Relive the horror and barbarism of Hitler's heartless rule of steel. |
RE VC191 |   | The Life Of Cardinal Newman | Newman, one of the most prominent clergymen of the 19th century, was converted to a devout Christianity under Calvinistic influence. |
RE VC199 |   | Going My Way | A family video featuring Bing Crosby. A black and white video made in 1944. |
RE VC201 | Nelson, Ralph | Lilies of the Field | Sidney Poitier portrays a young handyman who reluctantly gets involved with a group of German nuns. |
RE VC204 |   | A.D. Part I | Picking up where the acclaimed Jesus of Nazareth left off. A.D. vividly re-creates the turbelent years following the death of Christ. |
RE VC205 |   | A.D. Part II | Picking up where the acclaimed Jesus of Nazareth left off. A.D. vividly re-creates the turbelent years following the death of Christ. |
RE VC206 |   | A.D. Part III | Picking up where the acclaimed Jesus of Nazareth left off. A.D. vividly re-creates the turbelent years following the death of Christ. |
RE VC208 |   | Saint Francis | Leonardo Defilippis brings to life St. Francis, the little poor man of Assis whose holiness and faith continue after 800 years. |
RE VC210 |   | Clare of Assisi | In 1989, the Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls and Rochester, MN commissioned Karen Lee Hodgson to write. |
RE VC211 |   | Pray the Rosary with Wayne Weible | Wayne Weible's Medjugorje: The message continues to be the top-selling book in the Catholic marketplace. |
RE VC216 |   | The Right Choice | A parenting video of the story of one teen's journey from the despair of the abortion clinic to the hope of a new life. |
RE VC217 |   | Sex, Lies and ....The Truth | A parenting video. Focus on the family presents an entertaining and powerful video revealing the hard truths about sex in the 90's. |
RE VC218 | Kelly, Molly | Molly Kelly: Destination Heaven: How Do You Get There? | A parenting video. Molly Kelly summarizes her Catholic Beliefs. |
RE VC219 |   | Molly Kelly: Food, Fuel, Lodging: This Exit |   |
RE VC220 |   | Molly Kelly: Speaks to Adults: Teens and Chastity | A parenting video where Molly Kelly speaks to adults. |
RE VC221 |   | Molly Kelly: Teens and Chastity Part II | A parenting video where Molly Kelly speaks to adults. |
RE VC223 |   | Ultrasound | A parenting video. Eyewitness to the earliest days of life. |
RE VC 224 |   | A Window to the Womb | We have heard the PRO-LIFE and PRO-CHOICE we can hear from the BABIES themselves. With the application of High Resolution Realtime Ultrasonic Imaging to Obstetrics and Fetolog |
RE VC225 |   | Maximilian-Saint of Auschwitz | In 1941, Ft. Maximilian Kolbe was arrested by the Gestapo for his tireless work against the Nazi forces. |
RE VC226 |   | The Word of the Lord | The Liturgy of the World. |
RE VC227 |   | Lift up Your Hearts | The Eucharistic Prayer. |
RE VC228 |   | Say Amen! To What You Are | The sharing of communion at Sunday Mass is surrounded by several action of the people. See one parish and the example it sets for the community. |
RE VC230 | Bonacci, Mary Beth | Freedom to Dump Losers | Mary Beth Bonacci talks to teens about dating, relationships, and love. |
RE VC231 | Bonacci, Mary Beth | Freedom To Love | Mary Beth Bonacci talks to parents about teens and dating. |
RE VC252 |   | A Time for Miracles | The tragedy of loss... The triumph of faith... The true story of Elizabeth Bayley Seton, america's first catholic saint. |
RE VC253 |   | The Heroic Journey | The life and legacy of Father Solanus Casey. |
RE VC254 |   | The Little Drummer Boy | A children's video. A touching Christmas classic about a young, orphaned drummer boy, kidnapped by an evil man. He escapes and finds himself in the manger with baby Jesus. |
RE VC259 |   | Mary: A Word A Prayer | This film traces a journey which covers twenty centuries and looks at the basic aspects of this following of the Cult of the Virgin Mary. |
RE VC261 |   | Don Bosco | Don Bosco is the true story of the priest whose single-handed battle to save the children of the streets inspired the formation of the Salesians, one of the largest child care networks in the world. |
RE VC262 |   | The Reluctant Saint: The Story Of St. Joseph Of Cupertino | Maximilian Schell stars as St. Joseph of Cupertino in this heartwarming and inspiring story of the humble Franciscan monk who literally rose to sainthood. |
RE VC264 |   | The Miracle of Marcelino | This is a heartwarming story about a group of monks who find a baby boy and raise him in the monastery. One of Marcelino rules is to stay out of the attic. His curiosity wins and he fin |
RE VC276 |   | Sister Wendy in Conversation with Bill Moyers | Sister Wendy shares her views on looking at art,living in suclusion and falling into the role of a television star. |
RE VC278 |   | Inside The Vatican: Upon This Rock | Sir Peter Ustinov takes you on a tour that begins in the Vatican's inner sanctums. |
RE VC279 |   | Inside The Vatican: The Flight From Rome | Travel the continent with Sir Peter Ustinov and observe how Christianity answered the call. |
RE VC280 |   | Inside The Vatican: The Renaissance | Journey back to those turbulent times with Sir Peter Ustinov when civilization was awakening from its dark slumber, and theologians were beginning to question the moral and le |
RE VC281 |   | Inside The Vatican: The Third Millennium | Sir Peter Ustinov brings the story of the Vatican from the Middle Ages to the present and into the future. |
RE VC282 |   | Learn To Discern: Part I | This video, featuring Bob DeMoss, examines the destructive trends in advertising, films and music that bombard our youth with a flood a unhealthy images. |
RE VC283 |   | Learn To Discern: Part 2 | A video, featuring Bob DeMoss, which provides hope and a host of positive solutions to the media's fixation with socially adverse behaviors. |
RE VC284 |   | Contraception: Why Not? | Janet Smith provokes the audience to give serious consideration to questions regarding the relationship between contraception, divorce, abortion, poverty, and other social ills. |
RE VC306 |   | The Visual Bible: Matthew Vol 1 | A family video. The year is about 62 A.D. and the aging Apostle Matthew recalls the remarkable events he witnessed as a young man. Chapters 1:1-9:1. |
RE VC307 |   | The Visual Bible: Matthew Vol 2 | A family video. Come share a time of parables and miracles, as Jesus' ministry unfolds. Chapters 9:2-14:36. |
RE VC308 |   | The Visual Bible: Matthew Vol 3 | A family video. Jesus continues to heal the afflicted and teach his message of loving service to others. Chapters 15:1-23:39 |
RE VC309 |   | The Visual Bible: Matthew Vol 4 | A family video. As Jesus' ministry moves toward the ultimate purpose and climax, the conflict with the religous establishment deepens. Chapters 24:1-28:20. |
RE VC310 |   | The Visual Bible: Acts Vol. 1 | A family video. Jorney with the physician Luke (played by Dean Jones) as he tells the enthralling story of danger, struggle and triumph that marks the birth of the Christian church |
RE VC311 |   | The Visual Bible: Acts Vol 2 | A family video. With the irresistible force of the surging sea, the journey of faith continues as we sail with the physician Luke (played by Dean Jones) and his powerful story unfol |
RE VC312 |   | The Visual Bible: Acts Vol 3 | As angry waters toss and tumble our stubborn little ship, the physician Luke (played by Dean Jones) draws us ever deeper into his astonishing story. Chapters 14-20. |
RE VC313 |   | The Visual Bible: Acts Vol 4 | A family video. Just as sea races home to shore, our journey too, comes full circle, with the triumphant conclusion of Acts. |
RE VC314 |   | Passion of the Saints | The blood of the Marytrs. Witness the rise of 'martydrom' and bloody hand of Roman cruelty with ironically propelled Christianity to new heights. |
RE VC316 |   | The Shoes of the Fisherman | A boxed set of videos. Anthony Quinn and Laurence Olivier head a distinguished international cast in this passionate, visionary drama about the election of the first Russian Pope and i |
RE VC318 |   | Ben-Hur | Ben-Hur, a peace-loving prince of Judea, leads his nation against the wrath of the conquering Romans. |
RE VC321 |   | Monsieur Vincent | This is an inspiring film chronicling the life of the 17th century French priest who be St. Vincent de Paul. |
RE VC323 |   | The Catholics | Trevor Howard portrays the aging abbot of an Irish community of monks who comes to grip with his inner doubts about an imagined future Catholicism represented by a young social activist priest. |
RE VC324 |   | Spartacus | Spartacus, the bold gladiator slave and Virinia, the woman who believed in his cause, he is forced to face his convictions and the power of Imperial Rome. |
RE VC325 |   | John of the Cross | This is the story of the greatest poet that Spain has ever known. Saint John of the Cross joined the great Teresa of Avila in a renewal of the Carmelite order during the Golden Age of Spain.. |
RE VC327 |   | Brother Sun, Sister Moon | This video focuses on the early years of Francis of Assisi, who sought communion with the natural world by renouncing his family's riches to seek his own destiny unencumbered by material . |
RE VC329 |   | A Time to Remember | A family video. A heartrending story of a man who defies all odds and achieves his childhood dream - to sing like his idol, Mario Lanza. |
RE VC331 |   | Your Call to Faith | Through storytelling, music, and song, and personal witness, Bruce Deaton presents Who Am I?. The story describes a stonecutter's dissatisfaction with himself. He lacks self esteem because he |
RE VC332 |   | Selling Addiction: A Workshop Kit on Tobacco and Alcohol Advertising | This 3-part discussion provides valuable information and utilizes an in-depth group process to help you get a better handle on the addiction p |
RE VC21 |   | Preparing For Christmas | An advent program for the family with Fr. Anthony Scannell, Capuchin. |
RE VC336 |   | Preparing for Christmas II | A family video. An advent program for the family featuring Father Anthony Scannell, Capuchin. There are four separate programs, each one developing a special aspect of God's promise t |
RE VC337 |   | Assisted Suicide (A Catholic Response) | A video discussing Proposal B. |
RE VC338 |   | Faith unto Life; Hope unto Death; Love unto Eternal LIfe | This is a video dealing with assisted suicide from the Catholic Perspective. |
RE VC340 |   | No Apologies: The truth about life, love & sex | Teens should know the facts of life. This gives young people a side of the story they don't always hear. It's their side. |
RE VC341 |   | Sex & Love: Whats a Teenager to Do? | Peer pressure, tyranny, desperate need for love, confusion about what's right and wrong. This video for teens gives some clear answers. |
RE VC342 |   | The Saints: with Sister Wendy | Sister Wendy Beckett travels to Italy to celebrate the lives and works of the saints throught beautiful art treasures. |
RE VC358 |   | The Meaning of Love |   |
RE VC359 |   | Thomas Merton: Man, Monk, and Myth | A video presented by Father Patrick W. Collins, PhD. |
RE VC363 |   | The Stations of the Cross | Be captivated by the spirtual sensitivity and wisdom of Bishop Donald W. Wuerl of the Diocese of Pittsburgh. He explains the importance of the Stations of the Cross and prayerfully help |
RE VC364 |   | A Man Called Peter | A family video about Peter Marshall, the Scottish-born minister who became Chaplain of the U.S. Senate. |
RE VC365 |   | The Real St. Therese of Lisieux | A rare behind-the scene look into the life of St. Therese of Lisieux filmed at the Carmelite monastery where she lived and died. |
RE VC366 |   | The Silent Witness | This video is a documentary based on scientific investigations of the burial cloth, known as the Shroud of Turin. |
RE VC372 |   | The Great StoryTeller | Family Video for ages 6 and up. This video makes viewers eye witnesses to some of the most exciting stories of the Bible. |
RE VC 376 |   | John Henry - Cardinal Newman | This is the first in a series of three lectures on defenders of the Catholic Faith, Cardinal John Henry Newman, presented by Glen Bis. |
RE VC 376 |   | John Henry - Cardinal Newman | This is the first in a series of three lectures on defenders of the Catholic Faith, Cardinal John Henry Newman, presented by Glen Bis. |
RE VC 376 |   | John Henry - Cardinal Newman | This is the first in a series of three lectures on defenders of the Catholic Faith, Cardinal John Henry Newman, presented by Glen Bis. |
RE VC 377 |   | Saint Thomas Aquinas | This is the second in a series of three lectures on defenders of the Catholic Faith, Saint Thomas Aquinas, presented by Sr. Pamela Smith, SCCM. |
RE VC 377 |   | Saint Thomas Aquinas | This is the second in a series of three lectures on defenders of the Catholic Faith, Saint Thomas Aquinas, presented by Sr. Pamela Smith, SCCM. |
RE VC 377 |   | Saint Thomas Aquinas | This is the second in a series of three lectures on defenders of the Catholic Faith, Saint Thomas Aquinas, presented by Sr. Pamela Smith, SCCM. |
RE VC 377 |   | Saint Thomas Aquinas | This is the second in a series of three lectures on defenders of the Catholic Faith, Saint Thomas Aquinas, presented by Sr. Pamela Smith, SCCM. |
RE VC 378 |   | Saint Thomas More | This is the third in a series of lectures on defenders of the Catholic Faith, Saint Thomas More, presented by Rev. Fr. Charles E. Irvin. |
RE VC 378 |   | Saint Thomas More | This is the third in a series of lectures on defenders of the Catholic Faith, Saint Thomas More, presented by Rev. Fr. Charles E. Irvin. |
RE VC 378 |   | Saint Thomas More | This is the third in a series of lectures on defenders of the Catholic Faith, Saint Thomas More, presented by Rev. Fr. Charles E. Irvin. |
RE VC 378 |   | Saint Thomas More | This is the third in a series of lectures on defenders of the Catholic Faith, Saint Thomas More, presented by Rev. Fr. Charles E. Irvin. |
RE VC317 |   | Kings of Kings | A two video boxed set. King of Kings brings the life of Christ to the screen with simplicity, taste, and reverence. |
RE 921 PAU | Wilson, A. N. | Paul: The Mind of the Apostle | This book is a biography of Paul. |
RE 921 TER | Terelya, Josyp | Witness to Apparitions and Persecution in the USSR | This is an autobiography of Josyp Terelya, a man who spent much of his life behind bars because of his faith and evangelism. |
RE 238 WUE | Wuerl, Donal W., Lawler, Ronald, O.F,M, Cap., and Lawler, Thomas Comerford | The Teaching of Christ | This book is a Catholic catechism for adults. |