     the Gospel
       always, and
    when necessary
    use words"
-St Francis of Assisi-
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Eucharistic Ministry to Our Sick & Homebound Neighbors

If you are unable to be with us at Mass please call the Parish office (769-2550). A lay minister will bring Communion to you at home. We encourage family members to bring Communion as well. 

Are You Willing to 
Serve Jesus in the Elderly?

             There are opportunities available for taking communion to individual homes, & to area nursing homes.  
             St. Francis volunteers minister to the homebound in their own homes or visit one of the 11 nursing/assisted living homes to take our Lord's Body and Blood to our sick or elderly brothers and sisters.
              Is God calling you to be his hands an feet to the sick or elderly who are unable to join us at mass?  Would you consider taking the Eucharist to our home bound brothers and sisters?
              You may choose to visit individuals who reside at home or those that reside in a nursing home or assisted living environment.  Hours are flexible.
              Training is provided.  To become a member of our Homebound Ministry Team or for more information please call the Parish office (769-2550).

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Parish Social Ministry Office, 
2150 Frieze Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48104

St. Francis Parish Home