The Canticle of St. Francis
Published quarterly by St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church,
2150 Frieze Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48104-4799
(734)769-2550     Fax:(734)821-2102
Volume 11, Issue 2
Summer 2006
Seniors @ St. Francis
meet MONTHLY & have a lot of Fun!

Seniors @ St. Francis enjoyed
Mardi Gras: 
Remembering New Orleans.

We learned about the Adinkra Symbols of West Africa which are on the windows at our Twin Sister Parish, St. Paul the Apostle Parish in New Orleans.

Our program on March 1st, being Fat Tuesday (translation of Mardi Gras), we prepared fresh Homemade PACZKI in  the PAC kitchen, for everyone to enjoy with our monthly program & lunch.  We had plenty of food & frolic and all that jazz.

 Questions, contact: Lloyd St Antoine (769-5341).
See more photos on our Web page:

Easter Vigil 2006
We welcome new members to our Community of Faith

Over forty five adults, teens and children were initiated into the Catholic church at the Easter Vigil this year. They all participated in the Parish Christian Initiation Program during the past year. The group was supported by members of the Initiation Team, Sponsors who were companions for each individual throughout the formation and reflection on, the meaning of becoming a member of the Catholic Church. The entire parish also participated by your prayers and support. We welcome all of these new members of our Community of Faith and to share with us at the table of the Lord.

Mark Your
Summer Calendar!
June 21 & 28: Tools for Your Spiritual Journey, 7:00 pm in the Chapel, 821-2122.
June 24-25: Middle School EDGE group at 'Relay for Life', contact Victoria 821-2133.
June 24-25: High School Lock-In, 7:00 pm to 7:30 am; PAC; Contact Jen 821-2126
June 24/25:  Food Drive for Catholic Social Services in Flint. Call Scott: 821-2121.
July 14-16:  Ya2acht Camping Trip; Contact Jen 821-2126
July 17-21: Vacation Bible School, 9AM to 12 noon, contact Ellen 821-2130.
July 18: Theology on Tap; 7-9  pm; Arbor Brewing Co.; Contact Jen 821-2126
July 25: Theology on Tap; 7-9 pm; Arbor Brewing Co.; Contact Jen 821-2126
August 1: Theology on Tap; 7-9 pm; Arbor Brewing Co.; Contact Jen 821-2126
August 7, 14, 21, 28: Organ Recital Series, Monday nights - 7 pm in the church, free.
August 8: Theology on Tap; 7-9 pm; Arbor Brewing Co.; Contact Jen 821-2126
August 9, 16, 23: Study-The Gospel of John, with Fr. James Conlon, 7 pm in PAC.
August 19-20: High School Lock-In; 7:00 pm to 8:30 am; Contact Jen 821-2126
August 27: Freshmen Ice Cream Social; 7 to 8:30 pm; PAC; Contact Jen 821-2126

"Preach the Gospel always,
and when necessary use words."

St Francis of Assisi

Katrina Solidarity Group
Going South - a Physical and Spiritual Journey of Community

To show support and solidarity with the people of the Gulf Region who suffered from last year's hurricanes, a group of 38 people from St. Francis traveled to New Orleans to help with the clean-up during the week of April 22-30. Our work ranged from carrying out personal effects that had been untouched in the 8 months since Hurricane Katrina struck, to tearing down drywall and pulling out nails, to sweeping debris, to spraying chlorine bleach to kill mold. We worked on six houses. And while we feel great accomplishment in contributing in that hands-on way to the recovery, it was the feeling of community that will stay in many of our minds.

Upon learning why we were in town, New Orleans residents continuously began their conversations with "Thank you for coming." This appreciation came not only from our Catholic Charities hosts  and homeowners but also from people on the airplane, in restaurants, and even at the Jazz Festival. People brought us fried chicken and gumbo to say thank you. Our mere presence gave a sense of hope to those who call home - a city that has so much yet to do. But at the same time, the trip gave the 38 of us the chance to live out our Catholic faith. We not only made our community of St. Francis feel a little smaller as we worked, ate, laughed, and prayed together, but also made our world view a bit broader as we saw the devastation, which was far more vast and extensive than words or pictures can describe. (We also enjoyed the presence of several non-St. Francis parishioners in our group.)

We thank our community of St. Francis for your support and prayers, and we will keep you posted as to what happens next. Indeed, rather than feeling that the trip ended our commitment, many of us feel that we have just begun. Perhaps you would like to think about joining us.

With your help, our twin parish St. Paul the Apostle in New Orleans, recently completed their new ceramic tile floor. The tile bag drive collected more than $33,000 which covered the entire cost of the floor. On Sunday, April  23rd, 18 members of our Going South group celebrated with St. Paul's parishioners at their first Mass on the new floor. The St. Francis of Assisi parish community is the biggest supporter of St. Paul's rebuilding efforts. Father Bernard and every parishioner extend their deepest gratitude for helping them in their recovery.

Look what our High School Youth are doing!

Many of our events are the result of this hardworking group of
high school peer ministers!

On Good Friday the high school youth presented the annual Living Way of the Cross to a packed church.  The rehearsals and early morning were well worth it.  This was a moving experience for the teens and the
parishioners.  Look for us again next year.

The Spring Lock-In! We had a blast at the spring Lock-in and are already looking forward to the June and August Lock-ins.


On behalf of all of the people of St. Francis of Assisi parish, I want to thank Mrs. Linda Miller for ten years of great service as principal of St. Francis School.
Under her leadership the school continues to be an outstanding religious and educational experience for our young people.  As St. Luke tells us of Christ in his gospel:  "Jesus progressed steadily in wisdom and age and grace." (Luke 2:52).   Mrs. Miller has made sure that this is the experience for the young people of our school.
While we wish her well in her retirement, we do not say goodbye.  She and her husband, Dick, will remain parishioners at St. Francis.  I am sure we will continue to see them at Mass and other activities.
     Fr. Jim McDougall, Pastor

Mrs. Linda Miller writes ~

Thanks to everyone for my ten great years as principal of St. Francis School!  Over the years there have been numerous highlights for me, but most of all I will remember the many children who passed through our doors.
I will especially remember:
  • The kindergarten students calling me Mrs. Principal before they "matured" to calling me Mrs. Miller;
  • The sounds of laughter and giggles;
  • Seeing energetic, smiling students lining up for classes in the morning with such great joy, ready for the day ahead;
  • Lots of hugs from children, parents AND grandparents;
  • Hearing the words "Mrs. Miller's here, Mrs. Miller's here" in a grocery store or restaurant, as students don't expect to see you away from school;
  • Making eye contact and smiling at students going up for Communion or the blessing at weekend liturgies;
  • Having high school students return to thank us for their special years at St. Francis School; and
  • Laughing with the teachers and staff about the funny things that students say and do and stating numerous times that I should write a book.

  • Many changes have occurred in our computer technology, our curriculums, our development efforts and in our facility, but it has and continues to be the people who make St. Francis a great place.  Besides the students, my special thanks go to our dedicated teachers, our wonderful parents, the parish and school staff and all of our parishioners and friends who have made special sacrifices on behalf of Catholic education.  Another huge thank you goes to my husband, Dick, who has listened and provided advice, love and support throughout my 30 years in education.

    I'll still be around. We will continue to live in Ann Arbor, attend St. Francis Church and help as much as we can.  God bless you all and thanks again for enriching my life so deeply.

    Knights work to Beautify Church Grounds

    At 8 a.m. on Saturday, May 20, 2006 (one week later than originally planned due to heavy rains) two dozen members and families of our Parish Knights of Columbus began gathering in front of the Church.  Over the next five hours, they worked diligently in weeding, pruning, and trimming bushes, shrubs, and landscape beds around the Church, PAC, Parish Office, and Rectory.  They even removed a couple of good-sized, but very dead, bushes from a bed near the west parking lot.  The work was capped by spreading over 30 cubic yards of wood-chip mulch on all the beds.  Their efforts saved an incredible amount of maintenance work and time, and we have all enjoyed the benefits of their labors ever since that Saturday.  Among those participating were Michael Cesar (Grand Knight) and his daughter Victoria, Wayne Meier (coordinator), Brian Biggs and his son Anthony, Don and Anne Courtois, Greg Dull and his sons Nathan and Ryan, Alan Duva, Darryl Fedewa and his son Darren, Robert Klingler, Peter Landry and his daughter Caroline, John Miller and his sons John and David, Chris Mollo, Sue Wawrzaszek and her son Ryan, Howard Zeck, and our summer maintenance intern, Tim Kieras.  Thanks to all of you, and anyone we overlooked, and we hope to make this an annual occurrence, if not twice a year!

    A Big Thanks To All Who Made our Parish Health Fair a Success!
    … YOU provided services to over a hundred individuals at our annual event that was held on March 26, 2006.  This includes special thanks to the following individuals and organizations without which the event would not be possible:
  • All of the parishioners who volunteered their time and talent to plan, prepare materials for, and staff the event.
  • University of Michigan Medical Center Community Health Services and M-Fit for the community grant, equipment, and staff to provide free cholesterol screening.
  • Kellogg Eye Center and ophthalmologists, and the American Medical Student Association's University of Michigan Medical School Glaucoma Screening Activity Group, for the glaucoma screening equipment and health professionals to provide the glaucoma screening services.
  • University of Michigan Health System Community Youth Program for loaning us their educational models and materials.
  • Parish Nursing Department at St Joseph Mercy Hospital for providing the Smoking Cessation and Alcohol Awareness equipment and materials.
  • The massage therapists from Clinical Body Work, and Rachel Ouillette, CMT and students from the Ann Arbor Institute of Massage Therapy for supplying the equipment and personnel for the complimentary chair massages.
  • Deborah Coley, St Francis Parish Health Ministry

    If you have questions related to your health, or want to be involved with our parish Health Ministry events, please call 821-2115 (voicemail).

    A Special Thank You to our
    Religious Education Teachers, Aides  & Support Volunteers!
    Thank you to the volunteer teachers, aides, and those who supported the formation of 720 children in preschool to eighth grade Religious Education this past 2005/06 year.  May God bless your devotion and dedication to teaching the person of Jesus Christ to the parish religious education children.--Ellen Ward, DRE

    2005/06 Catechists & Aides
    Jemma Arokiaraj
    Jen Austria
    Margarita Barrientes
    Kaleena Bernardi
    Patricia Biggs
    Jean Bis
    Matthew Blaney
    Juliet Bogan
    Lisa Bozzi
    Philip Camp
    Deborah Clancy
    Michael Clancy
    Jeff Crause
    Maria Cristobal
    Cynthia D'Agostino
    Dawn DuBuc
    Janine Erba
    Jennifer Exline
    Carol Fedewa
    Darryl Fedewa
    Nicholas Ferris
    Mary Foeller
    Holly Fortin
    Wendy Fry
    Stephanie Gelderloos
    Nora Gomez
    Claudia Harrison
    Andrea Henderson
    Bobbie Henderson
    Victoria Hepler
    Deborah Hoffman
    Mary Jimenez
    Andrea Kempton
    Chris Kempton
    John Kinch
    Sue King
    Ruth Koelling
    Peter Landry

    Ken Lardie
    Jennifer Ledwidge
    Alvinia London
    Cindy McBride
    Elizabeth Mikols
    Nancy Milligan
    Katie Murray
    Melissa Nagy
    Margaret Noori
    Kelley O'Neill
    Sylvia Otero
    Kori Pennington
    Kim Rinella
    Kathleen Ritenour
    Janice Robb
    Shannon Roehl
    Jessica Schmeck
    Winifred Schweiger
    Jacqueline Silhanek
    Angela Smith
    Lynn Sohacki
    Michael Spath
    Roxanne St. Pierre
    Clare Stando
    John Paul Stando
    Anne Stemmerich
    Laura Stubbs
    Marilyn Suter
    Amanda Van Dort
    Michael Vizzini
    Catherine Wagoner
    Joan Ward
    David Wesner
    Laura White
    Joann Williams
    Alli Yagappan
    Thomas Yavaraski
    Maureen Ybarra

    Rel Ed Office Volunteers
    Cathy Ebbert
    Jessica Hungerford
    Deisy Santos

    Liturgy of the Word Leaders
    Sara Uytingco, Children's Liturgy Coordinator
    Sally Atkins Burnett
    Julie Bernas
    Patti Biggs
    Cynthia D'Agostino
    Lisa Jackson
    Sarah Liu
    Ronnie O'Brien
    Tracey Roy-Williams
    Kristen Stumpo
    Ramona Thompson
    Julie White
    Mary Ellen White
    Sarah Yost

    Thanks also to:
    Rita Kieras, Secretary
    Victoria Emch, Middle School Youth Coordinator
    Karen Digby, Edge assistant
    Tricia Strassburg, Preschool Enrichment Teacher
    Terri Diedrich,  Preschool Enrichment Aide
    Denise Fisher, Coordinator of Special Needs Children
    Sue Maguire, Liturgy assistant
    Carol Fedewa, Religious Education choir director

    Since my last report to you in November of 2005, our attention has been focused on two major projects in the Parish, and a handful of smaller ones.  The largest project involved the conversion of a former school classroom, most recently used as office and conference space, back into a classroom for the new preschool program to be offered through St. Francis School beginning this fall.  This conversion required the relocation of two staff members and a conference room, which in turn required renovation of previous storage areas into new offices and a new meeting room.

    The other significant project involved the replacement in January of a steam boiler servicing the K/3 building of our School.  The old boiler gave out during a cold spell that month, and a new one had to be installed on very short notice.  This was accomplished in three days through some extraordinary effort by our HVAC contractor, with little, if any, disruption to ongoing School or Religious Ed programs.

    Among the smaller programs undertaken in the past six months was the upgrading of office computers and printers, as we moved from a Windows 98 platform to Windows XP.  This upgrade has been very helpful to Fr. Jim, Fr. Kusi, and all the Parish Office staff, especially the Business Office staff.

    Other projects completed included the expansion and renovation of the east end storage area of the Gym, including enhancements to the exterior facing St. Francis Drive (what used to be the main entrance to the Parish's "second" Church, now the Gym), and the acquisition of additional dark brown folding chairs and Mity-Lite tables for the PAC.  It is likely that, over time, we will have to replace worn out tables and chairs, but the bulk of these expenses are now behind us.
    During this fiscal year, we began setting aside funds to be used for some large-ticket items, including the replacement of our back-up hot water boiler (servicing the Church and the 4/8 School building) and the eventual replacement of our largest non-Church roofs (the PAC, the Middle School, and the Gym, likely in that order).  In the near future we will also have to deal with remedial work on our parking lots and the Bell Tower.  School Development efforts will assist in funding new flooring for the School Library (to occur this summer), and the eventual replacement of remaining non-insulated windows and doors in the Fishbowl, Music Room, 6th grade, K/1, and 2/3 entry areas of the School.  It is also hoped that grant funding will be obtained which would enable us to proceed with restroom upgrades in the School.

    We were certainly fortunate that what started off in late 2005 as a very severe winter, turned into a much more mild one in early 2006.  This enabled us to stay within budget on snow removal and salting expenses, which was a great improvement from the prior year.  Utility costs are another story.  In an effort to keep our electric and gas expenses within reason, we participate in alternative supplier programs sponsored by the Michigan Association of Non-Public Schools, which we estimate saves us close to 10% on our bills.  This year our budget for electric service is $52,000, and appears that we will be pretty much on target for the year.  Gas service, however, is running quite a bit higher than budget.  When we set our budget for this fiscal year in February 2005, we anticipated a 25% increase in gas expenses, and budgeted $40,000 for the year.  Through the first nine months of the fiscal year (we have not yet been billed for April service), we have already spent almost $52,000.  It is likely that we could exceed $60,000 for the fiscal year.  This is despite our best efforts, through replacement doors and windows, and added insulation, to keep heat loss to a minimum.  We continue to be alert to ways we can reduce our energy costs, but it looks as though we will have to continue to increase our budgeted amounts as, just like everyone else, there are aspects of pricing which are beyond our control.

    We appreciate your continuing support of the Parish, and, as always, please feel free to call or e-mail me should you have any questions or comments.

    Dave Barera, Parish Business Manager
    or call 734.821.2111

    Stephen Ministers are now providing care for people in our community.

    There are five different types of "Needs for Care":
    -- Crisis Care: (new immediate issue);
    -- Follow-Up Care: (after shocks, continued recovery);
    -- Chronic Care:  (terminal, never ends);
    -- Preventative Care: (prior to anticipated event);
    -- Supportive Care:  (for a friend or relative caring for a loved one);

    We all know someone in crisis who doesn't know where to turn. Someone who is tense, upset, worn out - needing someone to talk with, someone to care.  There are three easy steps to help.
    1.  Listen and care for your friend in your own relationship together.
    2.  Ask your friend for permission to share his or her need with someone who can help. Be sure to tell your friend that all information will be kept confidential.
    3.  Once permission is given, report his or her need as promptly as possible. You can do this by calling our parish social ministry office at 821-2121. (Please do not report a friend's need without first asking his or her permission to do so.)

    "The scope and depth of the training program is impressive.  Not only are we learning and practicing the skills needed to work in this Ministry, but also have access to many other materials and people who have experience in doing the same."
      Mary Ianni
    "It is an awesome responsibility and joy that Jesus decided to do his work in the world today through us."  Rich Badics

    "The training for Stephen Ministry has been a life altering experience. Not only have I a become a part of a wonderful new community of Stephen Ministers but also I have learned a great deal about myself and how to work with others."
        Sara Maxam

    Not Pictured: Marty, Kathi, Nick, Mark H., Connie, Thomas, Mary, Karen M., and Molly.

    Marriage-a Holy Vocation?
    Author presented Workshop for Parish Couples
    Fr Rob Ruhnke, a marriage preparation expert and author, conducted a full-day marriage enrichment workshop for all married couples, and our Sponsor Couples who help engaged couples prepare for their upcoming marriages. This powerful workshop looked at the modern meaning of a life-long relationship, and how the Sacrament of Marriage has changed and evolved within the Church teaching. The idea of Marriage as a holy vocation and the importance of our family of origin on our Marriage, are central for success. Real vulnerability and intimacy are seen as the key to a long married relationship.

    Educational Trust Fund Benefit a Success!

    The 5th annual Educational Trust Fund Benefit "An Evening in Assisi" held on May 12th, was a huge success!  More than 275 people enjoyed the elegant affair that included a cocktail reception, dinner, dessert bar, and live and silent auctions.  According to event chairs Holly and Chuck Stankovic, preliminary financial results for the evening indicate it raised nearly $60,000 in net proceeds for the school's endowment fund.

    "An Evening in Assisi" absolutely sparkled!  The Kensington Court's ballroom was enhanced with a charming Italian atmosphere provided by the beautiful artwork of St. Francis students.  St. Francis parishioner and Talk Radio 1600 WAAM' s morning host, Lucy Ann Lance, kept the program moving with her trademark enthusiasm and humor.
    The Chenille Sisters provided the entertainment and dazzled the crowd with their delightful harmonies and witty lyrics.  A highlight of the show was when audience member Thomas Clark joined the trio on stage for a rendition of "Pink Cadillac" complete with costume and dance steps.

    The festivities were topped off with a spirited live auction with bidders vying for amazing treasures including a Chicago trip with Wicked tickets, a dinner for 8 prepared by the Washtenaw Country Club's chef, a Harbor Springs getaway, breakfast with Lloyd Carr and more.  Throughout the night, participants bid on an incredible array of silent auction treasures for men, women and children.  All items were donated by parishioners and businesses in the community.

    The Educational Trust Fund Board of Trustees would like to thank each and every guest that attended the benefit as well as the numerous individuals that couldn't be present but made a donation to the event, as well as the businesses and individuals that contributed in-kind gifts.  Special thanks are extended to the following donors and volunteers whose support was tremendously instrumental in making "An Evening in Assisi" a terrific success:

    Marc & Julianna Feeney
    Pfizer Foundation

    Archangels $1,001-$2,000
    Bill & Mary Claire Anhut
    Patti Dobbs
    Cyril Grum & Cathy Strachan
    Mike & Diane Leoni
    Louis & Kathy Magagna
    Michael & Kimm Sarosi
    Chuck & Holly Stankovic
    John & Gina Walsh

    Angels $501-$1,000
    Beacon Investment
    Karen Carr
    Bill & Ehren Dirksen
    Bob & Angie Geppner
    Larry & Bonnie Hagerty
    Knights of Columbus
    E. James Murphy
    Jack & Marilyn Palazzolo
    Tim & Shann Patton
    Cathy Pietrasiuk
    Joseph & Deborah Purcell
    George & Judi Schwartz
    Phil & Lynn Stella
    Greg & Ramona Thompson
    Angelets $251-$500
    Dave & Moni Barera
    Doug & Kris Busch
    Marty Edwards
    Bill & Kathy Gabriel
    Sebastian & Narmeen Gaeta
    Steve & Debra Hermann
    Scott & Linda Hinshaw
    Steve & Kathey Huczek
    Jim & Kate Kimmet
    David & Karen Kowal
    Florence Kruzas
    Betty Lemmer
    Bill & Mary Litty
    Joe & Karen McKeown
    Corey & Stephanie MacGillivray
    Valentine & Diane Martis
    Kevin & Patty Moore
    Ted & Jeanne Papenthien
    Bob & Carol Parent
    Mike & Janet Reid
    Catherine Sesi
    Mike Shalhoub & Dawn Curtis
    Thomas Sidlik &
       Rebecca Boylan
    Pete & Kristen Stump

    In-Kind Gifts

    (Treasures, Centerpieces & Decorations)

    A & H Landscaping, Ann Arbor Country Club, Ann Arbor YMCA, Ann Gladwin, Ayla & Co., Banfield's Westside, Jeff Barnett, Bella Ciao, Best Buy, Big George's, Birchler Family, Blaha Family, Border's, Busch's Valuland, Cake Fantasy, Camalo Family, Lloyd Carr, Coach-Me-Fit, Fr. Kusi Cobona, Coffman Family, Colonial Lanes, Common Grill Restaurant, Core Grace Pilates Studio, Cottage Inn, Crystal Mountain, Dave & Norma Beauchamp, Dawn Curtis, DeBacker Family, Deutschmann Family, Dirksen Family, Discount Tire, Dog-O-Mat, Domino's Petting Farm, Dream Dinners, Fr. Terry Dumas, Durham Family, Eaton Family, Elizabeth J Interiors, Falahee Family, Fellhauer Family, David & Lisa Filipe, Fingerle Family, Francesca Gitchlag, Gabriel Family, Gaeta Family, Genetti's Hole-in-the-Wall, Giada DeLaurentiis, Grum/Strachan Family, Guerard Family, Huffman Family, Icaza Family, Kensington Court, Kreick Family, LaShish, Leoni Family, Libs Family, Lilac Tree Hotel, Mackinac Island Ferry, Mackinac Theatre, Madej Family, Main Street Ventures, Donna Malcolm, Fr. Jim McDougall, Michael Susanne Salon, Dick & Linda Miller, Thomas Miller Family, Moe's, Moffett Family, Molly Parent, Mongolian Barbeque, My Handyman, Nique-Elle Salon, Oasis Hot Tub, Panera Bread, Partners in Travel, Patton Family, Pearlstrings, Pietrasiuk Family, Portage Point Inn & Yacht Club, Qdobas, Quality 16 Theatre, Quarter Bistro, Quinn's Essentials, Red Hawk, Roddy Family, Roly Poly Sandwiches, Rox's Ruff Cuts Co., Schakolad Chocolate Factory, St. Francis PTG, St. Francis Teachers/Staff, Stetz Family, Swastek Family, Team Apparel, The Earle, Tirico Family, Trader Joe's, Travis Pointe Country Club, Washtenaw Country Club, WDFN 1130 AM, Weber's Inn, Elizabeth Weber, Whole Foods, Wine Etc., Yeiter Family, YMCA of Ann Arbor, Zanzibar.

    Steering Committee Volunteers

    Chuck and Holly Stankovic, Chairpersons.  Joe Barr, Deb Camalo, Laura DeBacker, Terri Diedrich, Ehren Dirkson, Patti Dobbs, Gail Drake, Joy Durham, Lisa Edwards, Lisa Filipe, Kathy Gabriel, Angie Geppner, Linda Hinshaw, Kristy Huige, Elizabeth Jarzembowski, Stephanie MacGillivray, Valentine Martis, Linda Miller, Mary Moffett, Carol Parent, Colleen Pierce, Cathy Pietrasiuk, Deb Purcell, Laurie Ruselowski, Cathy Strachan, Ramona Thompson, Gina Walsh, Caroline Wunderlich, Julie Yeiter

    For more information on the benefit and to view pictures from the event, visit www.stfrancisa2/school then click on St Francis Educational Trust Fund Benefit.


    FOOD DRIVE Thanks:

    "St. Francis parishioners provided groceries to low-income seniors in March.  You have brought smiles to their faces and we are grateful.
    - Neighborhood Senior Services Staff"

    Tax Assistance Program 

    a tremendous success thanks to all who helped: Julie Soyer, Asmat Noori, Joseph McCadden, Chris Simmons, John Zakerski, Mary Murray, Dick Miller.  All of our clients appreciate your efforts and the time that you spent with them.  You all make a difference!
        From the statistics that we kept, we saw approximately 54 clients this year and prepared tax returns that netted in excess of $30,000 of refunds to the greater Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti areas!  I'm sure that this number is a lot higher based on the statistics that were not recorded.  This doesn't always sound like a lot of money, but many of our clients are senior citizens on fixed incomes so every $1 is important.   We'll see you again next year.

    On Holy Thursday  

    our Special Collection donations at the Mass of the Last Supper went to help AIDS Survivors both locally and in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
       We received thank you notes from both organizations.  This is a quote from KOFAVIV Haiti Reborn… In Haiti we say, "Nwit la long, men rev nou pi long.  The night is long, but our dream is longer.  Thank you for dreaming with us!"

    SHELTER at Alpha House:  We did it!!

    Here are the list of names who helped with Alpha House the week of April 2 - 9.  Thank you for helping on short notice!    Mary Ellen White, Sara Uytingco, Adrienne Waller, Barb Pommey, Herb Black, Trish Strassburg, Teri Deidrich, Margie Hermes, Erin Dirksen, Dawn Coughlin, Linda Matton, Sara Liu, Allen Sherzer, Ann Kastanis, Sophie Kastanis, Mark Ten Brink, Marie Claire Wissman, Ann Bogits, Bob Conlin, Nancy Fulcher, Steve Synco, Marty Javornisky, Jane Antosiak, Kelly Gaultier, Peter DeChant, Jeanne Papenthein, Kim Sarosi, the Lenten Group, and Patti Yonka.

    The Edge is about service, fun and the Spirit!!
    On February 25th, 25 youth gathered in the PAC to make fleece blankets which were then donated to the Safehouse Shelter in Ann Arbor. It was great for the youth to work on this wonderful project while having fun at the same time.
    On March 11th, nine of our youth attended the Diocesan Middle School Youth Rally in Jackson. The theme was "Make a Difference." We were all challenged to make a difference in the lives of those around us. It was stressed that smiling at someone or lending a listening ear was enough to make a difference. We are able to share the love of Christ through even the smallest of actions. The Rally ended with a "Fun Night" for the youth which included dancing, karaoke, and other great activities.
    On April 24th at one of our Monday sessions, we had "Edge Olympics!" The events  were aimed to be fun while fostering teamwork and cooperation at the same time.  Some of our events were a pie eating contest, egg spoon relay, bubble gum blowing contest and water balloon toss!!

    The Edge Middle School Group will be having activities and projects during the summer months. Please read the Forum to see when these wonderful events will take place!! These events are open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders!!  For more information, contact Victoria Emch ( or 821-2133).