August 2005
Dear fellow parishioner:Once again, I present you with an annual report on various aspects of the parish. First the bad news: As you can see from the financial report, we ended 2004-05 slightly in the red. Actually this would have been worse if you had not responded to our post-Easter appeal for increased giving. Your giving decreased the gap. The school also responded to our cash needs by paying ahead on next year's tuition and by planning several fund raising events to make up this year's one-time tuition deficit.
More importantly, what are we doing about the financial situation for this coming year? Several things: The school has developed its budget based upon a reduced number of students (and that number of students are enrolled for this coming year). The Finance Council and I have reduced staffing by one person and we have developed a somewhat smaller budget to meet the needs of our parish. We are asking (counting!) on your continued financial giving. For those who have not increased your financial giving, I ask you to consider doing so. To maintain solvency, we had to defer six monthly loan payments to the Diocese, as well as postpone some needed building repairs. We are hoping your increased giving will help us to do these things before damage is caused.
The financial situation of the parish is more stable than a few months ago. Now, let's get beyond finances. Despite Michigan's problems and lack of new jobs, we continue to remain strong with 3,055 registered households (around 350 households were new in this past year and roughly 300 households moved away). Significantly, of the 3055 households, 594 households are single adults -- most of these single adults are in the 25 through 35 age range. You have probably noticed at church on Sunday that there are a growing number of singles at St. Francis.
Of the 8,305 registered people at the parish, over 3000 are between the ages of 0 and 18 years. So Baptisms continue to be strong (164), First Communions numbered 203, Confirmations numbered 190, and there were 48 people who entered the church through the RCIA. Only deaths were down in the past year (only 32 compared with 49 the year before). All in all, I think this speaks well of the vitality of our parish community. Our religious education programs continue to grow in numbers and increase in quality. The school is strong. Our Preschool programs are expanding this coming year. Even our Vacation Bible School is the biggest in the area.
I am also proud of how we have reached out to the poor and those in need -- I can count over fifty ways that has happened this past year. Equally impressive are the number of you who have deepened your faith as adults through classes and various prayer and support groups. We can never live with "yesterday's" faith. It must be exercised and made vital for today and tomorrow! And who can forget the eight different ensembles, choirs and groups that help us to worship better?
None of this would be possible if thousands of you did not support our community and each other, not only financially, but with your time and talent. As I have often said to you, you cannot be Catholic alone. We are there for each other and we discover our salvation in Christ through and with one another.
I am glad to be part of this Catholic community called St. Francis. I hope you are also.
Fr. Jim McDougall, Pastor