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Baptism Preparation
You want to
have your child baptized? This is a wonderful gift for your child, salvation
in Jesus Christ and membership in His Church. This is also an important
decision on your part, because as the parents, you are the first teachers
of your child in the practice of the faith. This is why before you make
the final decision, you yourselves will need to be active in your Christian
faith and participating members of this Catholic community. We must teach
what we believe and practice what we teach.
The requirements for baptism here at St. Francis are the following:
participation in a pre-Baptism class. The classes are offered the first
Thursday of each month in the lower Chapel at 7pm. We recommend that
if possible you attend the class before the birth. No pre-registration
is required for the class.
All baptisms are done during the celebration of the Sunday 12:15 Mass
only. Since baptism is a celebration of new Christian life in the Body
of Christ and the whole community is expected to support the child, no
"private" baptisms are allowed. They simply do not make sense.
If you feel that you are ready to share your faith in word and action
with your child, then call Fr. Bosco to register and begin the
preparation for your child's baptism. He may be reached through the parish
office at 734-769-2550.
Additional information: