DEPRESSION It's like living in a jar of molasses. |
This is how persons with depression describe it, like moving in very slow motion. Depressed persons are also known as the walking wounded.What is depression? The best explanation of depression is one put forth by Michael Yapko, Ph.D marriage and family therapist and internationally recognized for his work in treating depression. He says "depression can have many causes and there are many factors, mostly non-biological, that influence its course and prognosis including: distress, cultural influences, a history of distorted thoughts, genes and biochemistry, diseases, and drug use." Common symptoms of depression include: insomnia, fatigue, feelings of hopelessness, sadness, anxiety, chronic irritability, difficulty concentrating, and recurring thoughts of death or suicide.
Why is this illness receiving so much attention lately? Depression is the fourth most significant cause of suffering and disability worldwide behind heart disease, cancer, and traffic accidents according to a December 1999 study by the World Health Organization (WHO). By 2020, the WHO reports it will be the second most debilitating human condition. Further, one in four women and one in eight to ten men will experience a major depressive episode in their lifetime. Babyboomers are the largest group of sufferers, with their children the next largest growing group experiencing depression.
__________ If you have any questions or concerns about a health issue, please call the Health Ministry voicemail at 821-2115.
We are here to help you on your journey to wholeness... of body, mind and spirit.
Health Ministry News
St. Francis of Assisi - Ann Arbor, MI - October 8, 2000
St. Francis Health Ministry...on the journey to wholeness with God! [Voice mail number: 821-2115]